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Savage Baird 27-01-14 01:05

So is there any incentive to beat Hard mode? There's no achievement or anything tied to it that I know of.

I also hope there is a big enough MP population to grind out those achievements.

Sorry, I'm clearly a Definitive Edition n00b and achievement hunter and or junky. :p

PhantomPain 27-01-14 01:10


Originally Posted by Savage Baird (Post 6987784)
So is there any incentive to beat Hard mode? There's no achievement or anything tied to it that I know of.

I also hope there is a big enough MP population to grind out those achievements.

Sorry, I'm clearly a Definitive Edition n00b and achievement hunter and or junky. :p

I would have preferred the game to have an achievement/trophy for beating the hard mode instead of ridiculous multiplayer ones.

Evan C. 27-01-14 01:11

^Hard mode? That's a joke, there's barely any challenge or difference between 3 difficulty settings.

Savage Baird 27-01-14 01:13


Originally Posted by PhantomPain (Post 6987786)
I would have preferred the game to have an achievement/trophy for beating the hard mode instead of ridiculous multiplayer ones.

Me too, especially when the MP doesn't seem all that great like it does in this one. Grinding for Ryse: Son of Rome's level 100 MP achievement was absolutely brutal.

I haven't tried the MP in this yet, but I haven't heard rave reviews about it.

PhantomPain 27-01-14 02:24


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6987789)
^Hard mode? That's a joke, there's barely any challenge or difference between 3 difficulty settings.

I don't even know how the difficulty changed since I've only completed the game once, on this particular mode. But it felt tiresome sometimes, I died a lot at certain areas. I don't even know why I went for hard right away, probably assumed completing the game on the hardest difficulty would be rewarded somehow...

Spong 27-01-14 02:29


Originally Posted by PhantomPain (Post 6987786)
I would have preferred the game to have an achievement/trophy for beating the hard mode instead of ridiculous multiplayer ones.

That's something, have any achievements/trophies been changed in the DE? I bet they haven't.

b.gluch 27-01-14 03:03

no, they haven't. They really should remove some of the multiplayer ones, like winning a ranked match for every mode will most likely be impossible in a few months when no is playing anymore.

voltz 27-01-14 03:57

They're going to come down the same way AVP is currently at right now.

Rai 28-01-14 13:52

Some people may not be aware that there is a petition poll going on at Eidos Foums for CD to show the original ending of TR'13. If you'd like to see this, probably as a YouTube video then feel free to go on over to Here to give your vote, if you wish. Be aware that this does involve signing into Eidos to do so.

The original scene involved Lara having to kill Sam in order to save the others.

Spong 28-01-14 13:57

^LOL @ the person who voted for the "ignore this" option. There's always one, bless :p

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