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Mikky 07-02-13 20:55


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6640524)
Really? Why do dat?

I mean, ok, they said that there won't be an option to restart the game, like it was in the next-gen versions of Underworld but A. that would suck and B. haven't they said that we will have to go back to places after we gear up, upgrade to open up new areas? If we miss something on our playthrough what's the point of going back if we don't have our upgrades?

Just to be clear, there will be a option to start a new game, just not with all your upgrades.

The whole point of Chapter Select is to replay and go back to a segment of the game, the way you were when you first reached it. The whole purpose is to replay, whether it's because you want to experience the story again from that point or to do things differently with your weapons and gear. It's that simple.

As for revisiting areas, you can do that without Chapter select. You have the fast travel feature for that, which allows you to teleport to previously revisited areas and explore them.

Peep Show 07-02-13 20:56

Honestly I love it all, we have fast travel + chapters selection, that's all I asked for! :jmp:

LarasFan 07-02-13 20:59

It stills sounds very weird having Chapter Select and the upgrade system... Bugs/glitches are gonna exist for sure...

HAHA LOOOL XD 07-02-13 20:59

I hated how we didn't have chapter select in TRU. This is great :jmp:

LNSNHGTDS 07-02-13 21:00


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6640556)
Just to be clear, there will be a option to start a new game, just not with all your upgrades.

The whole point of Chapter Select is to replay and go back to a segment of the game, the way you were when you first reached it. The whole purpose is to replay, whether it's because you want to experience the story again from that point or to do things differently with your weapons and gear. It's that simple.

As for revisiting areas, you can do that without Chapter select. You have the fast travel feature for that, which allows you to teleport to previously revisited areas and explore them.

Yeah, I figured that there will be an option to re-start the game.

Oh, so, after we beat the game, we will just roam the island? I just thought that we would be stuck with Chapter Select :p :o ...!

So, it will be like Replay Level, more or less?

JsotoTRSaga 07-02-13 21:11


Originally Posted by HAHA LOOOL XD (Post 6640565)
I hated how we didn't have chapter select in TRU. This is great :jmp:

Actually we sort of had a chapter select option in the load game option and also a new game+ option. Just play treasure hunt and if you have found all the relics and your health bar is already blue (upgraded full) if you selet the new game option you can start the game with all of the already picked up treasures and relics as well as your upgraded health.

Mikky 07-02-13 21:11


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6640564)
It stills sounds very weird having Chapter Select and the upgrade system... Bugs/glitches are gonna exist for sure...

Yeah, I see what you mean. Maybe all our upgrades are lost when we re-select a chapter? That sounds crap, though. :/ I think it's best until we see for ourselves how it's really going to work or else we could drive ourselves crazy thinking about it too much. :p


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6640569)
Yeah, I figured that there will be an option to re-start the game.

Oh, so, after we beat the game, we will just roam the island? I just thought that we would be stuck with Chapter Select :p :o ...!

So, it will be like Replay Level, more or less?

Yes, more or less.

By the way, what I'm saying is speculation; it's not like I've played the game myself or CD have said for themselves. They could be doing something different with the Chapter Select. But it's a simple feature that most games these days have, it's just logical that the way I described is right.

Roaming the island after finishing the game is definitely confirmed, though.

Tillymander 07-02-13 21:21


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6640569)
Yeah, I figured that there will be an option to re-start the game.

Oh, so, after we beat the game, we will just roam the island? I just thought that we would be stuck with Chapter Select :p :o ...!

So, it will be like Replay Level, more or less?

yeah im confused.. will lara roam the island once the game is over then? i hope so

Evan C. 07-02-13 21:23


Originally Posted by Tillymander (Post 6640624)
yeah im confused.. will lara roam the island once the game is over then? i hope so

She will since you can re-explore to unlock previously locked areas and stuff, but it doesn't mean Lara will stuck on the island, it's off-plot thinguie.

Valentino 07-02-13 21:27

Thank god for that! I always hate not being able to play that cool part of a game, instead having to start from the very beginning. Its daft that Arkham City never had it.

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