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larafan25 18-01-12 17:14


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 5924569)
Creep close, press a button and a QTE will start. I bet it's going to be like that, lol. :p

I am surprised that he answered your question about the axe. They're slowly giving away more details about gameplay now. Unfortunately we will have to wait till E3 for combat. :(

I kind of had it planned we'd see combat at E3.

Which leads me to believe we'll get a gameplay trailer either before or at GDC. Although I'd expect more of a demo at GDC.

I'm sad that he had to give away the bit about the artifacts.

It's sad that the fan base is so touchy and must know that this IS Tomb Raider and there IS an artifact. Why can't we just play the game and be surprised by the story we get tangled up in?

I think we should focus on the gameplay and whether we like the way it operates.

I like that combat is going to have variety, and I'm glad white ledges are gone. I think climbing is just going to be fun in this game, I hope the axe is fun to use regardless of it not offering freeclimb.

Although that does make me question how much skills and control we have when it comes to exploring the island.

Love2Raid 18-01-12 17:21

He didn't say what he meant with artifacts (artefacts?). It could be a rusty key for all we know. Not valuable, but it's still an artifact. :D

I do not want to hear anything more about the enemies, it must remain a surprise! :-)))

I never expected complete freedom (climbing etc). I doubt there will be much skill involved in platforming.

slavo120 18-01-12 17:23


not-so-distant future

larafan25 18-01-12 17:23


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 5924592)
He didn't say what he meant with artifacts (artefacts?). It could be a rusty key for all we know. Not valuable, but it's still an artifact. :D

I do not want to hear anything more about the enemies, it must remain a surprise! :-)))

I never expected complete freedom (climbing etc).

I hoped for free climb. But I sort of expected something more like the quick climbing in Lara's Shadow.

Which nobody should have much of an issue with considering it's essentially the same as the textured surfaces in the classics, with some crumbly bits of rock signaling interaction, or sometimes vines.

I just hope the island has physical depth and intricacy, whether we're moving across it or up it, I want it to feel big and real.

Love2Raid 18-01-12 17:33

I think they'll make the platforming fun, neither super obvious nor tedious. I also think that it won't be really different from for example Underworld or Anniversary, but with a few new things added and obviously better and more realistic animations. I can't wait to try it out!

About the size of the island, I have no doubt that we will be overwhelmed once we climb out of that cave and get the chance to look around. It's like taking all the levels of for example TRU and pasting them next to each other, with paths connecting them in various ways, incl. Beneath the Ashes and Lara's Shadow. Maybe even bigger!

larafan25 18-01-12 17:35


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 5924616)
I think they'll make the platforming fun, neither super obvious nor tedious. I also think that it won't be really different from for example Underworld or Anniversary, but with a few new things added and obviously better and more realistic animations. I can't wait to try it out!

About the size of the island, I have no doubt that we will be overwhelmed once we climb out of that cave and get the chance to look around. It's like taking all the levels of for example TRU and pasting them next to each other, with paths connecting them in various ways, incl. Beneath the Ashes and Lara's Shadow. Maybe even bigger!

I feel like we're not going to have nearly as many ledges on walls like Anniversary though.

I think the climbing will be more similar to the moves we do in the classics but with the controls of the past three games.


I just all of these level don't feel so enclosed. I don't want to see small hills with just enough slope that I can't run over and explore. I want to go everywhere.

MyRaider4Life 18-01-12 17:49

Hmm, does anybody else think that June is too close to release to be unveiling the combat? I mean, that's roughly 3 months before release... it just feels too close.

Rai 18-01-12 18:16


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 5924460)
Found this Q&A while I was browsing Eidos Forums, you might find it interesting:

Due to the wide range of different topics addressed, I think it would be best to just discuss it here, in the general discussion thread. But if you can't suppress your urge to create a new thread then by all means go right ahead. :)

Thank you for posting :tmb:. Very interesting. It almost feels like they're answering questions instead of 'soon', or 'can't answer yet' :p

Love2Raid 18-01-12 18:17

No problem! :hug:

Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5924620)
I feel like we're not going to have nearly as many ledges on walls like Anniversary though.

I think the climbing will be more similar to the moves we do in the classics but with the controls of the past three games.


I just all of these level don't feel so enclosed. I don't want to see small hills with just enough slope that I can't run over and explore. I want to go everywhere.

I think there will be more surfaces that you can interact with than in Underworld. I mean, in that game there were some blocks that you could vault over and some other, that looked pretty much the same, were completely ignored by Lara. So that was weird. I don't think it will be like that this time. And I also hope that there will be less ledges, but they will still be there of course. Except that they're more a part of the environment now. No more randomly placed poles etc. So you won't really know how you will climb a structure when you're looking at it from a distance, but when you get close, it will make sense. In the other games by CD, the path was very clear even from a great distance. Well, that's what I hope.

Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 5924644)
Hmm, does anybody else think that June is too close to release to be unveiling the combat? I mean, that's roughly 3 months before release... it just feels too close.

I guess it feels that way indeed, but like I said in another thread, we're just not used to this. CD's marketing strategy has changed a lot since Eidos was acquired by Square Enix...

I think it's fine, it's not like they need our approval or anything, lol. :p
As long as they show all the potential buyers what they've got before the release, it's okay. And it's a big event as well, lots of people watching. It must be something really cool if they keep it hidden till E3. I don't see any problems.

lcroft_lc 18-01-12 18:30


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5924581)
I kind of had it planned we'd see combat at E3.

Which leads me to believe we'll get a gameplay trailer either before or at GDC. Although I'd expect more of a demo at GDC.

I'm sad that he had to give away the bit about the artifacts.

It's sad that the fan base is so touchy and must know that this IS Tomb Raider and there IS an artifact. Why can't we just play the game and be surprised by the story we get tangled up in?

I think we should focus on the gameplay and whether we like the way it operates.

I like that combat is going to have variety, and I'm glad white ledges are gone. I think climbing is just going to be fun in this game, I hope the axe is fun to use regardless of it not offering freeclimb.

Although that does make me question how much skills and control we have when it comes to exploring the island.

See I told it long ago. As they told before they have unique plan on combat system it only can be shown at E3. Last year at E3, Tomb Raider won 2nd most awards, right after Battlefield 3. This year, TR not going to give any damn game any chance. Here comes the best E3 of all time. Can't ****ing wait. :jmp: :jmp:

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