Random observation: There is one character in the game who will kill you in possibly quite horrible ways, then loot your dead body for supplies, leave your corpse rotting in the sun, and the proceed to kill all your friends using the supplies she just took from you (along with all your dignity). And she will do her very best to make sure you have not the slightest chance of a fair fight. This character, of course? Our poor little heroine…
Quite a disconnect between gameplay and story. But most of all, I'm disappointed that Lara doesn't randomly shout "I'm going to kill you, and then all of your friends, using whatever scrap I picked out of your corpse!" in firefights. |
------------ Tomb Raider 2 special Not Again! XNA models by Not Again!, edited by me Face drawing by Not Again! http://nsa33.casimages.com/img/2013/...5831417459.png Still WIP |
Lol, anyone else seen this? :pi: |
Omg. That's totes awesome. |
Yeah, Lara listens to One Direction and uses Instagram, apparently. Seems legit. :p
Yeah I could use a sequel with that. |
I made it to 6 times through, and got told i was crazy and needed to be restrained for doing it. |
I find it quite annoying when you're in a situation where Lara moves or does stuff automatically as if the player is stupid. For example when Lara lights the torch on her own and you can't distinguish it, it's like let me do it on my own, I will light the torch in my own time.
I kind of like the thing she does with the torches, certainly when you're on your way into one of the secret tombs. The paths leading to those are always pitch black, so you're bound to light the torch anyway. I like the way it changes too, from her lighting the torch on a nearby lantern, to her lighting her own torch once she gets the ability. |
... Did you eat something funny today, Spong? :pi::p I thought you were against this Lara doing a lot of stuff on her own, without player input. Though I suppose lighting a torch is a bit trivial. I would've been fine if she just lighted it on her own, but she usually extinguishes it before I want her to, which makes me relight it again for a few additional seconds :p |
They can't pull this in the next game. |
It's almost like it wasn't a real game. |
Here's my XNA Photoshopped Lara Croft Reflections Render :D
http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/300W...or-d61871s.png Face drawing, XNA mods by Not Again! Edited by me |
^ That looks amazing!!! :tmb:
Easter egg?
Did anybody Remember to burn the sacks at the very beginning of the game? I grabbed a torch and there were two sacks to be burned, both containing a boot and some bottle. The boots very much resemble Lara's old boots. I don't have a screenshot, but the sacks' locations are: one in the small room where Lara falls on the scrap of metal, and the other one is by Steph's body
^Steph's body? Who's Steph? There's no one in the game called Steph :pi::whi:
"The dead body Lara finds after she leans on that piece of wood" is supposed to be Steph
^I know it used to be Steph, but she's been surgically removed from the finished single-player game, that body isn't her any more :eek:
And every sacrifice has the same clothes. Her hair is Similair to sheph's
Well, i got screenshots of both
http://s23.postimg.org/8lg0qx5t7/2013_04_10_00007.jpg http://s23.postimg.org/5340uj4x7/2013_04_10_00010.jpg |
When I think "reward" I think money. Make a note of that for the next TR. We should get cash rewards for game accomplishments. |
Concerning Steph: It used to be her but in the concept art and the multiplayer model the actual Steph is completely differnt from the sacrificed body in the cave not only outfit-wise but face-wise too.
So, even if that body was meant to be Steph it, strangely enough, looks nothing like her. Weird... |
I did enjoy examining the relics and reading the documents however so that makes up for the lack of proper outfits, I also LOVE how Crystal always does extra research for the descriptions of relics, it just goes to show how much they actually care to deliver a proper story and backstory and historicaly accurate information, Rhianna might have been a bad writer but all the extra research for the information for the relics was rather satisfying :tmb: . |
I wondered if there was a TRF-relating Easter Egg. When Alex says on the Endurance "I'd follow you almost anywhere Lara..." it reminded me of the "I'd follow you, Lara, but..." thread. |
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