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Zebra 11-09-13 02:06

^That goes for pretty much all of the ancient interior spaces IMO. The only interior spaces we actually got to explore were WWII bunkers and caves.

spyrostr 11-09-13 14:25

wow just woowwww

Lukass 11-09-13 15:28

^ It's so million times better than the original. The vocals...

Underhoe 11-09-13 16:03

It sounds even more like a mess...

Mikky 11-09-13 17:09


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6901599)
wow just woowwww


I actually thought the vocals ruined it a bit. It almost sounded like she was screeching when she (tried to) hit the high notes. Then again, it could just be down to that recording. Would have liked to actually be there to judge properly. But apart from that though, instruments-wise, very well played.

King.Louie 11-09-13 19:23


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6900941)

Making of Tomb Raider

Concept Art: Early Ascension Environment Exploration
Artist: Brenoch Adams, Art Director

The Concept Art puts the entire game to shame. We got nothing like that in the final product. *sigh*

_Ninja_ 11-09-13 19:36

The final product has fantastic art direction and environments imo.

Blackmoor 11-09-13 19:48


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6898952)
the one who more or less introduced me to Tomb Raider and Lara Croft was like "Who the f is that boy? " . S

:vlol: She DOES look a bit boyish.

Patrick star 11-09-13 19:54


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6901842)
The final product has fantastic art direction and environments imo.

and these concepts are paintings not ingame footage so everything tends to be amazing ....
TReboot has a lot of jaw-dropping environments both indoor and outdoor

Mr GaGa 12-09-13 20:03

Umm why does Square Enix repeatedly state that tomb raider failed to meet epectations?? I mean are they trying to make a point or something? To me the whole thing is just pointless, annoucing that the game failed over and over won't increase overall sales will it:confused:

I mean the game sold 1 million less than expected, do they take into account that tomb raider held her old against bioshock infinite and the incredible fact that she sold that many while being a female protagonist. Gosh:mad:

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