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tomee 16-02-13 16:42


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6653278)
The UK isn't any better, tbh. :pi:

We have Chavs who think they're hardcore elite gamers just because they play CoD. :pi:

That applies to all Europe.

Gladous 16-02-13 16:43


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6653274)
Who is she?
She's freaking me out! :eek:

It's Lara, silly!

Spong 16-02-13 16:43


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6653278)
The UK isn't any better, tbh. :pi:

We have Chavs who think they're hardcore elite gamers just because they play CoD. :pi:

Yeah, but they're all scummy Londoners, the type of uneducated miscreant that ends every sentence with "innit". So they don't count :p
Besides, as much as people over here like that mind-numbing rubbish, the Americans apparently like it more :pi:


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6653284)
And don't forget Fifa. :p

That's more understandable. Football and all that (even though it's a tedious sport).

GUMI 16-02-13 16:44


Originally Posted by Gladous (Post 6653288)
It's Lara, silly!

Forget it, i found out who she was.
Keeley Hawes.

TheRCroft 16-02-13 16:44


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6653270)
Nope, the original. If you have seen the full scene, there's a moment when Sam offers Lara the fruit and clearly says..."apple?", after that Lara secretly suggest to go away from that guy. I win.

Wrong. She says "Hungry?".

Spong 16-02-13 16:46


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6653294)
Wrong. She says "Hungry?".

That might be Swahili for apple. Or something.

HAHA LOOOL XD 16-02-13 16:48


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6653285)
That applies to all Europe.

Sad but true. Can you imagine they made fun of me for loving TR :( When they ask me what games I play I say action adventures then they roll their eyes. :hea:

tomee 16-02-13 17:04


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6653270)
Nope, the original. If you have seen the full scene, there's a moment when Sam offers Lara the fruit and clearly says..."apple?", after that Lara secretly suggest to go away from that guy. I win.

She said "Lara, hungry?"

No mentioning of apples.

TheRCroft 16-02-13 17:09


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6653297)
That might be Swahili for apple. Or something.

Could it be? :pi:

Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6653324)
She said "Lara, hungry?"

No mentioning of apples.

Exactly. Sorry, Evan C., looks like you lose :p

Gamd1011 16-02-13 17:18

Why does everyone refer to the fruit Sam's holding as an orange when it's obviously a Nashi.

Weemanply109 16-02-13 17:20


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6653353)
Why does everyone refer to the fruit Sam's holding as an orange when it's obviously a Nashi.

because we've all been used to referring to it as an Orange, so it's a bit late to change course. :pi:

Billy959 16-02-13 17:20

one time "orange" ,always "orange" :ohn:

Weemanply109 16-02-13 17:22


Originally Posted by HAHA LOOOL XD (Post 6653299)
Sad but true. Can you imagine they made fun of me for loving TR :( When they ask me what games I play I say action adventures then they roll their eyes. :hea:

Shows you the kind of TRASH we live amongst. Bless our locals, bless our communities. May we PRAY the stupidity AWAY.

Kidding, but it annoys me.

Evan C. 16-02-13 17:22


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6653339)
Could it be? :pi:

Exactly. Sorry, Evan C., looks like you lose :p

Technically, yes. But considering it was a questin made to someone from Crystal and they said that it was an apple, I still win :D

TheRCroft 16-02-13 17:24

^ We all know it's an apple, we all heard someone from CD saying so. Me and tomee were just replying to the comment you made saying that Sam specifically called that fruit an apple when talking to Lara :p


Originally Posted by HAHA LOOOL XD (Post 6653299)
Sad but true. Can you imagine they made fun of me for loving TR :( When they ask me what games I play I say action adventures then they roll their eyes. :hea:

Maybe because they just can't understand why would a game even require using your brain for you to progress in it.

tomee 16-02-13 17:38

Either way, it's an orange to me.

HAHA LOOOL XD 16-02-13 17:44


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6653367)
Maybe because they just can't understand why would a game even require using your brain for you to progress in it.


