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Linoshi Croft 31-01-12 19:47

...I'm sorry to say Tombraider(Reboot) looks nothing like UC and hasn't taken any inspiration from it is pure delusional.

And no, I'm not an UC fanboy I don't even own a PS3 system.

JsotoTRSaga 31-01-12 19:51


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 5948091)
...I'm sorry to say Tombraider(Reboot) looks nothing like UC and hasn't taken any inspiration from it is pure delusional.

And no, I'm not an UC fanboy I don't even own a PS3 system.

when i said ''Some Uncharted fans'' i was not Referring to you.... i was referring to larafan25....

@xLARA__Nathanx: Uncharted copied a lot from TR that is why they look similar and the fact of the Exploration, Platforming and Action Adventure genre. And i hate CoD as well especially when fanboys keep saying it is the greatest game on earth and go to youtube pages and start commenting ''Tomb Raider is an excuse for a videogame they should stop doing this crap they should be making CoD now that is one heck of a GAME!!'' which annoys me and makes me want to Puke.... :pi:

Linoshi Croft 31-01-12 19:52

But still, the reboot has taken some inspiration from UC. Sorry to's just delusional to deny such a thing so blatant.

xLara_Nathanx 31-01-12 19:54

^I, being BOTH a TR and UC fan, agree with you. (Note that I like >>BOTH<< games)


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 5948097)
when i said ''Some Uncharted fans'' i was not Referring to you.... i was referring to larafan25....

Wanting a multiplayer makes you want TR to be like UC? :confused:

JsotoTRSaga 31-01-12 20:03


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 5948099)
But still, the reboot has taken some inspiration from UC. Sorry to's just delusional to deny such a thing so blatant.

If it did i am Sorry because i do not see they look alike in fact i think it looks better than Uncharted ;) and in Uncharted there are white ledges and there will be no white ledges in the new TR sooo... :whi: Of course they have improved some aspects and makes it look alike some of the stuff Uncharted has but it was them who started copying TR which means that CD is more Original even when some people consider they are taking some things about UC since they where the ones that copied first :/


Originally Posted by xLara_Nathanx (Post 5948103)
^I, being BOTH a TR and UC fan, agree with you. (Note that I like >>BOTH<< games)
---Wanting a multiplayer makes you want TR to be like UC? :confused:

I do not want MP because of many reasons and i have mentioned them before too many times. if that is what u mean because i do not understand that question pretty well :confused:

Killercowz 31-01-12 20:08

They most certainly took inspiration from Uncharted and CD themselves have said so.



Just to point out some comparisons. ;)

Linoshi Croft 31-01-12 20:08



Yes, delusional. To condemn one company for ripping of other games (Yes, sorry to say UC ripped of MANY games) and then not do it to CD when they do the same just really silly :p

But then again, in games nothing is really original and people take ideas from other people its normal. So its unfair to condemn anyone for it.

JsotoTRSaga 31-01-12 20:12

They did say they had to be better than the Competition if that is what u meant KILLERCOWZ. Which is why probably they are using some little details from UC to their new vision for Tomb Raider. @ Linoshi Croft: Why do you keep saying it is delusional? :confused: CD is in all their rights to do the same back since they started it (UC Developers Naughty Dog) and that is exactly what i would do if i was at that situation. ;)

xLara_Nathanx 31-01-12 20:14


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 5948119)
If it did i am Sorry because i do not see they look alike in fact i think it looks better than Uncharted ;) and in Uncharted there are white ledges and there will be no white ledges in the new TR sooo... :whi: Of course they have improved some aspects and makes it look alike some of the stuff Uncharted has but it was them who started copying TR which means that CD is more Original even when some people consider they are taking some things about UC since they where the ones that copied first :/

I do not want MP because of many reasons and i have mentioned them before too many times. if that is what u mean because i do not understand that question pretty well :confused:

White ledges do not make a game. UC has indeed white ledges (not all the time though. You'd know if you played them). The same UC without white ledges would still be as fun as UC with white ledges.

So you say UC copied TR? Well, news flash! Guess Crystal ''sunk'' to their level. (Too bad even SINKING to ND's level is hard). Also, UC took inspiration from Indiana Jones. NOT TR!!

