Big lower parts of Lara's body means more suitable for making babies so I assume in the next game Lara will have some lover and produce six beautiful children/spin-off games.
Her butt became bigger this time? What whee how I didnt notice!
/\ Reciept https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.n...90135227_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.n...43064055_o.jpg http://sarahtherebel.files.wordpress...screenshot.jpg Quote:
Something really tells me that swimming will be one of their advertising points TBH. |
AC2 type swimming would not leave anyone here satisfied. And why point to it when it was already part of the older TRs.
At least, I hope so. D: |
I'm more responding to the guy who brought up AC2 in the first place.
PS. IMO. If CD is going to copy anything it will be Batman:AA => Batman: AC. Non linear open world. |
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