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Jeissy 01-03-13 23:26


Originally Posted by Lio123 (Post 6679612)
Is it true that Lara's breast change in various scenes? i was watching the gameplay in Spanish and somebody mention that.

Wow, that's new to me :p
I doubt that as they are using the same model for the game.

Richard_Croft 01-03-13 23:27

Tomb Raider arrived in Portugal a few days ago, ready to be sent to retailers :jmp:
I'll have the game by Monday, I'm so excited! :yah:

Stevo505 01-03-13 23:28

I just want to play it now T_T

_Ninja_ 01-03-13 23:28


Originally Posted by Lio123 (Post 6679612)
Is it true that Lara's breast change in various scenes? i was watching the gameplay in Spanish and somebody mention that.

Yes, they inflate to symbolize her growth as a character.

zackfarron 01-03-13 23:29

damn you guys that got it are lucky

Lio123 01-03-13 23:29


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6679613)
Change o_O ?

You mean like shape-wise, size-wise, or what?

Sorry lol i mean to say size:p, am not saying that is true, people say that if you look at it you'll see the difference.

trfanX34 01-03-13 23:29

I can't wait anymore ;__; days are getting longer and longer waiting for TR ;__;

MyRaider4Life 01-03-13 23:31

Oh god, OH GOD. It's updating right now. ;_;

Jami393 01-03-13 23:31


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6679595)
No, problem :D !

It's not really much but... you know, LAURA!


What made you type that? Also once again thanks for the scans and the translation, which I saved both the text of your translation and the images to add in my TR2013 folder, if that was ok.

TheRCroft 01-03-13 23:31

Having the game and not being able to play it is torture. I would definitely prefer not to have it at all until March 5th ;__;

Stevo505 01-03-13 23:32


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6679636)
Having the game and not being able to play it is torture. I would definitely prefer not to have it at all until March 5th ;__;

Exactly. It's on my computer but I can't touch it. Sad. :(

Spong 01-03-13 23:33


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6679636)
Having the game and not being able to play it is torture. I would definitely prefer not to have it at all until March 5th ;__;

PC/Steam version? That's gotta suck, yeah. I imagine it'd be similar to when you're young and you know that a certain present under the Christmas tree is the one thing you really wanted, but you can't touch it.

italibabee 01-03-13 23:36

I'm jealous of all you guys who have the game.

lance6439 01-03-13 23:37

I did not just watch the tr9 ending ON YOUTUBE


yes i did

omfgggggeijujfkemjgtuijrutbhygijkrjfgbhugd!!!!!111 111

i am conflicted.


italibabee 01-03-13 23:38


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 6679648)
I did not just watch the tr9 ending ON YOUTUBE


yes i did

omfgggggeijujfkemjgtuijrutbhygijkrjfgbhugd!!!!!111 111

i am conflicted.


You did not!!!??
I want to watch it!
No I don't!
I'm not going to watch it.

TheRCroft 01-03-13 23:38


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6679638)
Exactly. It's on my computer but I can't touch it. Sad. :(

:( Btw, is it normal that I can't install it? The Steam window popped up, I already logged in and nothing happens :confused:

Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6679643)
PC/Steam version? That's gotta suck, yeah. I imagine it'd be similar to when you're young and you know that a certain present under the Christmas tree is the one thing you really wanted, but you can't touch it.

Precisely, that's a pretty good analogy for the situation. I'm all for innovation, but Steam has got to be one of the most annoying things in some aspects.

Richard_Croft 01-03-13 23:39


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6679646)
I'm jealous of all you guys who have the game.

This! I can't wait much longer @_@

James_Rutland 01-03-13 23:40


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 6679648)
I did not just watch the tr9 ending ON YOUTUBE


yes i did

omfgggggeijujfkemjgtuijrutbhygijkrjfgbhugd!!!!!111 111

i am conflicted.


What did you think!? Without spoilers -_-

Stevo505 01-03-13 23:40


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6679656)
:( Btw, is it normal that I can't install it? The Steam window popped up, I already logged in and nothing happens :confused:

Were you able to pre-load it? That's the only thing you can do right now. If you haven't, go to your library and click Tomb Raider, and there should be a pre-load button.

lance6439 01-03-13 23:44


Originally Posted by James_Rutland (Post 6679662)
What did you think!? Without spoilers -_-

I guess it was cool.


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6679654)

You did not!!!??
I want to watch it!
No I don't!
I'm not going to watch it.

I did the same with TRL :p

zackfarron 01-03-13 23:46

why would you watch with only 3 days ago! you should played and experienced the ending for yourself.

lance6439 01-03-13 23:50


Originally Posted by zackfarron (Post 6679681)
why would you watch with only 3 days ago! you should played and experienced the ending for yourself.

im not going to even buy the game. lol.

hayden 02-03-13 00:30

Two more minutes until the update's done! :D :jmp:

Ravalessa 02-03-13 00:36

Sorry if this has been asked, but to people who have the game, how many GB is it?

Edit: For PS3

Peep Show 02-03-13 00:40


Originally Posted by Ravalessa (Post 6679742)
Sorry if this has been asked, but to people who have the game, how many GB is it?

Edit: For PS3

The only thing you need to install is the patch and that's around 60mb :)

Ravalessa 02-03-13 00:43


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6679746)
The only thing you need to install is the patch and that's around 60mb :)

Okay thanks :) Just making sure I have room. If not, I WILL MAKE ROOM.

hayden 02-03-13 01:31

This game is honestly so perfect. Much better when you're actually playing it rather than watching :D 100/10

Phlip 02-03-13 01:33

I'm going through a proper burst of excitement. :D

James_Rutland 02-03-13 01:35


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6679811)
I'm going through a proper burst of excitement. :D

I have a feeling you won't like it :o

From what i've heard, it's not a game many hardcore TR fans will like.

