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klona 08-02-12 15:41


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5963448)
I'm sure he was talking about the difference between the stageshow den and the extended den seen later on.

Anyways, I wanna go here...

How did you... that wasn't even... I don't know!

larafan25 08-02-12 15:43


klona 08-02-12 16:20

How did you notice that place? :p
I feel blind.

larafan25 08-02-12 16:26


Originally Posted by klona (Post 5963903)
How did you notice that place? :p
I feel blind.

Oh, I was just looking, and saw it, IDK. :p

klona 08-02-12 16:35

I just noticed it.
It looks very interesting, can't wait to check it out in the full release.

larafan25 08-02-12 16:36

There's probably nothing back there, maybe a small pickup, but that's it. :p

Mikky 08-02-12 16:41

Don't be too surprised if you can't even go in there or if it's not in the final product. :p

Spong 08-02-12 16:45


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5963948)
Don't be too surprised if you can't even go in there or if it's not in the final product. :p

I'd say don't be too surprised if larafan's bored and he's making stuff up. All I see in that awful quality still image is a blob of grey and an arrow.

klona 08-02-12 16:48

I'll post a higher quality one in some moments.

lcroft_lc 08-02-12 16:52


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5963939)
There's probably nothing back there, maybe a small pickup, but that's it. :p

Just what I wanted to say. Maybe a tiny size treasure. :p Or maybe its just a ventilator type thing for light coming. :p

klona 08-02-12 16:54

From a distance (might take a while for this one to load):

A closer look:

Mikky 08-02-12 16:59

I'd bet my left eye, if I could, that there's going to be an invisible wall there or something's conveniently blocking that path.

Spong 08-02-12 17:01

Thanks for the better quality pics :tmb:


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5963979)
I'd bet my left eye, if I could, that there's going to be an invisible wall there or something's conveniently blocking that path.


klona 08-02-12 17:09


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5963979)
I'd bet my left eye, if I could, that there's going to be an invisible wall there or something's conveniently blocking that path.

I don't think so, it's too wide open to put an invisible wall there. :p

Spong 08-02-12 17:15


Originally Posted by klona (Post 5963994)
I don't think so, it's too wide open to put an invisible wall there. :p

That didn't stop Crystal doing it constantly in Underworld. Explore nothing, stop at everything (especially invisible walls).

klona 08-02-12 17:25

There wasn't any invisible walls in TRU, only when you go too far in water.

Rai 08-02-12 17:42


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 5963317)
Have you ever wondered... maybe they're not promoting it that much on purpose? Like what if they want TR to fail (or just not do that well) so they can be able to work on new projects. Just a thought... It's not very likely, but yeah. lol

I'm sorry, but this is a ridiculous notion. Of course CD want TR to do well. they said so and it's obvious to me that they're passionate about the game. Part of the reason why they chose to reboot the franchise was to breathe life into it, make it relevant again. They wouldn't go to so much trouble if they didn't want it to do well.

Mikky 08-02-12 17:46


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5964000)
That didn't stop Crystal doing it constantly in Underworld. Explore nothing, stop at everything (especially invisible walls).



Originally Posted by klona (Post 5964014)
There wasn't any invisible walls in TRU, only when you go too far in water.

Trust me, there were more. :p

Soul 08-02-12 17:57


Originally Posted by klona (Post 5964014)
There wasn't any invisible walls in TRU, only when you go too far in water.


So it was the ghosts of the mayans that kept me from exploring all the interesting things in Mexico?
TRU is full of all kinds of invisible barriers.

skylark1121 08-02-12 18:05


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 5964046)
I'm sorry, but this is a ridiculous notion. Of course CD want TR to do well. they said so and it's obvious to me that they're passionate about the game. Part of the reason why they chose to reboot the franchise was to breathe life into it, make it relevant again. They wouldn't go to so much trouble if they didn't want it to do well.


Also, let's not how much of a money maker TR has been in the past. :pi:

If you were in CD's place, wouldn't you wanna achieve that again?

skylark1121 08-02-12 18:11


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5963979)
I'd bet my left eye, if I could, that there's going to be an invisible wall there or something's conveniently blocking that path.

Let's think logically about this. It's a den (an inside location). Developers would have no reason to make an inside location have an invisible wall when they could just make it cave wall.... :rolleyes:

Oops: double post....

jhs270694 08-02-12 18:35

I doubt there would be an invisible wall, but its possible for something else to be blocking the path. maybe they are adding to the realism of what a cavern looks like. I've been to caverns in real life on field trips so i know what some look like. the pathways are very well likely to be blocked off. what i mean is that at first glance, the river splitting in different directions looks like will lead to another place, chances are there is a small crevice where the water is flowing hence why it looks like another pathway. its probably a chasm in the rocks where water is flowing through it.

its happened to me in real life were it looked like we were heading somewhere much to our disappointment where its just a big wall with a big chasm on the bottom where the water is flowing. But I could be mistaken, maybe it does lead to a place. we can only speculate. ;)

larafan25 08-02-12 20:25


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5963956)
I'd say don't be too surprised if larafan's bored and he's making stuff up. All I see in that awful quality still image is a blob of grey and an arrow.

