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Mikky 05-02-12 01:16


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5956835)
But not everyone thinks being stumped is enjoyable, so they use the hint system.

Not to mention this hint system doesn't verbalize the solution, it simply shows use the items needed to complete the puzzle.

Which games?

And people still could have used a walktrhough.

Yeah, one is more convenient, but they're both used with the same purpose.

What do you mean which games? So many games out there don't have a hint system. :p

And you say that people will use online walkthroughs and if this is the case, doesn't it just give more reason for them NOT to put an in-game help system? I mean, if everyone's gonna use walkthroughs, why even bother?


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5956835)
Or because there are walkthroughs on the Internet.

I don't think so. T_T


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 5956838)
Perhaps you don't need a hint system, but others might. Is it really a huge issue? It's there for players' convenience if needed, but if you don't need it, then there's no reason to use it. But you make it seem like it's a huge deal that the hint system is there in the first place when it really isn't.

Again, I REALLY don't think that anyone will find the game so hard that they will absolutely need to use Survival Instinct. Why not just remove it from the game and if anyone does get stuck, then palyers can use online walkthroughs that lf25 is so fond of. :p


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 5956842)

That way the first time TR player doesn't go to all his friends and say, "Don't get this game! It's too hard!"

I really don't think anyone will ever say that. tbh. Maybe telling them that it's challenging, yes, but so hard that you tell someone not to buy it? No, I can't picture it.

Stevo505 05-02-12 01:18

Because it's more convenient and it keeps the player playing the game.

larafan25 05-02-12 01:19


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5956857)
What do you mean which games? So many games out there don't have a hint system. :p

Well I'm just wondering if those games have puzzles/ problem solving.


And you say that people will use online walkthroughs and if this is the case, doesn't it just give more reason for them NOT to put an in-game help system? I mean, if everyone's gonna use walkthroughs, why even bother?
It's convenience, the player doesn't have to leave the game to find the solution.


I don't think so. T_T
Lots of people have used walkthroughs for the classics, polls have been done. What would it say if people revered this problem solving - no solution aspect of the game yet turned around and searched walkthroughs? I wonder. :/


Again, I REALLY don't think that anyone will find the game so hard that they will absolutely need to use Survival Instinct. Why not just remove it from the game and if anyone does get stuck, then palyers can use online walkthroughs that lf25 is so fond of. :p
Convenience, so they don't have to leave the game.

Not to mention specifically in this game, a walkthrough would give you a step by step solution whereas survival instinct only highlights the items of interaction in the environment.

skylark1121 05-02-12 01:21


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5956857)
I really don't think anyone will ever say that. tbh. Maybe telling them that it's challenging, yes, but so hard that you tell someone not to buy it? No, I can't picture it.

Stranger things have happened, but I guess we won't know how difficult it is until we play it. :p

Mikky 05-02-12 01:21

^ I guess, but still... It's going to take me a lot of convincing for me to ever agree with SI. :p


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 5956861)
Because it's more convenient and it keeps the player playing the game.

Exactly! I don't want convenience, I want challenge.


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5956863)
Well I'm just wondering if those games have puzzles/ problem solving.

It's convenience, the player doesn't have to leave the game to find the solution.

Lots of people have used walkthroughs for the classics, polls have been done. What would it say if people revered this problem solving - no solution aspect of the game yet turned around and searched walkthroughs? I wonder. :/

Convenience, so they don't have to leave the game.

Not to mention specifically in this game, a walkthrough would give you a step by step solution whereas survival instinct only highlights the items of interaction in the environment.

Again, the word "convenient" pops up. Which basically just translates into "laziness and easiness". :p

Stevo505 05-02-12 01:22


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5956866)
Exactly! I don't want convenience, I want challenge.

...Then don't use it.

This is just going in circles :vlol:

larafan25 05-02-12 01:23


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5956866)
^ I guess, but still... It's going to take me a lot of convincing for me to ever agree with SI. :p

Exactly! I don't want convenience, I want challenge.

It's convenience for those who do want the solution.

The fact that it's optional is convenience for you.

Mikky 05-02-12 01:28


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 5956868)
...Then don't use it.

This is just going in circles :vlol:

I know, lol, but I don't see the point of a feature that hardly anyone will use.


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5956873)

The fact that it's optional is convenience for you.

The fact that it's there is just annoying. :p

skylark1121 05-02-12 01:31

^ But it's a win/win situation. :confused:


Adrenaline 05-02-12 03:11


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5956703)
The thing about the camera, I think they either need to leave it there with no movement for us to control, or take away all movement and have it move for us in tight curvy places.

I was doing that puzzle in London, and it was not even a puzzle anymore because the steps were not to realize what to do, but to interact with someone when the character realized what to do.

I had played before, and I knew the four plates on the ground were pressure plates, but I had to wait through all the talking for the other character to notice them on the ground, and press the hint button to progress.

So silly.

I HOPE so bad we get Cameras in corners from far landscapes,..Like you come into the opening of a mountain, and the camera zooms above you, so you see over the mountain dramatically! :') ....

About Survival Instinct,.. I think that it's cool it is in the game, BECAUSE It sort of says "Do you need me to be a tomb raider?" youknow? like it sort of motivates you NOT to use it, Which causes you to use your own resourcefulness in that situation, Proving you are a tomb raider, and that you do not need such a power to guide your way., That you can do it yourself. That's why i sort of am okay with it being there. XD

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