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Stevo505 12-04-12 22:16

I'm glad her animation is fast. She's trying to get out of a cave with some voice echoing throughout it... don't you think she should be moving with some urgency?

Lukass 12-04-12 22:17

^ Exactly. And the little details are pretty important.

larafan25 12-04-12 22:17

It doesn't even seem urgent to me though. Just that fact that she pulls up right when she grabs seems fast, but otherwise it just seems normal.


All the little details, sounds, and items falling remind me of UC1 the Bunker.

_Awestruck_ 12-04-12 22:19


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6101051)
Oh and the planks that fell when she walked up to them.

Those little details are cool.

Cans that she brushed up against as they clanked.

Nice. Little. Details.

That stuff was nice. I thought I was the only one who found that stuff kind of awesome. :p

Stevo505 12-04-12 22:19


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6101061)
It doesn't even seem urgent to me though. Just that fact that she pulls up right when she grabs seems fast, but otherwise it just seems normal.


All the little details, sounds, and items falling remind me of UC1 the Bunker.

Well she swings her leg up pretty fast, especially considering she was impaled a few minutes prior.

And yeah, the bunker is a good comparison I think, with the tight spaces and eerie noises.

edit - ^Yeah, I loved those little details too. The bottles falling off the ledge when she climbed up were very cool. Hopefully we'll see this attention to detail throughout the game.

just*raidin*tomb 12-04-12 22:20


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6101061)
It doesn't even seem urgent to me though. Just that fact that she pulls up right when she grabs seems fast, but otherwise it just seems normal.


All the little details, sounds, and items falling remind me of UC1 the Bunker.

Seriously one of the most terrifying gaming segments I've ever played. o_o EDIT: Wait I'm not sure if we're talking about the same chapter..

Oh and her jumps and how she pulls up...they really appear to have some weight to them. Just compare it with Underworld and you'll see a HUGE difference. It looks like it would feel good to pull Lara up from a ledge. Does that make sense? :p

larafan25 12-04-12 22:20

^Yes. It looks like jumping feels really good IMO.


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6101067)
Well she swings her leg up pretty fast, especially considering she was impaled a few minutes prior.

And yeah, the bunker is a good comparison I think, with the tight spaces and eerie noises.

Well given that circumstance yes, but CD didn't want to hamper the player's movements or something...I guess.

Lukass 12-04-12 22:22


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6101070)
Oh and her jumps and how she pulls up...they really appear to have some weight to them. Just compare it with Underworld and you'll a HUGE difference. It looks like it would feel good to pull Lara up from a ledge. Does that make sense? :p

I see your point and I couldn't agree more.

Stevo505 12-04-12 22:23


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6101070)
Seriously one of the most terrifying gaming segments I've ever played. o_o EDIT: Wait I'm not sure if we're talking about the same chapter..

Oh and her jumps and how she pulls up...they really appear to have some weight to them. Just compare it with Underworld and you'll see a HUGE difference. It looks like it would feel good to pull Lara up from a ledge. Does that make sense? :p

Oh yes, the chapter with the weird zombie things? That chapter had me freaked out. I had to pause every few minutes to regain my composure... I seriously wasn't expecting something like that from that kind of game!

And I totally agree about the weight thing. She actually looks like she'll be easy to steer and control. She no longer looks like a weightless monkey/spider on crack...

larafan25 12-04-12 22:24

So what if one of the scavenger dens has more of those hanging sacks, but the people inside are consious and sort of moving a bit and making noises?

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