Hey, you're the one who's discussing it.

Mikky 08-02-12 20:34


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 5964087)
Let's think logically about this. It's a den (an inside location). Developers would have no reason to make an inside location have an invisible wall when they could just make it cave wall.... :rolleyes:

Oops: double post....

Developers have no reason do to a lot of stupid stuff yet that doesn't stop them from doing them. *cough* AoD *cough*

jhs270694 08-02-12 20:48


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5964311)
Developers have no reason do to a lot of stupid stuff yet that doesn't stop them from doing them. *cough* AoD *cough*

pretty much

jhs270694 08-02-12 21:21

anyone still remember that trailer observations thread? brilliant thread

Mikky 08-02-12 21:24

Considering the trailer came out 8 (?) months ago, I don't think there's much else left to "observe". :p

jhs270694 08-02-12 21:33

lol i know, im just trying to keep this thread alive, but i admit people knew next to nothing at the time but found out alot about TR 2012 just based on the trailer like knowing the co ordinates lead to japan (dragons triangle), back then CD didnt say ANYTHING but some people were ahead of time (at the time), that takes true analytical skills, i love that in a thread.

larafan25 08-02-12 21:38


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5964471)
Considering the trailer came out 8 (?) months ago, I don't think there's much else left to "observe". :p

Even when that thread was made, I didn't think there was much left to observe.

The shot of Lara's desk had already been out before the trailer anyways.

jhs270694 08-02-12 21:44

it was made apparent the ship Endurance was harboured at Yokohama prior to its voyage, not that it's significant but didn't the guy who found it out used the trailer to get a glimpse of the coast? unless if there was a screenshot before the trailer.

tombstone 08-02-12 21:48


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5963327)
I need something more than UC3, UC3 has multiplayer to give replay value, but if TR9 doesn't have that it needs more to keep me coming back.

TBH, most of the TR games I've played don't warrant much return for me, not even the classics.

The reason I go back to LBP is because the levels in the story mode are actually fun and accessible, but of course I can make my own levels too and play other levels online or do multiplayer.

But I don't think online modes or an editor is the only way, because Skyrim has me coming back for more and it has neither.

But I feel like a game that is just Uncharted 3 story mode, would be so non-re-playable to me. :/

OMFG IFKR!! u3 single player campaign was so disapointing, lul's me too gwerl i only replay u3 cause of the multipayer, the solo campaign was a downer, yes IA i hope tr has great replay value ;)

Tonyrobinson 09-02-12 16:39

I noticed that Karl's been rather quiet on twitter there on the 6th and 7th. I think something is being planned. Can't wait for the next six months when it will be revealed. :)

larafan25 09-02-12 16:40

I can wait the next sixth months.

My default mindset right now is that the game has been cancelled and TR is over with.

Tonyrobinson 09-02-12 16:42

There will be a huge announcement soon, Tomb Raider has been delayed until Winter 2013. :vlol:

larafan25 09-02-12 16:43

I'd cry all day.

I'm mainly just interested in E3 right now, I just want one more demo to see combat, and maybe a bit of a trailer.

I don't feel like I need to know anything about all the climates, or see the entire map, I don't want that stuff to be spoiled, I feel like we'll all enjoy the game more if we don't know that stuff.

Mikky 09-02-12 16:45


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 5965735)
There will be a huge announcement soon, Tomb Raider has been delayed until Winter 2013. :vlol:

I would literally give up on TR (as in the whole franchise, not just this game) forever if that happened. :p

lcroft_lc 09-02-12 16:54


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 5965730)
I noticed that Karl's been rather quiet on twitter there on the 6th and 7th. I think something is being planned. Can't wait for the next six months when it will be revealed. :)

He posted 7 tweets 9 hour ago including-

After drinking my 600th beer, i'm now back at home watching 'As good as it gets'!!!!.....

....and on top of that I just got a slap across the head from my wife for spoiling the best line.... 'You make me want to be a better man'!!
:vlol: :vlol: :vlol:

NCFirebolt21 09-02-12 21:00

I think Tomb Raider has almost been finished, but it's going to be like Arkham City where the PS3/XBOX360 got their release first, the PC version gets "polished up for the best performance ever" and get a late release. Honestly, I hope we don't get screwed over this time. Luck is never in our favour with great games like this. :(

jhs270694 09-02-12 23:54


Originally Posted by NCFirebolt21 (Post 5966059)
I think Tomb Raider has almost been finished, but it's going to be like Arkham City where the PS3/XBOX360 got their release first, the PC version gets "polished up for the best performance ever" and get a late release. Honestly, I hope we don't get screwed over this time. Luck is never in our favour with great games like this. :(

lets look on the bright side, hopefully the PC version will at least get better graphics and the mods that will follow suit. cant wait to play this in dx11. it looks awesome even on Xbox 360 so far, hoping for the best :)

jhs270694 10-02-12 00:43

does the new lara look like she has a tan? :D

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