Luckily, I'm adaptable.

Forcible 02-03-13 01:45

Well I never expected a classic TR to begin with, tbh. I think we all knew from the very beginning this game will be somewhat (if not entirely) different from classics. Many reviewers keep saying that, while this game is different from the rest in the series, it does have many TR features (although it's a bit more action-oriented).

Phlip 02-03-13 01:49


Originally Posted by James_Rutland (Post 6679817)
I have a feeling you won't like it :o

From what i've heard, it's not a game many hardcore TR fans will like.

Luckily, I'm adaptable.

If it's fun then I'll play it. I like Uncharted, so... :p I am adaptable to change, it's just that it has to be for the better. I grew up with the classics but AoD is my favourite, so yeah. :)

Love2Raid 02-03-13 01:55

Tomb Raider multiplayer event next weekend (8 -10 March) on XBOX Live
Just saw this, thought it would be nice to share the information with you guys.

So, apparently, there will be some sort of 'event' next weekend, which includes free gold for everyone (no, not actual gold, sadly, but gold membership on XBL :p) and some extra stuff for a number of games including Tomb Raider.

Here is what it says for Tomb Raider:


Explore the intense and gritty origin story of an iconic character. In the game, Lara Croft will ascend from a young woman on her first adventure and emerge as a hardened survivor.

Try Tomb Raider’s fast-paced multiplayer mode this weekend; redeem your free 14 day LIVE trial card which you'll find in your Xbox game box to continue your Tomb Raider multiplayer experience.

At first I wanted to make a thread about it, but then I saw that there wasn't actually anything special planned for TR (like playing with devs or double XP), so I decided to just drop this here instead.

James_Rutland 02-03-13 01:58


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6679829)
If it's fun then I'll play it. I like Uncharted, so... :p I am adaptable to change, it's just that it has to be for the better. I grew up with the classics but AoD is my favourite, so yeah. :)

Ah yes, however Uncharted isn't TR. And also, as AOD is your favourite TR game (mine too, the music, atmosphere, story) that even further makes me doubt you'll like the game :o if CD have exchanged exploration for combat in the later parts of the game, it's not a change for the good. Perhaps in the mainstream audiences view, but not us as fans.

Phlip 02-03-13 01:59


Originally Posted by James_Rutland (Post 6679838)
Ah yes, however Uncharted isn't TR. And also, as AOD is your favourite TR game (mine too, the music, atmosphere, story) that even further makes me doubt you'll like the game :o if CD have exchanged exploration for combat in the later parts of the game, it's not a change for the good. Perhaps in the mainstream audiences view, but not us as fans.

With you saying this, I'm surprised you could adapt, then. :o

James_Rutland 02-03-13 02:03


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6679839)
With you saying this, I'm surprised you could adapt, then. :o

You're right, I'm guessing i will because I enjoy all TR games, and accepted the change that Resi 4 made upon that series too.

However, I hate the constant combat waves in Uncharted. I hate it a lot, it makes me want to stop playing. And If the later parts of TR are too much like that, I'll be very upset. Hopefully it won't be exactly like Uncharted... and still retain some exploration elements :)

Phlip 02-03-13 02:05


Originally Posted by James_Rutland (Post 6679842)
You're right, I'm guessing i will because I enjoy all TR games, and accepted the change that Resi 4 made upon that series too.

However, I hate the constant combat waves in Uncharted. I hate it a lot, it makes me want to stop playing. And If the later parts of TR are too much like that, I'll be very upset. Hopefully it won't be exactly like Uncharted... and still retain some exploration elements :)

Apparently they are avoidable. So they're not? :o

Anyway it sucks that there are so many multiplayer trophies (or any at all) otherwise I wouldn't mind having a crack at Platinuming (if I would be to keep the game and not ditch the series).

NCFirebolt21 02-03-13 02:08

Damn Steam and all of their online installations...
Apparently Tomb Raider has not officially released so installer cannot begin. WTF?

James_Rutland 02-03-13 02:10


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6679844)
Apparently they are avoidable. So they're not? :o

Anyway it sucks that there are so many multiplayer trophies (or any at all) otherwise I wouldn't mind having a crack at Platinuming (if I would be to keep the game and not ditch the series).

CD probably said they're avoidable so we don't get pissed. :p

But seriously, by adding tons of combat in this game i think CD are selling out. I remember in an interview one of the guys working for CD said "So you think COD fans will like this?" I facepalmed :'(

Dark_Messiah 02-03-13 02:12


Originally Posted by NCFirebolt21 (Post 6679848)
Damn Steam and all of their online installations...
Apparently Tomb Raider has not officially released so installer cannot begin. WTF?

Tomb Raider will be released on the 5th of March and before that you won't be able to activate the PC Version - which if you think about it makes alot of sense :p

Phlip 02-03-13 02:13


Originally Posted by James_Rutland (Post 6679850)
CD probably said they're avoidable so we don't get pissed. :p

But seriously, by adding tons of combat in this game i think CD are selling out. I remember in an interview one of the guys working for CD said "So you think COD fans will like this?" I facepalmed :'(

CD do seem to love lying so I wouldn't be surprised.

I gathered ages ago that they're selling out. If they weren't, we'd get essentially another classic TR (but with much better graphics obviously).

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