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Phlip 18-07-13 22:58


Originally Posted by Patrick star (Post 6854488)
well this is confusing :p I think the sequel won't have a number but a subtitle .

TR10 might be called:

TR Tomb Raider

As in -

DmC Devil May Cry


larafan25 18-07-13 22:59

They should call it...

Water: New Things

Phlip 18-07-13 23:00


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6854490)
They should call it...

Water: New Things

They should call it...

Yo Mama In Da Kitchen Makin' Beef Stew

Tonyrobinson 18-07-13 23:02


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6854490)
They should call it...

Water: New Things

TOMB RAIDER: Expansion Stuff pack


TOMB RAIDER: Featuring stuff previously removed from the previous game to introduce as something new and revolutionary such as crawl, vehicles, outfits and swimming and pretend they are brand new due to a marketing desicion to remove them in the first place in order to make us do a small amount of work and still get paid even though we already developed them previously but held them back similar to an apple product


Spong 18-07-13 23:03

They should call it...

A Woman with a **** Load of Guns.

larafan25 18-07-13 23:04


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6854494)
TOMB RAIDER: Expansion Stuff pack


TOMB RAIDER: Featuring stuff previously removed from the previous game to introduce as something new and revelation army such as crawl, vehicles, outfits and swimming and pretend they are brand new due to a marketing desicion to remove them in the first place in order to make us do a small amount of work and still get paid even though we already developed them previously but held them back similar to an apple product


True. :(

Though I don't think this is intended the way you make it sound, but I still feel awful about it and we need swimming in TR10 but they shouldn't hype it beyond the podcast or something IDK.

edit: Though removing some things was good IMO.

GUMI 18-07-13 23:16

The help; Mommy won't save you, Lara!

Then it's sequel;

The help; Mommy to the rescue!

Looks like the first one had a misleading title.

Dustie 18-07-13 23:53


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6854477)
Lara needs to drive a car in TR2. IMO.

This!!! There should be a level where you get to speed on a Miami highway or something and blow up enemy's cars! Oh yes! And Michael Bay could direct the cutscenes! :p

spyrostr 20-07-13 00:45

is this for real???


3. Tomb Raider Reboot
- Game development + Marketing Costs: $USD 300,000,000
- Expected sales: 6-7 Million within first Month
- Expected Annual sales (2013): 11 Million
- Actual Sales as of June 13th: 4.1 Million
Sales value in $:360,000,000
Net: 120,000,000 (only a third of the sales is SE's revenue)
Loss: 180,000,000 as of June 2013!

Stevo505 20-07-13 00:47


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6856023)

The thread is called "financial SPECULATION" but it might be real. :p

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