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James_Rutland 02-03-13 02:17


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6679854)
CD do seem to love lying so I wouldn't be surprised.

I gathered ages ago that they're selling out. If they weren't, we'd get essentially another classic TR (but with much better graphics obviously).

Yeah that's just the way it is. CD obviously feel like for TR to be noticed, they have to appeal to the mainstream audience.

Blame the gaming audience that play COD -_- not CD :p They just wan't people to buy their games :ton:

Phlip 02-03-13 02:18


Originally Posted by James_Rutland (Post 6679860)
Blame the gaming audience that play COD -_- not CD :p They just wan't people to buy their games :ton:

Sorry but I can and do blame CD for selling out. They didn't have to (unless SE wanted them to), but they want more money (which I know is fair enough). :o

NCFirebolt21 02-03-13 02:23


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6679852)
Tomb Raider will be released on the 5th of March and before that you won't be able to activate the PC Version - which if you think about it makes alot of sense :p

Actually it doesn't. All the people who own a console are enjoying the game and us idiots who've got the PC version have to sit idle for another 4 days (depending on what time the game will "officially" release on Steam).

H4RR7H 02-03-13 02:25

I'm also in the know that if you play the game online without a particularly privileged XBL/PSN profile before March 5th, you're in the dirty bin. But maybe there's too many now to be worth moderating.

Forcible 02-03-13 03:08

Have you guys seen this:

b.gluch 02-03-13 03:12

got the controller :D so excited! i also just pre ordered via steam, its only 8.9GB??

Jill Lover 02-03-13 04:28

I don't know guys if you notice in the first kill of Lara, there's somethin' wrong with the texture loading... check this out...

She's aiming her gun, and her skin is clean, then suddenly she's all covered with blood? WTF? And she didn't even shot the guy!

Zebra 02-03-13 04:54

Is this fanart or official?

I think it's fanart but I'm not sure. It kind of has that Batman movie poster vibe to it and we know that the guy who did that also did the TR boxart so that's why I think it could be official.

TheShadowOfMe 02-03-13 05:15


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6679987)
Is this fanart or official?

I think it's fanart but I'm not sure. It kind of has that Batman movie poster vibe to it and we know that the guy who did that also did the TR boxart so that's why I think it could be official.

It looks amazing!!! :O

Sorry for not having the answer to your question... :p

_Awestruck_ 02-03-13 05:34

If you guys haven't read Meagan's new blog post that's she's spent writing for these past couple of it. It was really touching and inspiring to read. I'm happy for you, Meagan. :tmb:

Stevo505 02-03-13 05:53


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6680001)
If you guys haven't read Meagan's new blog post that's she's spent writing for these past couple of it. It was really touching and inspiring to read. I'm happy for you, Meagan. :tmb:

What a great read. Must.. not.. cry...!

Bomb Fighter 02-03-13 07:33


Originally Posted by Jill Lover (Post 6679980)
I don't know guys if you notice in the first kill of Lara, there's somethin' wrong with the texture loading... check this out...

She's aiming her gun, and her skin is clean, then suddenly she's all covered with blood? WTF? And she didn't even shot the guy!

That´s because she´s covered with blood that came from his head.

LNSNHGTDS 02-03-13 08:53


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6679635)
What made you type that? Also once again thanks for the scans and the translation, which I saved both the text of your translation and the images to add in my TR2013 folder, if that was ok.

I don't know, I was in a semi-troll-y mood :p !

No problem, wow, you keep track of everything :eek: ?! Cool :tmb: !

t-raider26 02-03-13 08:59

In one of the stage demos, Karl had said, and demonstrated how when Lara draws back the bow, she starts to tremble and it gets difficult to aim. Yet, in every playthrough I've seen, that aspect has been taken out. I've seen people draw back the bow like an entire minute and nothing happens. Can anyone who's played the game confirm whether or not it's actually been taken out? Or maybe it only happens when playing on a higher difficulty?

hayden 02-03-13 09:08


Originally Posted by t-raider26 (Post 6680109)
In one of the stage demos, Karl had said, and demonstrated how when Lara draws back the bow, she starts to tremble and it gets difficult to aim. Yet, in every playthrough I've seen, that aspect has been taken out. I've seen people draw back the bow like an entire minute and nothing happens. Can anyone who's played the game confirm whether or not it's actually been taken out? Or maybe it only happens when playing on a higher difficulty?

I'm playing it on easy, and I did once hold it back for too long, she started to wobble and it automatically shot my arrow.

trfanX34 02-03-13 09:11


Originally Posted by t-raider26 (Post 6680109)
In one of the stage demos, Karl had said, and demonstrated how when Lara draws back the bow, she starts to tremble and it gets difficult to aim. Yet, in every playthrough I've seen, that aspect has been taken out. I've seen people draw back the bow like an entire minute and nothing happens. Can anyone who's played the game confirm whether or not it's actually been taken out? Or maybe it only happens when playing on a higher difficulty?

I've seen that happen in a walkthrough :)

Lio123 02-03-13 09:13


Originally Posted by Jill Lover (Post 6679980)
I don't know guys if you notice in the first kill of Lara, there's somethin' wrong with the texture loading... check this out...

She's aiming her gun, and her skin is clean, then suddenly she's all covered with blood? WTF? And she didn't even shot the guy!

Haaa! maybe they cut part of the video to put make up one her and then record it again:p lol i really don't know.

t-raider26 02-03-13 09:14


Originally Posted by hayden (Post 6680116)
I'm playing it on easy, and I did once hold it back for too long, she started to wobble and it automatically shot my arrow.

