lugund lura :vlol:
I think my IQ is dropping.
Ohkayeee guise hur...
Apr. 17-21 May 4-7 May 14-20 Dem be le magik daytz. Essentially me and ma bro dun shizzly-ho by le nayme uv Skylark came tu le conclusion that he would calculate media hotspots by looking at le stars uv le tyme in which we last recieved TR goodies (GI reveal, Turning Point, and E3 gameplay) and dis wuz le result. We may quite likely receive the beginnings of new media during dem tymes. April 17th is in 2 days. <3 |
Shall I submit an application for the bloody artwork? Starts to be pretty frustrating, this. :rolleyes:
April 17th iz myh burthdei <3 they should better give us sumthin. |
Application for artwork? ._.
Competition me thinks. ^
So how do we expect them to start the next wave of media?
They will just be dropping something (like the website I suppose) and then tellng us about it later than we recieve it because we're speedy. I expect them to start talking about their E3 workloads and such in the podcasts as we get closer to E3 (lol E3 workloads? I guess it exists). |
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