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Emix 05-12-12 18:14

What the hell happens to her bow at 0:29?? :confused:

Lukass 05-12-12 18:15


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6551211)
:vlol: that could explain the rain inside the cave from the box art :D

I think it's the wind what brought the rain in the cave. I believe so...Dunno :D

amiro1989 05-12-12 18:15


Originally Posted by Emix (Post 6551120)
^ Thank you and that "guy" is huge btw.

Why do you have to make it so easy for me....?


SpyrosMonster 05-12-12 18:19


Originally Posted by Emix (Post 6551214)
What the hell happens to her bow at 0:29?? :confused:


TippingWater 05-12-12 18:32


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6551168)
Anybody noticed a chicken!? :vlol: At first I've heard a weird sound when Lara jumps from the roof and than I saw it! XD


Yeah I notice this as well! Lovely! I actually think that it's a duck or something, either way it's not a crow, but a different bird, I love things like these. Variation FTW!

BTW did the teaser for the trailer got released?

Lukass 05-12-12 18:34


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6551253)

BTW did the teaser for the trailer got released?

Do you see 10 new threads opened? No? Then the teaser is not out, yet. Just you wait, gorl.

lcroft_lc 05-12-12 18:35

Going to sleep. Will watch the VGA teaser trailer tomorrow morning at first. Start the day with a new TR trailer. :jmp:

Spong 05-12-12 18:37


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6551259)
Will watch the VGA teaser trailer tomorrow morning...

There's no such thing.

Only TR lover 05-12-12 18:39


Originally Posted by Emix (Post 6551214)
What the hell happens to her bow at 0:29?? :confused:

:vlol: I've watched that video so many time so I started noticing things like that. :D Her torch also levitates after she kills the wolf :)

TippingWater 05-12-12 18:53


Originally Posted by lukass (Post 6551257)
do you see 10 new threads opened? No? Then the teaser is not out, yet. Just you wait, gorl.

:) ok.

tampi 05-12-12 18:53

And how come there in those caves so many bones!!!! There are tons of them!!! :yik:But who eats people there??? :yik: Wolves only? That's a feast!
No wonder wolves have that size!

starstruck 05-12-12 19:10


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6551297)
And how come there in those caves so many bones!!!! There are tons of them!!! :yik:But who eats people there??? :yik: Wolves only? That's a feast!
No wonder wolves have that size!

No, it's because there is.... a cult on the island. :p

tampi 05-12-12 19:29

:confused: :whi:.....There are chickens and birds too! :cln:

I have read some other reviews in my language very favorable. This is exciting! :)

Spong 05-12-12 19:34


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6551297)
And how come there in those caves so many bones!!!!

A dinosaur! :eek:

The1andOnlyTR 05-12-12 19:59

Anyone want the new trailer to be CGI?

Lost_Paradise 05-12-12 20:02


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6551414)
Anyone want the new trailer to be CGI?

Tbh no, and I think that would be a bad idea right now.

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 20:03


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6551414)
Anyone want the new trailer to be CGI?

I don't know, maybe... I guess yeah :p ...

The1andOnlyTR 05-12-12 20:05


Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6551421)
Tbh no, and I think that would be a bad idea right now.

I dunno if I think it would be a bad idea, necessarily. Especially since they're showing off the gameplay a ton next week.


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6551424)
I don't know, maybe... I guess yeah :p ...

That's how I feel. I'd kinda like to see CG Lara again, but hardened this time. Maybe.. :p

CrisSioux 05-12-12 20:28

did you guys read the HUGE spoiler in the threads?! should i read it im dying to know it but idk :confused::confused::confused:

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 20:29


Originally Posted by CrisSioux (Post 6551460)
did you guys read the HUGE spoiler in the threads?! should i read it im dying to know it but idk :confused::confused::confused:

It's seemingly not huge, we're just assuming ;) . So it might or might not be important for all we know.

SpyrosMonster 05-12-12 20:30


Originally Posted by CrisSioux (Post 6551460)
did you guys read the HUGE spoiler in the threads?! should i read it im dying to know it but idk :confused::confused::confused:

I've seen it but I didn't even understand it tbh. It doesn't look like a huge deal.

