Lara can be hanging onto that plane and we could still have control, essentially making it a variation of QTE to some people, but I don't consider it to be. Quote:
^Oh, I thought he was talking about the camera feature to be announced. :vlol: He's talking about Camilla, right?
I never hated QTE's initially, I loved them in Legend and I even kept killing myself to repeat them again, but I think it makes a game feel more restricted, I'd prefer more flow and freedom. |
and playable demo for us lol . I'm happy now , because the team won't be silent like after E3 2011 . |
Of course I was talking about Camilla. :D
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7253/7...6510531d_z.jpg Quote:
I'm not sure to take CD's word for it, tbh. I just can't after the overload of QTE's in the past games.
Did Underworld really have all that many QTEs? I don't remember a lot in TRU to be honest.
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