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larafan25 14-01-14 23:07

social science. wat.

Evan C. 14-01-14 23:08

Archaeology is a social science, didn't you know? Tough it's the only one who contains a material contact per se.

larafan25 14-01-14 23:09

But that don't mean poop to Lara.

She's a tomb raider.

Evan C. 14-01-14 23:12

And what does that even mean? What's the purpose then of all she's doing? She's clearly an archeologist. Sure, her methods are typical from late XIX century but what the heck.

Rai 14-01-14 23:32

I see what Lara does as stemming from Archaeology, that was her starting point but she....let's say specialises in the supernatural/mythical, and so, it has less to do with historical facts. It may be that in the rebooted universe, Lara tries to keep within history and archaeology, but she just keeps on uncovering these supernatural elements, so she eventually just kind of goes with it.

HowConvenient 15-01-14 03:23

She is NOT an archaeologist! Archaeologists survey and map and dig and publish and do not keep artifacts or destroy sites! She is trying to find out things for herself alone, and she is only interested in the big stuff and the trophies. The truth to the myths and not the past people is not really archaeology if you ignore the responsibilities and the rules. Technically speaking she is an antiquarian, but to put it plainly she is a treasure hunter, or a brilliant but curious thief. :)

Rai 15-01-14 10:21

^That's the original premise, sure, it's what 'old' Lara was. And maybe that's what CD are aiming for 'new' Lara becoming. So far though, her interest in adventure stems from her archaeological training. I have no idea if Core's Lara ever started out that way.

Evan C. 15-01-14 13:36


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6980095)
^That's the original premise, sure, it's what 'old' Lara was. And maybe that's what CD are aiming for 'new' Lara becoming. So far though, her interest in adventure stems from her archaeological training. I have no idea if Core's Lara ever started out that way.

This. But I must remark archaeology was born in the late XIX century with private colectors hiring globe-trotters adventurers (the real tomb raiders) and Lara fits perfectly to that, in certain way. It's like an analogy of the archaeology history. But there's a HUGE interest in Lara for archaeology this time around, more than ever before, and I love it.

HowConvenient 15-01-14 16:06


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6980095)
^That's the original premise, sure, it's what 'old' Lara was. And maybe that's what CD are aiming for 'new' Lara becoming. So far though, her interest in adventure stems from her archaeological training. I have no idea if Core's Lara ever started out that way.

She is only an archaeologist in title. She does not practice archaeology. Stealing the dagger is the moment when she decides, when she becomes a tomb raider. Tomb raiders break into tombs and steal the most interesting things for their own value, whether monetary or aesthetic, and then leave. This is what Lara does. Archaeologists survey for artifacts, dig for artifacts, 3D map everything, test everything, date everything and publish everything. One site takes years. It would never make a successful video game.

Core's Lara started out as an 'adventure, puzzle, Egypt/pyramid game' premise, with of course a male protagonist. But they were under threat of being sued for ripping off Indiana Jones, so they had to make it different. And what could be more different than a beautiful woman with crazy curves? Everyone was like 'what on earth are you thinking!?' But the designer (Toby Guard?) was like, 'no guys, this will work, trust me.' And I'm so glad they did! :p


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6980168)
This. But I must remark archaeology was born in the late XIX century with private colectors hiring globe-trotters adventurers (the real tomb raiders) and Lara fits perfectly to that, in certain way. It's like an analogy of the archaeology history. But there's a HUGE interest in Lara for archaeology this time around, more than ever before, and I love it.

Yes, that's exactly what Lara is, but on the biggest scale of artifacts, and for herself rather than someone else, because she is the rich benefactor, and she is interested in the mystery and the adventure as well. That may be where archaeology began, but now it is called antiquarianism as I said, not archaeology, and it is illegal, dealing only in secret and on the black market. Unfortunately it is still very popular in it's own circles, but it is hugely destructive to the archaeological record because zero recording and publishing is done so the context of the artifact is lost.

I do love that she was able to decipher the island's secrets, and identify the artifacts she found, and while that is a nod at archaeology, it is not in itself archaeology.

How do I know all this? I am currently working on a minor in archaeology. :) It's interesting, but not nearly as exciting as what Lara does.

Evan C. 15-01-14 17:41

Cool, of course what she does goes against the same logic of archaeology since she basically raids and destroys everything, wich means less data and incomplete information. And what she doesn't destroy she seems to keep it for herself, wich is even worst because as you said, it's contraproducent with archaeological purposes. I'm an archaeology student too.
This beind said, Lara still didn't got anything from her, so this would aply more to her previous "self". Let's hope and wait how this continues, however she has a more scholar attitude, clearly.

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