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tomee 25-07-13 22:20


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6861691)
I would die if she did.

In a bad way.

Well I don't see her going away anytime soon. She will definitely stay for at least like 2-3 games.

Patrick star 25-07-13 23:39


Originally Posted by James_Rutland (Post 6861655)
I've noticed a pattern - Shelley Blond voiced Lara one time.
Judith Gibbons voiced Lara two times
Jonell voiced Lara three times
Keeley voiced Lara four times...

Does that mean Camilla will probably do 5 TR games? :p

I wouldn't mind that her :)

James_Rutland 26-07-13 15:35

Camilla is fine. Any voice actress that would of had to pull of the whiny, corny OTT lines that Lara delivers in TR9 would seem bad. However, her normal and calm voice that we hear when she's generally talking, especially in the turning point trailer, is amazing. It's very Lara-like and fits her perfectly.

I like Camilla :) she's a lovely woman and is very pretty, but I wouldn't want her as Lara in the movie. She's just too... well, cute. :p

Carbonek_0051 26-07-13 16:18


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6861691)
I would die if she did.

In a bad way.

Same. She's probably one of my least favorite VA's for Lara. :/

tiann 26-07-13 16:26


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6861569)
Gorl, you did a record breaking 4 games, not just three. :ohn:

I guess she thought LcGOL wasn't a TR game..:p

GUMI 26-07-13 17:16

:vlol: !!!!

larafan25 26-07-13 18:19

She looks like she's just doing intense, fast squats. lmao.

Phlip 28-07-13 16:58

I was just thinking about a save system for future TR's - basically, TR1 style save crystals that don't disappear when you use them, so if you backtrack and whatever you can use them as many times as you like, and they could be scattered a bit more liberally than they were in TR1 (but nowhere near as many as there are checkpoints in Crystal's TR's). But that probably wouldn't work with the mostly linear TR9 gameplay style, where it has many gunfights; it could get tedious going through 3 gunfights without dying before the next save crystal.

_Ninja_ 28-07-13 17:01


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6863766)
I was just thinking about a save system for future TR's - basically, TR1 style save crystals that don't disappear when you use them, so if you backtrack and whatever you can use them as many times as you like, and they could be scattered a bit more liberally than they were in TR1 (but nowhere near as many as there are checkpoints in Crystal's TR's). But that probably wouldn't work with the mostly linear TR9 gameplay style, where it has many gunfights; it could get tedious going through 3 gunfights without dying before the next save crystal.

Don't the campfires already work this way?

Phlip 28-07-13 17:04


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6863769)
Don't the campfires already work this way?

No. You got checkpoints pretty much every 4 and 3 quarter footsteps.

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