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Lukass 18-04-12 21:25

And why are you asking about Zip and Winston when you know this is a reboot and nothing from the past games happened in this TR universe? There are no characters from the past games. She has parents, but that's it. Don't expect Zip, Winston, Natla to come back in this series...

You need to get over it.

motoleo 18-04-12 21:31


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6116176)
And why are you asking about Zip and Winston when you know this is a reboot and nothing from the past games happened in this TR universe? There are no characters from the past games. She has parents, but that's it. Don't expect Zip, Winston, Natla to come back in this series...

You need to get over it.

Oh, Lukass. I know it's a reboot, but this is the first time I've ever really experienced a reboot so I don't know what's off limits and what isn't.

I hope they don't come back. But what if they do? I wouldn't know. I mean there's wolves.

Since this is a reboot though, wouldn't they need to reintroduce her? Yes. I think they would need to do that. When you watch Turning Point, it's kind of weird because this is some random woman we don't know.

Kind of cool.

Lukass 18-04-12 21:38


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6116196)
Oh, Lukass. I know it's a reboot, but this is the first time I've ever really experienced a reboot so I don't know what's off limits and what isn't.

I hope they don't come back. But what if they do? I wouldn't know. I mean there's wolves.

Since this is a reboot though, wouldn't they need to reintroduce her? Yes. I think they would need to do that. When you watch Turning Point, it's kind of weird because this is some random woman we don't know.

Kind of cool.

There's no "what if". They won't be back. None of them except her parents and we don't know their names, yet. I think it's not important at all. I wouldn't mind if they never reveal their names.

And what's the problem with the wolves? They are animals, not particular characters or persons.

Reintroduce her? That's what the game is about motoleo. They will tell us how an inexperienced British young woman became the Lara Croft - The adventurer, the archaeologists and the kick ass bitch!

SpyrosMonster 18-04-12 21:43


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6116218)
kick ass bitch!


motoleo 18-04-12 21:45


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6116218)
There's no "what if". They won't be back. None of them except her parents and we don't know their names, yet. I think it's not important at all. I wouldn't mind if they never reveal their names.

And what's the problem with the wolves? They are animals, not particular characters or persons.

Reintroduce her? That's what the game is about motoleo. They will tell us how an inexperienced British young woman became the Lara Croft - The adventurer, the archaeologists and the kick ass bitch!

Ah yes, can't wait!

Gamd1011 18-04-12 22:33

Richard_Croft 18-04-12 22:35

:cln: Lara is THE MOST beautiful female character in the game industry :hug:

Lukass 18-04-12 22:35

^ Just saw it in another thread! It's gorgeous! She's still our Lara <3

Spong 18-04-12 22:39


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6116361)

Starts & ends fantastically well. The middle bit though? Pfft...

skylark1121 18-04-12 22:39


Originally Posted by gamd1011 (Post 6116361)

amazing. D:

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