Originally Posted by larafan25
(Post 6940195)
I think it depends on your expectations for the game.
Your expectations were probably low, for a Tomb Raider reboot that would rekindle your interest in jumping around and doing ****.
My personal expectations might've been low, but that's only because I'm a fan and I was here pretty much every day of TR9's development so I knew what was happening with the game. There is a flip side to that though, it meant that the general quality & polish to how TR9 does what it does caught me by surprise.
Originally Posted by larafan25
(Post 6940195)
I don't know how the general public, or these three guys view Tomb Raider, but it's possible that this reboot doesn't match their idea of what a succesful reboot to the Tomb Raider series would be.
I don't really know how people without a history of playing the old games could've really had any expectations beyond the things they read about. If you don't know what a game's about (even though, in TR9's case, it was a reboot) then you can't really say you're hoping for any particular thing. It's more about how the new stuff they see gets them interested.
I think the guys in that podcast were just looking for another example to line up with Uncharted in their discussion about how cinematic games are on their way out. Even though they've no doubt got the entire series under their collective games playing belt, I don't think them calling it a flop was because they preferred the old games.
It's one thing to question what the game does and discuss what, if any, potential there is in continuing with those ideas, but to call the game a flop when it's the biggest selling TR in years? It seemed a bit wide of the mark, even for me.