JsotoTRSaga 31-01-12 20:19

^Indiana Jones and TR. let's not forget what all the magazines said when announcing Uncharted back in 2006-2007 they called him Dude Raider.... UC has white ledges not all the time but it still has a lot. By the way If Tomb Raider has ''sunk'' to their level like you say i do not see where does Survival fit in the Uncharted games... since the new TR is going to have survival they are definitely not copying Uncharted much..... :rolleyes:

Linoshi Croft 31-01-12 20:19


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 5948141)
They did say they had to be better than the Competition if that is what u meant KILLERCOWZ. Which is why probably they are using some little details from UC to their new vision for Tomb Raider. @ Linoshi Croft: Why do you keep saying it is delusional? :confused: CD is in all their rights to do the same back since they started it (UC Developers Naughty Dog) and that is exactly what i would do if i was at that situation. ;)

So using that logic, if someone stabs another person. That person should be able to stab the other person back and it be perfectly acceptable :vlol: ?

You condemned Naughty Dog for doing it but it's fine when CD do it. I'm not saying getting inspiration from one another is bad, but you refuse to see CD have taken inspiration.

JsotoTRSaga 31-01-12 20:23


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 5948156)
So using that logic, if someone stabs another person. That person should be able to stab the other person back and it be perfectly acceptable :vlol: ?

You condemned Naughty Dog for doing it but it's fine when CD do it. I'm not saying getting inspiration from one another is bad, but you refuse to see CD have taken inspiration.

Inspiration is the Phrase ;) not COPY. I have played Uncharted 1, 2 and 3 (Not finished the 3rd though) and i Liked them they are good games but they seem to have been INSPIRED by TR a lot. and LOL if someone stabs me depending on who it is i might stab them back :p and it would be acceptable (Personal Defense)

xLara_Nathanx 31-01-12 20:25


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 5948155)
^Indiana Jones and TR. let's not forget what all the magazines said when announcing Uncharted back in 2006-2007 they called him Dude Raider.... UC has white ledges not all the time but it still has a lot. By the way If Tomb Raider has ''sunk'' to their level like you say i do not see where does Survival fit in the Uncharted games... since the new TR is going to have survival they are definitely not copying Uncharted much..... :rolleyes:

Indiana Jones.

If the magazines say Nathan Drake is gay, does that make him gay? If they say he's dude raider, does that make him dude raider? No.

Once again, so what? So what?? Let there be white ledges.

I am not saying that TR has sunk >_> I said that Crystal sunk to Naughty Dog's level by copying.

Since UC has COVER and SHOOTING MECHANICS they are definitely not copying Tomb Raider much...... :rolleyes:

And tell me. WHAT is the similarity between TR and UC? Is it the controls? Erm... yeah... almost every game has the same controls.

Linoshi Croft 31-01-12 20:25


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 5948168)
Inspiration is the Phrase ;) not COPY. I have played Uncharted 1, 2 and 3 (Not finished the 3rd though) and i Liked them they are good games but they seem to have been INSPIRED by TR a lot. and LOL if someone stabs me depending on who it is i might stab them back :p and it would be acceptable (Personal Defense)

You've used the term COPIED multiple times...

JsotoTRSaga 31-01-12 20:32


Originally Posted by xLara_Nathanx (Post 5948178)
Indiana Jones.

If the magazines say Nathan Drake is gay, does that make him gay? If they say he's dude raider, does that make him dude raider? No.

Once again, so what? So what?? Let there be white ledges.

I am not saying that TR has sunk >_> I said that Crystal sunk to Naughty Dog's level by copying.

Since UC has COVER and SHOOTING MECHANICS they are definitely not copying Tomb Raider much...... :rolleyes:

And tell me. WHAT is the similarity between TR and UC? Is it the controls? Erm... yeah... almost every game has the same controls.

:rolleyes: This has got too Pointless my only reply to this is: TR Came first. UC is not a bad game as i said i like it but it is too Inspired by Tomb Raider but W.e....

Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 5948181)
You've used the term COPIED multiple times...

''If that is the Phrase''... i have said Copy but now i think the correct word is Inspired... just like in the TRA box which says Inspired by the original TR and was a remake.... so i guess the correct word (Maybe) is Inspired. :rolleyes:

dizzydoil 31-01-12 20:43

...and how many games inspired the first Tomb Raider? ...and then how many games where inspired by the first Tomb Raider? ...which then inspired the second Tomb Raider? ...and then how many games where inspired by the second Tomb Raider? ...and so on, and so forth, forever... and ever and ever. :rolleyes:

JsotoTRSaga 31-01-12 20:46

^:rolleyes: LOL....

larafan25 31-01-12 20:50

Yeah, it's really no longer about being unique.