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6653364)
Shows you the kind of TRASH we live amongst. Bless our locals, bless our communities. May we PRAY the stupidity AWAY.

Kidding, but it annoys me.

We have to stick together gorlz :hug:

Spong 16-02-13 17:49


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6653383)
Either apple, it's an apple to apple.

Fixed :p

Gamd1011 16-02-13 17:59


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6653407)
Fixed :p

Actually a nashi is a pear... :pi:

FearEffect 16-02-13 18:38

From 2011 ? :eek:

Jami393 16-02-13 18:46


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6653466)

That really looks good.

Zebra 16-02-13 18:49

That looks fake TBH (not sure if it is). The head looks like it's been copy-pasted in there.

Tonyrobinson 16-02-13 18:51


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6653466)

I don't think it is from 2011 back then she had a flint on a stick for her makeshift axe at that stage. :)

FearEffect 16-02-13 18:52


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6653477)
That looks fake TBH (not sure if it is). The head looks like it's been copy-pasted in there.

Nope it's official, it's from "USA"

Not sure if it's the unrealised screen from 2011, or a new one ...

Does anyone have the scan with the unrealised screenshot ? It looks like this one

Only TR lover 16-02-13 18:53

I think it's not from 2011 'cause Lara has a new fringe...

Mikky 16-02-13 19:51

OMG, you guys really talk so much rubbish. Can't believe I just wasted 20 minutes or so reading through the last several pages. :p

Btw, that screenshot really does not look official.

Anyway, on to some TR merchandise:

So there is indeed physical copies of the comic book. And that is the lithograph that comes with the American Collector's edition.

King.Louie 16-02-13 19:55

5 mars? xD

Weemanply109 16-02-13 19:55

Quite sad that I'm getting all these in digital format, basically. :pi:

I really want the comic in physical, but the physical editions are like + £20 from what I remember.

CBS_TombRaider 16-02-13 19:57


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6653582)
5 mars? xD

That's March in French :pi::p

BinRaider 16-02-13 19:57


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6653582)
5 mars? xD

Mars is French for March gorel.

Carbonek_0051 16-02-13 19:57


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6653576)
So there is indeed physical copies of the comic book.

If you pre-order from Best Buy. You can tell it's the one from Best Buy as it's hardback. :p

King.Louie 16-02-13 19:58


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6653587)
Mars is French for March gorel.

Oh :I lol

Bomb Fighter 16-02-13 19:58

Where's that from? The poster looks huge.

And the screen is from December 2012 it was included in some German magazines. Her hair is different from 2011 model anyway.

Zebra 16-02-13 20:05

The comic seems to be tiny compared to the controller.

Carbonek_0051 16-02-13 20:07


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6653604)
The comic seems to be tiny compared to the controller.

Nah, it's just the angle. It's the common size of a comic from what it looks like. :p

Mikky 16-02-13 20:10


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6653589)
If you pre-order from Best Buy. You can tell it's the one from Best Buy as it's hardback. :p

There was no mention of a hardback physical version here, so I was a bit surprised to see that there actually was one.

Bomb Fighter 16-02-13 20:22

It's not exactly from Best Buy as this is for the French prior-release gaming night. But this is how the final hardcover comic will look from all the retailers.

Carbonek_0051 16-02-13 20:27


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6653619)
There was no mention of a hardback physical version here, so I was a bit surprised to see that there actually was one.

I remember it being mentioned when the Best Buy pre-order bonus being announced. I am glad it at least looks good and not cheap.

Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6653648)
It's not exactly from Best Buy as this is for the French prior-release gaming night. But this is how the final hardcover comic will look from all the retailers.

Well of course other retailers might offer it as a bonus, but I am just saying it's mainly the Best Buy pre-order bonus. I don't think they are actually selling it outside of that though.

irishhips 16-02-13 20:48

Made this gif :D

Lee1711 16-02-13 20:51

^ i love it.

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