I must be biased... but the only character i like from Uncharted is Chloe. Because she reminds me of Lara. :p And Elena, because shes not stupidly exaggerated and hollywoodised like the rest of the cast. |
Can anyone who has the PS3 version confirm the controller button configuration? :o I'm really curious as to what it is and if it works well.
My main discontent for this game came from it's cliché story and forced shooting mechanics, but it wouldn't be fair to hate it or to call it a bad game. I guess I had a realization, if you don't go into it expecting something like the classics you won't be disappointed. This is something along the lines "Uncharted meets Tomb Raider" than "Tomb Raider meets Tomb Raider", and it sort of works. Anyway, anyone who rates this game lower than 8 or 7 is truly biased. |
Speaking of which, I HATE the QTEs! Especially the final one, I knew EXACTLY which button was going to pop up and hit it the second it did, and I died like 10 times. I also died a lot during the rape cutscenes, I kept hitting the button as soon as it popped up but she still died! |
^Thanks. Also, I think you're meant to hit the buttons as the circular frame outlines the edges of the button icon, or something.
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