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Stevo505 20-04-12 02:08

Most recognized is actually probably Mario.

Also, I think AC3 and Black Ops 2 (or whatever) are releasing Fall 2012 too.

larafan25 20-04-12 02:09

Yep, Mario beat Lara.

Lukass 20-04-12 02:09


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6118594)
This needs to be a Blockbuster.

I hate the word blockbuster. It doesn't need to be a bloody blockbuster.


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6118594)
Who's the most successful female character in a video game?
Lara Croft

Who's the most detailed character in a video game?
Lara Croft

What's the most recognizable videogame character?
Lara Croft


Stevo505 20-04-12 02:11


"Wow, Tomb Raider has some big boobs."

That's like when I was at Disneyland and I heard a little kid say "Look at Tangled's hair!" when she met Rapunzel O_o

Shark_Blade 20-04-12 02:19


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6118596)
@Shark_Blade & @Mr. Giraffe

Do you think they would lie about things again? I mean, it's safe to say that they made LAU and LCGoL for us - fans, but they're focused on new players with the reboot too. They're trying to catch as much people as possible this time. I don't think they would do the same mistakes again, if you know what I mean. And also, the publisher now is Square-Enix. I don't really think they would tolerate that.

Oh, no, no. CD would never ever lied to us! Heaven forbid! They're practically saints!

Seriously, they've done it many times before or don't you remember?

You don't think they'll do the same mistakes again? Blind faith I see. It's good to have faith, but let's be realistic. And Square as a publisher does not guarantee anything, CD is still under Eidos. And Square has a few final fantasy games that flopped, there's nothing perfect in this world. Nothing is absolutely guaranteed success.

Hence why we are cautiously optimistic. Not overly, just cautiously.

Lukass 20-04-12 02:30


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6118608)
Oh, no, no. CD would never ever lied to us! Heaven forbid! They're practically saints!

Seriously, they've done it many times before or don't you remember?

You don't think they'll do the same mistakes again? Blind faith I see. It's good to have faith, but let's be realistic. And Square as a publisher does not guarantee anything, CD is still under Eidos. And Square has a few final fantasy games that flopped, there's nothing perfect in this world. Nothing is absolutely guaranteed success.

Hence why we are cautiously optimistic. Not overly, just cautiously.

Lol @ the highlighted part!

Um, yeah, I do remember, I just refuse to believe the game could be worse than Legend and Underworld, if you know what I mean. They did well with LCGoL and even if it wasn't Tomb Raider game, it gave me the closest TR feel and sense from all their games. Oh God, please let the game be good.

Spong 20-04-12 02:38


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6118594)
What game has been the fastest selling game for Square Enix? Tomb Raider.

How many TR games have been released since SquEnix has been the publisher/distributor? One - Guardian of Light. And while it was successful, it's far far far from SquEnix's "fastest selling game". Have you never heard of the Final Fantasy series? I doubt Tomb Raider will ever enjoy the kind of sales figures those games do.

larafan25 20-04-12 02:40

GOL is the best Tomb Raider game.

GOL is not a Tomb Raider game.

motoleo 20-04-12 02:42

You know the worst-case scenario will be Square Enix saying, "Our sales goals were not met. Tomb Raider has been an excellent franchise, but we're going to stop here." then basically running away.

But I'm not going to be part of that. Even if it's bad I'm gonna say its good. Just to secure another game.

larafan25 20-04-12 02:45

Saying it's good won't do crap all.

If they're going to do another game, they're going to do another game. The most we can do is provide decent and true-ish feedback.

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