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scoopy_loopy 14-09-10 10:00

Je souhaite que cette section a été plus actif.

Salut, tout le monde! :D

-Cortez- 14-09-10 10:39

Salut !
On dirait qu'il y a pas mal de monde qui a envie d'apprendre le français, ce pourquoi vous venez dans cette section. :)

scoopy_loopy 17-09-10 11:20


Originally Posted by -Cortez- (Post 4891740)
Salut !
On dirait qu'il y a pas mal de monde qui a envie d'apprendre le français, ce pourquoi vous venez dans cette section. :)

Oui. Mon français est très mauvais. Désolé.
Mais, si je ne l'utilise pas - je vais le perdre! :o

Squibbly 18-09-10 13:28


Originally Posted by scoopy_loopy (Post 4896876)
Oui. Mon français est très mauvais. Désolé.
Mais, si je ne l'utilise pas - je vais le perdre! :o

Ton français est trés bien. :)

aurora89 24-09-10 17:00

ce matin, je passe un examen de français. :yik: je dormais seul 5 heures et je suis très malade ce semaine. je souhaite que je ne ratasse pas l'examen. :( usualmente, j'écris sur les zombis parce que c'est amusant... j'espère que ma professeur est d'accord!

Liberta 28-09-10 20:47


Originally Posted by aurora89 (Post 4910257)
ce matin, je passe un examen de français. :yik: je dormais seul 5 heures et je suis très malade ce semaine. je souhaite que je ne ratasse pas l'examen. :( usualmente, j'écris sur les zombis parce que c'est amusant... j'espère que ma professeur est d'accord!

lol Bon courage avec les zombies ! :) t'es d'ou ?

drakl0r 02-10-10 19:08

Bonjour everyone :)

Sorry for bothering you guys, but I need some help to translate the French part in this song (with the original French lyrics as well) :D :p

Btw I think it's in English + French

Thanks in advance :D

scoopy_loopy 03-10-10 01:47

@ Drak - Oh man, the transitions between French and English hurt my brain! I suppose it wouldn't have that effect on the Japanese audience, though :p Normally I love J-pop (or ballads, in this case, I guess.)
BTW; it'd be easier if you posted the lyrics :p Often in French it almost sounds like he more or less says what he just said in English. But not, lol.

Sur le thème de la musique - ce que quelqu'un comme Emilie Simon? Je l'aime. :D

drakl0r 03-10-10 13:38

Thanks for the response scoopy, I've tried asking at yahoo answers and this is the translation that I've got... :D


Je pensais j'pouvais l'appeler [I thought I could call her]
Since I hadn't spoken to her at all
?Etirer charger? [I have no idea what he's saying here but it could be a mispronounciation of étirer, which would mean to stretch out]
Chaque moment gaspillais [Each moment was wasted]
And you don't even know the connections on the same line
You gotta give it a try
Et j'essaie de vivre the good life, good life [And I try/ I am trying to live the...]
But it always comes back and haunts me

I wanted to stop myself
Recommencer de nouveau [Start again/afresh]
Does anybody know how to get there?
J'en sais pas [I don't know it]
Tell me how

I wanted to tell you
Throughout my life je pensais à toi [I was thinking of you]
En ce moment [Right now]
Il y a dû quelqu'un qui a touché ton coeur [There must be someone who has touched her heart]
I can wait just a little bit more

Call me now
'Cause i don't have a lot to do
And what to say, I can't say
That is all that stands between us

Call me now
I want you to say my name
I never thought that we'd turn out this way

I've been told just to let go
I never thought that I would be the one to hurt you
It said that everything would be ok
And I'm the one who holds you up
[He says a couple words which I don't understand here]

You know I try to live the good life, good life
Je pensais que la vie pourrait charger to let go [I thought that life could be overloaded to let go]
Let go
(I want to remember I got away good 'cause I'm somebody else)
Je savais que c'était un rêve, j'étais quelqu'un d'autre [I knew it was a dream, I was somebody else]
I'll tell you how it feels once I find myself
(I wanted to call her)
The line's changed to somewhere else
I wonder if I actually phoned this someone else

Call me now
'Cause I don't have the heart to do it
What to say
I can't say it
That is all that stands between us

Call me now
I wanna hear you say my name
Never thought we'd turn out this way
(No-one even knows my name
No-one even knows)
Though the person who answered told me that his accent is hard to understand. Blaise Plant (the singer) is Canadian if I'm not mistaken..

scoopy_loopy 03-10-10 23:48

I definitely didn't understand "?Etirer charger?" clearly, to me it almost sounds like he's taken a shortcut with passe compose, and it's supposed to be the past-tense of "to stretch". So perhaps with that + charger he's meaning something along the lines of the English saying, "reached the end of my tether"? He later uses charger in reference to being overloaded.

But as I said, I'm not a native :p Maybe it's a colloquialism or I'm just missing something.

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