Originally Posted by Lukass
(Post 5959127)
Looks like you're losing interest. That's tragedy! Nooooooooooooooooooooo! :-/
I haven't lost interest in the game itself, but in the media campaign.
I've begun to rationalize with a principle that perhaps CD don't know they're showing off, and that is the idea that all of the content in the game is actually important.
Although TRU was the only TR campaign I have been Internet-present for, I feel as thought perhaps there is a history of traditional and repetitive game campaigns which may have desensitized fans to some of the game's content.
So it became expected to learn this piece of information at this stage and it meant nothing, but without it all Hell would break loose.
From my memory, most of the games I have enjoyed the most have been the ones which I have known little about, and the experience unwrapped before me as I played. That's what I want with this game.
Originally Posted by skylark1121
(Post 5959128)
No, I'm good. :p