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larafan25 12-04-12 22:31

I can only notice it in the cutscene, and it just looks as if she'd be sliding on mud. I don't really care. :/

Lukass 12-04-12 22:32

I find it annoying a bit, but ta-daa.

_Awestruck_ 12-04-12 22:32

It's hardly noticeable to me. I wouldn't mind if it were fixed, but it's not a huge deal.

Stevo505 12-04-12 22:32

Yeah, it's not a big issue. Plus that video came from pre-alpha so it might have been fixed already. If they don't fix it I won't really care that much.

larafan25 12-04-12 22:35

Watching these videos make me think of E3.

Do people normally wait all the way until E3 to release fresh content?

Lukass 12-04-12 22:37

I don't mind it THAT much, I was just wondering why is that...

I was also thinking the other day...why on Earth Roth made a base camp outside when there are buildings a few metres further. Not to mention the heavy rain...

larafan25 12-04-12 22:37


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6101129)
I don't mind it THAT much, I was just wondering why is that...

I was also thinking the other day...why on Earth Roth made a base camp outside when there are buildings a few metres further. Not to mention the heavy rain...

IDK, because he's stupid. :/

Stevo505 12-04-12 22:40


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6101129)

I was also thinking the other day...why on Earth Roth made a base camp outside when there are buildings a few metres further. Not to mention the heavy rain...

There's got to be a reason for that. Maybe some kind of plot device that will serve as an excuse for something to happen.

leglion 12-04-12 22:41

Maybe the buildings aren't stable.

Stevo505 12-04-12 22:42


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6101142)
Maybe the buildings aren't stable.

...That too.

larafan25 12-04-12 22:43


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6101142)
Maybe the buildings aren't stable.

They look more stable than....the thing...which is broken...that they have taken up residence.

Stevo505 12-04-12 22:47

The wooden structure thing? I dunno. Maybe Roth just had to stop there because of his injuries and couldn't go any further.

just*raidin*tomb 12-04-12 22:50

I want a segment as intense and scary as this:

Stevo505 12-04-12 22:52

^Meanie! I am not clicking on that... I don't want to give myself a heart attack like I almost did the first time I played through that... :vlol:

just*raidin*tomb 12-04-12 22:59

Its not as scary now. :p

I think just in the context of the was terrifying and wtf.

larafan25 12-04-12 23:02

In the place with the water and gates with Elena, I saw one dart out of view, and I expected something creepy....but then they never came, so I was like "wutevur". BUT THEN THEY CAME.

At least I think it happened in that order.

CLF 13-04-12 00:32


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6101201)
Its not as scary now. :p

I think just in the context of the was terrifying and wtf.

It was very good and very effective. Say what you like about Uncharted but they are bloody brilliant games.

just*raidin*tomb 13-04-12 00:34


Originally Posted by CLF (Post 6101568)
It was very good and very effective. Say what you like about Uncharted but they are bloody brilliant games.

But I love the games. What?

CLF 13-04-12 00:36

Oh that wasn't aimed at you, it's just a turn of phrase, basically saying I know that many people on here have a prejudice against it for the fact that it is commonly pitted against Tomb Raider. (or something)

Stevo505 13-04-12 00:36

They are fantastic cinematic games. But not everyone likes those. I happen to love them.

just*raidin*tomb 13-04-12 00:37

Oh, I wasn't sure. Sorry. :p

Phlip 13-04-12 01:38

Does anyone else find the similarities between TRC's Ireland and this game striking? Young, inexperienced Lara on a mysterious island.

I love the art style in Ireland, it's moody, dark, atmospheric and creepy whilst still being beautiful and colourful. The background sounds are also something else - rain, wind, deep strange bass sounds, demonic crows...

Lukass 13-04-12 01:40

^ OMG I need to replay Chronicles again <33

Phlip 13-04-12 01:43


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6101667)
^ OMG I need to replay Chronicles again <33

If it's on PC, you must switch on Volumetric FX - is adds so much. :D

_Awestruck_ 13-04-12 01:54

Ireland are some of my favorite TR levels of all time. I hope there's even a small part of this game is like those levels.

lcroft_lc 13-04-12 04:44


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6101666)
Does anyone else find the similarities between TRC's Ireland and this game striking? Young, inexperienced Lara on a mysterious island.

I love the art style in Ireland, it's moody, dark, atmospheric and creepy whilst still being beautiful and colourful. The background sounds are also something else - rain, wind, deep strange bass sounds, demonic crows...

Ah Old Mills. :mis: Chronicles was the first game I installed after buying my first PC. :)

What's "Volumetric FX" BTW?

skylark1121 13-04-12 04:46


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6101863)
Ah Old Mills. :mis: Chronicles was the first game I installed after buying my first PC. :)

What's "Volumetric FX" BTW?

It's a script entry in level design that adds a foggy effect to the horizon (I think :pi:).

klona 13-04-12 09:01


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6101865)
It's a script entry in level design that adds a foggy effect to the horizon (I think :pi:).

Not just that (distance fog), fog bulbs also (What they're called in TRLE :p).

NRO. 13-04-12 18:05

Does anyone live in a magical country where they can view this?


X-Play Promo ("Tomb Raider" Gameplay Preview). Description: The new Lara Croft is the young Lara ...

Mikky 13-04-12 18:07


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6103161)
Does anyone live in a magical country where they can view this?

Not working for me either.

Killercowz 13-04-12 18:08


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6103161)
Does anyone live in a magical country where they can view this?

I'm watching it now, it seems like nothing new.

lcroft_lc 13-04-12 18:09


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6103161)
Does anyone live in a magical country where they can view this?

This video is not available in your country.

I can't even see X-Play promo line.

_Awestruck_ 13-04-12 18:11


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6103161)
Does anyone live in a magical country where they can view this?

I've seen it, and it's nothing new at all.

NRO. 13-04-12 18:13

Meh. =/

_Awestruck_ 13-04-12 18:15


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6103186)
Meh. =/

It's from August. :p What did you expect?

Plus G4 hasn't exactly been the nicest to TR in the past. Their E3 interviews with the developer are always awful, and I doubt this year's will be any different. On top of that, I don't think they take the franchise seriously anymore.

lcroft_lc 13-04-12 18:16

Duh. Excitement dies. :o

klona 14-04-12 07:14

Does anybody know when does Q&A #3 end?
It's already 14th here. :p

Lukass 14-04-12 07:16


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6104615)
Does anybody know when does Q&A #3 end?
It's already 14th here. :p

It ended already.

klona 14-04-12 07:48


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6104619)
It ended already.

The thread name still has [ends April 13].
Aren't they supposed to write [ended] now?

Lukass 14-04-12 07:50


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6104659)
The thread name still has [ends April 13].
Aren't they supposed to write [ended] now?

Ah, there are still few hours to go.

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