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James_Rutland 02-03-13 16:39


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6680527)
^I agree! That Machinima review is stupid!

Good to hear that from you, especially since you dislike the game. Means that review is nothing to worry about :p

just_love_her 02-03-13 16:41


Originally Posted by James_Rutland (Post 6680523)
The guy who reviewed the game from Machinima needs shooting. Seriously. I've never seen such a massive troll for a reviewer ever. He literally tore the entire game apart and managed to find 1009412 unrelevant problems with the game, while stating one of them is that Lara kills fierce ingame and is softer in the cutscene where she is attacked by Vlad... I don't understand, does he want Lara to cry everytime she kills? And he mentions Uncharted does this too, but Drake can be forgiven because he's "charming" :rolleyes:

What a loser :vlol:

He's just pressed because Lara doesn't have extra large boobs but has a personality this time. Drake charming? Hah, I found Natla charming. Who can get angry at that little cute ancient God. She killed Lara's mother. Who cares about that bitch, Lara's such a drama queen.

James_Rutland 02-03-13 16:43


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6680534)
He's just pressed because Lara doesn't have extra large boobs but has a personality this time. Drake charming? Hah, I found Natla charming. Who can get angry at that little cute ancient God. She killed Lara's mother. Who cares about that bitch, Lara's such a drama queen.

Lol I hate Uncharted now :vlol:

I must be biased... but the only character i like from Uncharted is Chloe. Because she reminds me of Lara. :p And Elena, because shes not stupidly exaggerated and hollywoodised like the rest of the cast.

Phlip 02-03-13 16:49

Can anyone who has the PS3 version confirm the controller button configuration? :o I'm really curious as to what it is and if it works well.

TippingWater 02-03-13 16:51


Originally Posted by James_Rutland (Post 6680532)
Good to hear that from you, especially since you dislike the game. Means that review is nothing to worry about :p

;) As I have said in the review thread this game is easily an 8 as a Tomb Raider game, and a lot higher as an action game, maybe around 8.5-9 :). To be fair I think it's the best Tomb Raider game made by CD :).


“The single-player campaign here is the main attraction, and it is excellent. It doesn't try to rewrite the book on third-person action adventure games. But with its excellent controls, engaging heroine, thrilling combat, and fascinating setting, it doesn't need to - 8.5/10.”
-Carolyn Petit for GameSpot

just_love_her 02-03-13 16:52


Originally Posted by January_Snow* (Post 6680526)
I know stores in Serbia that have the game, the problem is that smart me decided to go to a different country while the game is being released. Unless some qatari member magicaly points me to a store that has the game I guess I'll have to wait to get back to Serbia to play it :(

Ah, that's some bad situation. The closest place where I can get the game is Novi Sad since TR will take MONTHS to come to my town (and it's gonna be twice as expensive). I'll have to tell someone to buy it for me since my parents wouldn't go there just to get the game.

Phlip 02-03-13 16:53


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6680550)
;) As I have said in the review thread this game is easily an 8 as a Tomb Raider game, and a lot higher as an action game, maybe around 8.5-9 :). To be fair I think it's the best Tomb Raider game made by CD :).

Erm, weren't you saying this isn't Tomb Raider at all and just a generic shooter a few days ago?

TippingWater 02-03-13 17:03


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6680554)
Erm, weren't you saying this isn't Tomb Raider at all and just a generic shooter a few days ago?

I never said that this is a bad game, it's just not a great Tomb Raider game. 8 to me is not a high score, but it really deserves at least an 8 as a Tomb Raider game.

My main discontent for this game came from it's cliché story and forced shooting mechanics, but it wouldn't be fair to hate it or to call it a bad game.

I guess I had a realization, if you don't go into it expecting something like the classics you won't be disappointed. This is something along the lines "Uncharted meets Tomb Raider" than "Tomb Raider meets Tomb Raider", and it sort of works.

Anyway, anyone who rates this game lower than 8 or 7 is truly biased.

God Horus 02-03-13 17:13


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6680547)
Can anyone who has the PS3 version confirm the controller button configuration? :o I'm really curious as to what it is and if it works well.

Square to light the torch, square is like the new action button but its really fitting IMO. Circle to cancel shot/torch, triangle is mainly used in QTEs. Rest is same as TRL.

Speaking of which, I HATE the QTEs! Especially the final one, I knew EXACTLY which button was going to pop up and hit it the second it did, and I died like 10 times. I also died a lot during the rape cutscenes, I kept hitting the button as soon as it popped up but she still died!

Phlip 02-03-13 17:18

^Thanks. Also, I think you're meant to hit the buttons as the circular frame outlines the edges of the button icon, or something.

Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6680565)
I never said that this is a bad game, it's just not a great Tomb Raider game. 8 to me is not a high score, but it really deserves at least an 8 as a Tomb Raider game.

My main discontent for this game came from it's cliché story and forced shooting mechanics, but it wouldn't be fair to hate it or to call it a bad game.

I guess I had a realization, if you don't go into it expecting something like the classics you won't be disappointed. This is something along the lines "Uncharted meets Tomb Raider" than "Tomb Raider meets Tomb Raider", and it sort of works.

Anyway, anyone who rates this game lower than 8 or 7 is truly biased.

8 to me is very generous, and if you don't like it then why would you say it's CD's best TR?

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