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Brutallman 12-02-21 22:56

Hello guys, can someone send a link for a new game version please?🙏🏻

tomblover 13-02-21 13:44


Originally Posted by SoraSakai (Post 8279061)
I don’t personally believe a single thing you’re saying. It’s very blatant what type of game this is.

Yes, there are microtransactions, and no, you don't like that. We get it, sis. Move on, before you cut yourself on your own edges. :p


As the game stands currently, it is very much a money pit - or would be, if you're the type to drop money on loot crates and whatever else.

(I have an addictive personality, but my vice of choice is nicotine, so it's more obnoxious than insidious to me :vlol:)

Regardless of things getting more "Tomb Raider-y" and the game becoming more feature-rich (which I'm looking forward to), I certainly hope there's some significant rebalancing being done as well.

I realize that these kinds of games aren't being made for free, and they need to turn a profit, but all I'm saying is that - there's a point at which, the game basically asking you for money, becomes unattractive.

It's all well and good that you're adding to the game, but the question is if these additions are going to make it needlessly complex/obtusely difficult, or actually help the player in overcoming odds that I do agree should be predisposed against you.

Just not so overtly, since money is being asked for - to experience something that's offered to the player seemingly for free. :specialsnowflake:

I don't think the ticket system is particularly prohibitive, or even that the upgrade system is underpowered - Lara seems consistently powerful, the problem is having 8927345 bullet sponge enemies on-screen at the same time, where trying to take down even just one of them is a tremendous effort, between their overpowered attacks (which are inconsistent even between enemies of the same type, I feel like) and meandering movement patterns (coupled with the fact that Lara doesn't lead her shots). Your equipment mitigates some of these factors, but that isn't very helpful when equipment is incredibly hard to come by in the first place...

SoraSakai 13-02-21 13:54

It’s not your place to tell me when I can and can’t participate in a conversation.

PedroTheGamer 13-02-21 14:27

Guys please stop arguing and let's have a peaceful thread out of courtesy? :o

@tomblover, it doesn't have to be crass. everyone has the right to comment here. ;)

tomblover 13-02-21 16:39


Originally Posted by PedroTheGamer (Post 8279184)
@tomblover, it doesn't have to be crass. everyone has the right to comment here. ;)

I'm not being crass, I just don't think it's much of a conversation when all you're really doing is yelling the same thing, over and over again, into a void. :p

(especially doing it in an effort to try and "poke the bear" - but who cares what I think is tasteless :specialsnowflake:)

Mikky 13-02-21 17:13


Originally Posted by TombRaider_Ed (Post 8279027)
Don't worry; you're playing the unbalanced technical soft launch version - it's not about the story, the monetization, the new features etc., it's literally just to test technical infrastructure, frame-rate balancing, security etc.

This is why we soft launch and don't want fans to play it until global, so many features and much more Tomb Raider-i-ness in what's to come.

That's very good to hear! Looking forward to it

Hoping you give it another try when they full version is ready!
Oh I definitely will, don't worry 😁


For anyone wondering how to play the game, I really recommend following yogalame's post. It is really straightforward and simple, so for anyone worrying it's "too technical", it really isn't - if I can do it, anyone can. This method can also be used to update the game. I'm saying this because there was an update just yesterday and it worked like a charm. Again, I don't recommend anyone play the game in this state but if you reeeally want to, just follow those instructions.

UroshUchiha 13-02-21 20:41

^I used the Panda VPN thingy that I wrote and was quoted in that post again to get the update. Works like a charm on my device. Just have to make sure to clear the data from Google Play Store after you turn on the VPN so it can refresh itself and see that you are in Thailand/Philippines at the moment.

MissJodieG 13-02-21 20:53


Originally Posted by TombRaider_Ed (Post 8279027)
Don't worry; you're playing the unbalanced technical soft launch version - it's not about the story, the monetization, the new features etc., it's literally just to test technical infrastructure, frame-rate balancing, security etc.

This is why we soft launch and don't want fans to play it until global, so many features and much more Tomb Raider-i-ness in what's to come.

Hoping you give it another try when they full version is ready!

While I'm tempted to try the game in this early stage, simply because I'm curious as to how I'd like it, I think I'd rather wait for the official release. Do we know an official date at this point? Or time frame at least?

andre_costa 17-02-21 20:11

Did anyone manage to play this game on iOS?

Los Angeles 17-02-21 20:20

People actually play this garbage?

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