Okay lol. That's good. I liked seeing that happen in the demo because it gave the game a sense of realism. Glad to see they didn't take it out :)

Also, can anyone confirm whether or not Steph is still playable in multiplayer?

Alister's_Brain 02-03-13 09:22


Originally Posted by t-raider26 (Post 6680125)
Okay lol. That's good. I liked seeing that happen in the demo because it gave the game a sense of realism. Glad to see they didn't take it out :)

Also, can anyone confirm whether or not Steph is still playable in multiplayer?

She's still in. Start at 1:30

dantedmc 02-03-13 10:24

Question to those who played the game. How open world is it? I've been watching gameplay videos on youtube, locations kind of look similiar. How many side tombs are there? I asked this before but never got an answer... Thank you.

Poke Warrior 02-03-13 11:27

I just got my Limited Edition Guide in the post :/ 3 days before the game....

zackfarron 02-03-13 11:32


Originally Posted by Poke Warrior (Post 6680221)
I just got my Limited Edition Guide in the post :/ 3 days before the game....

I hope mine comes tomorrow, the tracking says i wont get until the 4th but its already in my city! :jmp::jmp:

jcmp03051994 02-03-13 11:51


Originally Posted by dantedmc (Post 6680169)
Question to those who played the game. How open world is it? I've been watching gameplay videos on youtube, locations kind of look similiar. How many side tombs are there? I asked this before but never got an answer... Thank you.

There are about 8 side tombs i think. I forgot lol. And Its Semi-open world. Its all cut off into sections.Think of it as TRA, except soooo much better.

dantedmc 02-03-13 12:13


Originally Posted by jcmp03051994 (Post 6680234)
There are about 8 side tombs i think. I forgot lol. And Its Semi-open world. Its all cut off into sections.Think of it as TRA, except soooo much better.

Thank you :)

ian2006 02-03-13 12:14

Well the post has arrived... but no tomb raider :(

Monday it is then.

LNSNHGTDS 02-03-13 12:48


Originally Posted by Alister's_Brain (Post 6680134)
She's still in. Start at 1:30

If you're talking about the woman which is suspended in the game in the beginning of the game that's not Steph.

BlindxUnicorn 02-03-13 14:30

My copy came this morning :D I haven't got to the radio tower yet and I have already experienced a glitch :/ it's in the first side tomb and it won't allow me to get the treasure :( Lara just won't jump off the cage for some reason.

_Tomb_Raider 02-03-13 14:33


Originally Posted by BlindxUnicorn (Post 6680396)
My copy came this morning :D I haven't got to the radio tower yet and I have already experienced a glitch :/ it's in the first side tomb and it won't allow me to get the treasure :( Lara just won't jump off the cage for some reason.

Maybe you need to wait for some upgrade? :confused:

Tonyrobinson 02-03-13 14:39

Similar thing happened to me with Anniversary (one of many glitches I encountered with the title) I fixed it by lowering the screen resolution however this is a PC version so I have no idea how it would work on the console one but if you can lower it somehow you could try it to make the jump then up the graphics. :)

BlindxUnicorn 02-03-13 15:05


Originally Posted by _Tomb_Raider (Post 6680399)
Maybe you need to wait for some upgrade? :confused:

Nope. She just wouldn't jump off the cage I couldn't even get her to run off or press circle and get her to hang. She jump kept scrambling and I was stuck there for ages until she just fell off so after that I just left without the treasure :(

tomekkobialka 02-03-13 15:41

Just arrived in the post. In preparation for the 100% video walkthrough I'm doing for a friend's YT channel. :D (so I'm kinda studying it right now :o)

If anybody wants to know any juicy spoilers, ask away! :ton:

Atlantisfreak666 02-03-13 15:43

I just got an ad for TR on spotify omg

TippingWater 02-03-13 15:43


Originally Posted by Alister's_Brain (Post 6680134)
She's still in. Start at 1:30

Unfortunately the video was removed by the user :o.

frozen_star 02-03-13 16:05

If i import PC Collector edition From Uk will i be able to activate it on steam here in India??

Billy959 02-03-13 16:09

where the hell can I get the last 2 renders?

(the one on the cover of GameMaster's review and the other one of when the game went gold)

January_Snow* 02-03-13 16:11

Went to Saqr store that is the only store that I am aware of that sells video games in Doha. Can you imagine my dissapointment when I saw countless copies of Tomb Raider on the shelves but none were for the PC.... :( I don't know where else to look here....

just_love_her 02-03-13 16:26


Originally Posted by January_Snow* (Post 6680501)
Went to Saqr store that is the only store that I am aware of that sells video games in Doha. Can you imagine my dissapointment when I saw countless copies of Tomb Raider on the shelves but none were for the PC.... :( I don't know where else to look here....

Shame. I also don't know where I'm gonna get my copy. :(

James_Rutland 02-03-13 16:35

The guy who reviewed the game from Machinima needs shooting. Seriously. I've never seen such a massive troll for a reviewer ever. He literally tore the entire game apart and managed to find 1009412 unrelevant problems with the game, while stating one of them is that Lara kills fierce ingame and is softer in the cutscene where she is attacked by Vlad... I don't understand, does he want Lara to cry everytime she kills? And he mentions Uncharted does this too, but Drake can be forgiven because he's "charming" :rolleyes:

What a loser :vlol:

January_Snow* 02-03-13 16:37


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6680511)
Shame. I also don't know where I'm gonna get my copy. :(

I know stores in Serbia that have the game, the problem is that smart me decided to go to a different country while the game is being released. Unless some qatari member magicaly points me to a store that has the game I guess I'll have to wait to get back to Serbia to play it :(

TippingWater 02-03-13 16:37

^I agree! That Machinima review is stupid!

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