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Carbonek_0051 13-07-13 03:28


Originally Posted by Hairhelmet12 (Post 6849422)
YESSS! It doesn't have to be like another remake, but like you said, reimagined. :D

Omg and Amanda. I need Amanda back in some way. She could be a friend of Lara's father that he screwed over in a way? (maybe an ex? :cln: )They could have had a falling out over credit for an artifact or something? I don't know. :p Now she's holding a grudge and taking it out on Lara and causing all kinds of trouble! Hmm, but then she'd have to be older and not so much Lara's age.. and then she might be a little too similar to Natla perhaps? Brainstorming is hard. :(

Amanda is another I'd like to see be rebooted. Maybe not even someone Lara really knew too much. Amanda was always into the occult. What about instead they reimagined her to be part of Trinity?! :eek: They seem extremely interested in the occult for some reason.

Hairhelmet12 13-07-13 03:29


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6849425)
Amanda is another I'd like to see be rebooted. Maybe not even someone Lara really knew too much. Amanda was always into the occult. What about instead they reimagined her to be part of Trinity?! :eek: They seem extremely interested in the occult for some reason.


Carbonek_0051 13-07-13 03:31

I know right? I scare myself sometimes. CD MPAKE THIS **** HAPPEN. I SWEAR TO GOD. (And bring Chase Carver into the game)

Rosaly 13-07-13 19:35

Hey guys, can you tell me how can I unlock the "sure-shot" outfit, or I should download/buy it?

_Ninja_ 13-07-13 19:37

You have to buy it.

larafan25 13-07-13 19:39

Purchase it from xboxlive/ PSN/ Steam, install and then run the game, the outfit should be available at the base camp under the gear menu.

Rosaly 13-07-13 19:40


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6849920)
You have to buy it.

Ok, thanks. :)

AimlessThunder 14-07-13 00:55

spyrostr 14-07-13 14:35


Originally Posted by AimlessThunder (Post 6850170)

wow it's awesome...

but this one it gives me a classic vibe at some parts :')

dream raider 14-07-13 14:45

Wow... I got headgasms! :eek: Thank you so much for sharing your beautifully stunning work, AimlessThunder! :tmb:

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