I think what's more important is that we get an enjoyable gaming experience, something fun that we want to play.

xLara_Nathanx 31-01-12 20:50



Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 5948257)
^:rolleyes: LOL....

It is a fact, though. haha. But I will end this conversation for myself here. Byee

JsotoTRSaga 31-01-12 20:54

Lovely... yes larafan25 but i believe CD already knows that. ;)

Mikky 31-01-12 20:57

So, anyone think we'll get new stuff as soon as the clock strikes midnight? :pi:

larafan25 31-01-12 20:59


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5948282)
So, anyone think we'll get new stuff as soon as the clock strikes midnight? :pi:


Linoshi Croft 31-01-12 20:59

I don't even have my hopes up for anything at all...I mean, knowing CD when they finally release information it'll be something silly like the voice actress.

JsotoTRSaga 31-01-12 21:01

I hope not :pi: the VA is not as interesting as it used to be... now it is rather awkward..

Mikky 31-01-12 21:02

Pfffft, party poopers. :pi:

Knowing the VA will be nice, but it wouldn't exactly excite me.

"Oh, so she's doing it... Interesting..."


larafan25 31-01-12 21:03


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5948293)
Pfffft, party poopers. :pi:

Knowing the VA will be nice, but it wouldn't exactly excite me.

"Oh, so she's doing it... Interesting..."


A VA announcement with an interview or behind the scenes footage would be ace though.

JsotoTRSaga 31-01-12 21:04

That sounds better^ *Claps to larafan25* :tmb: if only they could change their mind and release some sreenshots... :pi:

Mikky 31-01-12 21:05


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5948294)
A VA announcement with an interview or behind the scenes footage would be ace though.

If this behind the scene footage included snippets of new gameplay, then yeah.

Linoshi Croft 31-01-12 21:05

I guess seeing all the motion capture stuff could be interesting. However, I really don't like seeing or associating the voice for a video game character with a real life person it just kinda ruins it for me...

larafan25 31-01-12 21:06


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5948301)
If this behind the scene footage included snippets of new gameplay, then yeah.

No, I mean behind the scenes footage of the actress acting. :p

Although when she is announced, she's going to have a huge fan following, people are going to flip out over her. I can see it now, here at least.

Mikky 31-01-12 21:10


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5948305)
No, I mean behind the scenes footage of the actress acting. :p

I know what you meant. I just mean that it would be nice if it included some footage of cutscenes or something of Lara talking; to see the voice actress in action, so to speak. :p


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5948305)
Although when she is announced, she's going to have a huge fan following, people are going to flip out over her. I can see it now, here at least.

Hmmmm, not me. At least not until I play the game. xD

larafan25 31-01-12 21:11

Oh yes, seeing some shots of the cutscene she's acting.

Mikky 31-01-12 21:14


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5948315)
Oh yes, seeing some shots of the cutscene she's acting.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, exactly.

JsotoTRSaga 31-01-12 21:40

Sounds like a brilliant idea, you 2 are soo ingenious. If only CD was like that when speaking about the VA :/ Take Note CD...

just*raidin*tomb 31-01-12 21:42

January went by really quickly. D:

Mikky 31-01-12 21:45


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 5948371)
Sounds like a brilliant idea, you 2 are soo ingenious. If only CD was like that when speaking about the VA :/ Take Note CD...

Let's hope they do.


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 5948376)
January went by really quickly. D:

IKR?! I was just thinking the same yesterday. :p

Charlie91 31-01-12 21:45


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 5948371)
Sounds like a brilliant idea, you 2 are soo ingenious. If only CD was like that when speaking about the VA :/ Take Note CD...

I agree...

JsotoTRSaga 31-01-12 21:46

And that is a good thing that January ended fast since we will probably get new info on February 14th (Tomorrow January is over). And We have Now less time to wait for FALL when the game releases. Fortunately time is flying. ;)

Charlie91 31-01-12 21:50


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 5948386)
And that is a good thing that January ended fast since we will probably get new info on February 14th (Tomorrow January is over). And We have Now less time to wait for FALL when the game releases. Fortunately time is flying. ;)

Yeah, the "fun information". I wonder what it could be...

Lukass 31-01-12 21:54


Originally Posted by Charlie91 (Post 5948396)
Yeah, the "fun information". I wonder what it could be...

Something silly.

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