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Yuna´s Wish 27-02-23 19:59

I got to the 2nd boss fight of St. Francis too (and died horribly). The bosses here are relentless :eek:

For the 10th side tomb of Qualopec I used the "resurrection scroll" (or whatever its name is in English). I think having 2 or 3 grenades power-ups helped a lot, since Lara keeps shooting even while running.

I thought it'd be the toughest boss I'd see for a while. But St. Francis had other stuff in mind :p

Chamayoo 27-02-23 20:22


Originally Posted by Yuna´s Wish (Post 8391931)
I got to the 2nd boss fight of St. Francis too (and died horribly). The bosses here are relentless :eek:

For the 10th side tomb of Qualopec I used the "resurrection scroll" (or whatever its name is in English). I think having 2 or 3 grenades power-ups helped a lot, since Lara keeps shooting even while running.

I thought it'd be the toughest boss I'd see for a while. But St. Francis had other stuff in mind :p

The grenades seem to be a good idea, thanks ! Maybe I should use some resurrection scrolls too but I want to avoid to use them as much as possible. :D

Ha and I managed a couple of days ago to have more than 3000 gems, so I "purchased" the biggest chest in the shop for 2800 because I literally have no other use of them. Get a lot of rare things but unfortunately not useful yet, but I know that will be in the future when I will be able to combine those items. :D

CheshireBitch 27-02-23 21:03

Same thing with the bomber jacket. I would like to wear it but the catching up for the upgrades is insane I don't think I'll ever wear it. I did tried it and played the first chapters but that's it !

I just unlocked Palace of Midas, I've finished tombs for the Qualopec area...

I really like the game but honestly I think I play it too much. My phone told me this morning my screen time was up to 12% these days lol

Also I found the piece of artifact that is supposed to upgrade what Anaya is giving you and I spent on it but still no change. Is it a bug ??

Also I had another bug in Palace of Midas, after beating the bad guys in the first room there was no trigger so Lara Croft kinda was stuck there for ever. I had to go back to main screen... Kinda sucks when it cost 5 plane tickets to enter a chapter lol

xavecroft 27-02-23 22:53

I'm still curious about when will appear Kurtis

Chamayoo 28-02-23 09:59

Do your game crashed as well when you're playing an add ? While they're all optional, it's really annoying I can't doubled my gains, today...

EDIT : Somehow it is working now, well cool I guess !

Rai 28-02-23 13:45

I think I'm going to be stuck in Vilcabama :(. The furthest I've gotten is stage 19.

ANoDE 28-02-23 16:06


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 8391990)
I think I'm going to be stuck in Vilcabama :(. The furthest I've gotten is stage 19.

Don't worry, you'll get there. Took me a bit, but after a while and after replaying Mountains and Caves several times, Vilcabamba was possible.
Make sure you claim everything and regularly upgrade, dismantle and merge stuff.

It's tedious, but possible.

Mikky 28-02-23 18:08


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8391929)
I unlocked the bomber jacket and it seems to be powerful but I upgraded so many times the Classic one, I don't think it's possible for me to change... :p

I think this has been an issue for a long time (i.e. before version 1.0). Even when new ones are released in the future, let's face it, no-one is going to change to a level 1 outfit simply because they like the look. I wish they'd give us a better incentive to wear others or at least allow us to switch to them simply as "skins" while retaining the upgrades of another outfit.

CheshireBitch 28-02-23 18:59


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8392028)
I think this has been an issue for a long time (i.e. before version 1.0). Even when new ones are released in the future, let's face it, no-one is going to change to a level 1 outfit simply because they like the look. I wish they'd give us a better incentive to wear others or at least allow us to switch to them simply as "skins" while retaining the upgrades of another outfit.

same, it's just too much to upgrade a new outfit from scratch... especially when you want to upgrade other stuff

Chamayoo 01-03-23 08:28

Ok my game keeps crashing again when I play adds, I don't know what to do. :(
Maybe I should go for the Netflix version...

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