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larafan25 02-02-12 02:54


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950507)
Didn't they say they'll reveal the gameplay trailer in early 2012? Or is it just me? :confused:

Yes I believe it was said to be a gameplay trailer early this year.

1st by Karl in an interview as a response to the leaked hub footage, I think.

2nd from someone who went to the Germany meeting.

Lukass 02-02-12 02:55

Yay then I guess.

larafan25 02-02-12 02:57

But I don't see it happening.


Although CD could just be lying about tons of **** on purpose so they don't spoil stuff.

Lukass 02-02-12 02:59

Why you don't see it happening? Isn't now the best time for it?

Spong 02-02-12 03:00


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950514)
Although CD could just be lying about tons of **** on purpose so they don't spoil stuff.

Like they did with Underworld, except that wasn't Crystal trying to not spoil stuff, they actually meant it. Day & night cycles, dynamic weather effecting gameplay, only 50% explored on first playthough. I could go on...


Lukass 02-02-12 03:01

So true :-/

larafan25 02-02-12 03:01


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950516)
Why you don't see it happening? Isn't now the best time for it?

I'm sorry I'm dying laughing right now...

Karl's mention of Uncharted in the podcast is soo awkward and sticks out like a swore thumb.../death....

But TBH...I would love a trailer now, but I think right before E3 would be good too.

Although I really want one now (as in March) that we can dissect until E3.


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5950517)
Like they did with Underworld, except that wasn't Crystal trying to not spoil stuff, they actually meant it. Day & night cycles, dynamic weather effecting gameplay, only 50% explored on first playthough. I could go on...


Day and night cycles? You could go on but not prove it too well. Not to mention dynamic weather is a matter of actual name or description. The changing weather conditions throughout the game and in Mexico would evoke "dynamic" regardless of it actually being a dynamic system.

Spong 02-02-12 03:05

^Crystal screwed up the PR for Underworld with a load of out-and-out BS and, to top it off, the game sucked anyway. Get over it, stop trying to defend it or Crystal :ton:


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950520)
But TBH...I would love a trailer now, but I think right before E3 would be better.

It makes more sense to release a trailer when there's generally more buzz in the gaming world. Chatter about E3 goes on for a long while after the show's over, and TR could ride that wave quite happily. Releasing a trailer now would make a splash, but in a fortnight no one (except us nerds) will really remember it.

larafan25 02-02-12 03:07


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5950523)
^Crystal screwed up the PR for Underworld with a load of out-and-out BS and, to top it off, the game sucked anyway. Get over it :ton:

It makes more sense to release a trailer when there's generally more buzz in the gaming world. Chatter about E3 goes on for a long while after the show's over, and TR could ride that wave quite happily. Releasing a trailer now would make a splash, but in a fortnight no one (except us nerds) will really remember it.

GDC is in March and it's big enough for trailer releases, sooo...

Spong 02-02-12 03:10


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950525)
GDC is in March and it's big enough for trailer releases, sooo...

But that's a conference, not a show. I imagine anything happening there will be low-key and on a corporate level, nothing really for the general public. We might get a bit of written info or maybe some screens, but I don't think a new trailer will happen until E3.

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