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tomee 12-09-13 20:07

I bet this is digital sales not included :rolleyes:

GUMI 12-09-13 20:11

I fail to see how Lara looks boyish :confused:
She looks 100% female in my eyes.

tomee 12-09-13 20:17


Originally Posted by Mr GaGa (Post 6902533)
the incredible fact that she sold that many while being a female protagonist. Gosh:mad:

Yeah and?
It's an incredible feat, but it's the sales that matter. Just because Lara is female doesn't mean the costs of producing the game was less than it would have been had they had a male protagonist. And therefore are expecting just as much profit as they would with a man as the lead character.

larafan25 12-09-13 20:21


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6902540)
I fail to see how Lara looks boyish :confused:
She looks 100% female in my eyes.

In some art she has a nice touch of .... male human-ness to her. ie. She doesn't look like she's wearing makeup that somehow actually isn't there...

_Ninja_ 12-09-13 21:20


Originally Posted by Mr GaGa (Post 6902533)
Umm why does Square Enix repeatedly state that tomb raider failed to meet epectations?? I mean are they trying to make a point or something? To me the whole thing is just pointless, annoucing that the game failed over and over won't increase overall sales will it:confused:

I mean the game sold 1 million less than expected, do they take into account that tomb raider held her old against bioshock infinite and the incredible fact that she sold that many while being a female protagonist. Gosh:mad:

A while back there was news that Sleeping Dogs was able to make money even though they sold less than 2 million. It still didn't get an official sequel announcement and SE keeps blaming it too. But TR did get a sequel and rather quickly. So I wouldn't take SE's PR at face value.

daventry 13-09-13 19:48

Im looking for Youtube Videos or a Video with All the Death Scenes please

KayCroft 13-09-13 21:55

Try these...I believe they left out the one with when you go back into the room where you are hung and the Oni smashed you to bits....Pretty brutal!

darksoul 14-09-13 00:35


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6901821)
The Concept Art puts the entire game to shame. We got nothing like that in the final product. *sigh*

That's because most of the concepts are from the Ascension idea i think (especially with the horse, clothes and the hair)

pirate1802 14-09-13 02:55

Concept arts always look better than the actual game. I wonder why.

larafan25 14-09-13 02:59

It's one image, from one angle that is meant to convey one feeling.

That being said, the reason those concepts look so good s because as soon as you see them you inhabit the island that never was. One, open island in which you stood along that shoreline as nightfall came, and you discovered that swamp on your own. These images convey isolation, discovery and exploration that felt a lil missing in the game itself due to all the interference of ... story I guess.

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