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Heartache 08-03-21 10:02

played it for a bit on the 5th just because i also got my new pc on friday. cant believe it has been so long. i remember how long it felt, until the game finally released and i remebered how my pc then was not really capable to play the game and now i have 200 fps :vlol:

Lara_Fan1 09-03-21 00:02


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 8283633)
8 years ago today, 5th March.

Jesus, I feel old. I remember the day it came out as if it was yesterday. I was in college in the morning and got a text off my Father saying a package had arrived for me from Amazon.

Valentino 11-03-21 18:06

The fact it got revealed in 2010...... :cry:
it's 2021 for cryin out loud. I'm sorry but how did that happen. And it was early 2010 it was revealed! The lead up to the trailer was an EVENT (E3 event I know. But the trailer itself) and the delay....oh god the delay. Was a strange experience the way it played coming off of Underworld. But the entire announcement up to it's release was an memorable era. Even if I've not warmed to some of the choices in the games after, mainly Lara.

OrangeJuice 26-03-21 01:21

the way this is still the best game in the trilogy

Tesla 29-03-21 16:08

I've been interested in replaying the game lately, but the story is just so bad. lol The gameplay is still good, even if it's a bit lacking in overall content, so I know I'd enjoy playing it again. Just not experiencing it.

I kind of wanna wait until I can run Rise and Shadow though so I can go through all 3 at once.

Wooxman 29-03-21 18:01


Originally Posted by Tesla (Post 8289414)
I've been interested in replaying the game lately, but the story is just so bad. lol The gameplay is still good, even if it's a bit lacking in overall content, so I know I'd enjoy playing it again. Just not experiencing it.

I replayed it a few weeks ago, then replayed Rise last week and I'm now playing Shadow and I really appreciate how TR2013 is "lacking in content" in comparison to the other two games. Rise has far too many documents (sometimes there's a new document every 2 metres) and the need of gathering different crafting materials can be pretty annoying as it means travelling back and forth between hubs to make animals respawn. The only improvements that I want in TR2013 are the ability to sprint (in multiplayer you can sprint, but not in the campaign!?) and better enemy AI so that once an enemy spots you, he doesn't alert any idly enemy in the area.

Chamayoo 05-03-23 07:40

Well, an entire decade since the release of the game ! :cln:

malferink 29-10-23 12:08

Can’t believe it’s been more than 10 years since this game released.
Anyone else think the original model is much better than the definitive edition version? Especially during cutscenes the new model looks really off

JoelCaesar 01-11-23 12:14


Originally Posted by malferink (Post 8419938)
Can’t believe it’s been more than 10 years since this game released.
Anyone else think the original model is much better than the definitive edition version? Especially during cutscenes the new model looks really off

Yes, I agree! I always thought the original model looked more like an actual person if that makes sense?

malferink 01-11-23 16:23

Yeah! The definitive edition looks a bit like a doll or something, most facial animations seem to be lost in the new model

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