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Mikky 08-02-21 15:52


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8277628)
I managed to install the new version but I lost all my progression. RIP

Gurl, I wouldn't touch the game ever again if I lost my progress. Spending 5 days grinding just to pass one chapter... This game needs to be fixed.

Anyone know what that red journal is in the main menu? Something you unlock, or it's just not available on this early access?

Chamayoo 08-02-21 18:18


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8277850)
Gurl, I wouldn't touch the game ever again if I lost my progress. Spending 5 days grinding just to pass one chapter... This game needs to be fixed.

Anyone know what that red journal is in the main menu? Something you unlock, or it's just not available on this early access?

Yeah it's pretty discouraging ! I think the red journal is the option settings, but not sure why we couldn't have any access to this.

UroshUchiha 09-02-21 08:55

Oof if I lost my progress I would not start from scratch honestly. Yeah the red journal is not available at the moment whatever it is. Not sure if it's the options cause you already have that cog icon where you can play around with audio settings but that's about it for now.

Ellioft 09-02-21 18:24

I play the game since the 4th February and I'm already at the Vilcabamba section without any cheating :D

MissJodieG 11-02-21 11:34

In which regions is the game available currently? Does anyone happen to know?

Mikky 11-02-21 14:34


Originally Posted by MissJodieG (Post 8278691)
In which regions is the game available currently? Does anyone happen to know?

Thailand and Philippines are the only countries I know of.

MissJodieG 11-02-21 14:43


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8278721)
Thailand and Philippines are the only countries I know of.

Thank you.

I'd love to try it out but I'm too stupid to figure out how to do it. :o

Mikky 12-02-21 17:11

So after what feels like years of grinding, I finally beat the last boss. And... Nothing. Not even a little trinket, some gold, no "congratulations", no "thank you for playing", no "more chapters coming soon", not even the usual EXP bonus you get for completing a chapter. It just pops you back to the title screen as if nothing happened. Now I wasn't expecting anything mind-blowing, but at least an acknowledgement of some kind would have been nice. So now I'm just like:

But whatever, I'm over it. Overall, the game was nice at times. I do not recommend anyone to play the game as it is now, not even out of curiosity, because the chances are you'll get stuck in a loop of addiction. Definitely wait until the full release and/or they balance everything out. And I pray that they do, otherwise I can guarantee this game will flop so hard.

TombRaider_Ed 12-02-21 19:54


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8278991)
So after what feels like years of grinding, I finally beat the last boss. And... Nothing. Not even a little trinket, some gold, no "congratulations", no "thank you for playing", no "more chapters coming soon", not even the usual EXP bonus you get for completing a chapter. It just pops you back to the title screen as if nothing happened. Now I wasn't expecting anything mind-blowing, but at least an acknowledgement of some kind would have been nice. So now I'm just like:

But whatever, I'm over it. Overall, the game was nice at times. I do not recommend anyone to play the game as it is now, not even out of curiosity, because the chances are you'll get stuck in a loop of addiction. Definitely wait until the full release and/or they balance everything out. And I pray that they do, otherwise I can guarantee this game will flop so hard.

Don't worry; you're playing the unbalanced technical soft launch version - it's not about the story, the monetization, the new features etc., it's literally just to test technical infrastructure, frame-rate balancing, security etc.

This is why we soft launch and don't want fans to play it until global, so many features and much more Tomb Raider-i-ness in what's to come.

Hoping you give it another try when they full version is ready!

SoraSakai 12-02-21 22:12


Originally Posted by TombRaider_Ed (Post 8279027)
Don't worry; you're playing the unbalanced technical soft launch version - it's not about the story, the monetization, the new features etc., it's literally just to test technical infrastructure, frame-rate balancing, security etc.

This is why we soft launch and don't want fans to play it until global, so many features and much more Tomb Raider-i-ness in what's to come.

Hoping you give it another try when they full version is ready!

I don’t personally believe a single thing you’re saying. It’s very blatant what type of game this is.

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