CrisSioux 05-12-12 20:32


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6551461)
It's seemingly not huge, we're just assuming ;) . So it might or might not be important for all we know.

idk but this reaction scare me

I just hope that spoiler turns out to be just a small one compared to what we are yet to see... Oh God I hope, because this spoiler alone is too much for me to handle because it feel's huge.
i think i wont read it for know but i read something about SPOILER ->a cult

Evan C. 05-12-12 20:33

Guys, please, be very very careful about spoilers since a lot of users (including myself) don't want to...well, spoil the game.

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 20:34


Originally Posted by CrisSioux (Post 6551471)
idk but this reaction scare me i think i wont read it for know but i read something about SPOILER ->a cult

That's not a spoiler actually, it was part of the info they agve us, it's even in one of the E3 interview I think :) .

CrisSioux 05-12-12 20:36


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6551475)
That's not a spoiler actually, it was part of the info they agve us, it's even in one of the E3 interview I think :) .

well for someone that could be a spoiler so

Weemanply109 05-12-12 20:37


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6551414)
Anyone want the new trailer to be CGI?

CGI trailers are a thing of the past for CD's marketing plan. They're nearing the final stages and a CGI trailer will damage it, tbh. It's just gives a sense of falseness and isn't suitable when so much gameplay is being revealed around the same month. I think people will feel disappointed looking at a CGI trailer and then seeing the real representation that is indeed a buggy and mediocre mess.

Not a good idea, imo.

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 20:38


Originally Posted by CrisSioux (Post 6551479)
well for someone that could be a spoiler so

Oh, well, yeah, you're right, it's nothing important though, it's just that members of the whole "bad-guy team" worship their leader as a god and have formed a cult.

just*raidin*tomb 05-12-12 20:39


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6550564)
Shame people here are only picking up on that now. It's arguable that Crystal have been doing it since they got the franchise, but it's as plain as the nose on your face in TR9. Crystal absolutely believe, if it's got Lara in it, then they can justify calling the game Tomb Raider. And that's so far wide of the mark that it just isn't funny.

I saw it sooner but I didn't want to say anything until I had seen more and see the game open up a bit more but now that we've seen more its the same old same old and the night hub looks a lot smaller than I had anticipated. And even then its still as scripted as ever.

And I find it extremely annoying that peoples' comments are being completely dismissed or dissed just because they are negative. I am not ****ing trolling. I wish to see this game succeed. Please excuse me for hating the pretentious narrative about Lara getting shoved down my throat.

CrisSioux 05-12-12 20:42


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6551482)
Oh, well, yeah, you're right, it's nothing important though, it's just that *SPOILERS*

im not reading it lmao

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 20:43


Originally Posted by CrisSioux (Post 6551490)
im not reading it lmao

Well be my guest, but I'll be happy to repeat it any time you change your mind, if you change your find :p .

Evan C. 05-12-12 20:45

I still wonder what the trailer will be about. But if it shows a little bit of stealth, tranversal and tombs, I will ask Justin to block my IP because I will say goodbye until the game is out. I don't wanna spoil anything and this site seems like a dangerous place.

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 20:46


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6551500)
I still wonder what the trailer will be about. But if it shows a little bit of stealth, tranversal and tombs, I will ask Justin to block my IP because I will say goodbye until the game is out. I don't wanna spoil anything and this site seems like a dangerous place.

I only wish for a little bit of story or close-ups of flawless-queen Lara :cln: !!!

_Tomb_Raider 05-12-12 20:47


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6551500)
I still wonder what the trailer will be about. But if it shows a little bit of stealth, tranversal and tombs, I will ask Justin to block my IP because I will say goodbye until the game is out. I don't wanna spoil anything and this site seems like a dangerous place.

A dangerous place indeed. :p But I could never as for IP block untill the game is out.

Evan C. 05-12-12 20:51

I know, but this game is special, and there's someone who can ruin a big part of the experience for using a revealing tittle or use spoilers without any warning, so I would rather use regular sources to know some minimal stuff than revealing everything for accident.

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 20:52


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6551512)
I know, but this game is special, and there's someone who can ruin a big part of the experience for using a revealing tittle or use spoilers without any warning, so I would rather use regular sources to know some minimal stuff than revealing everything for accident.

But why block yourself out of TRF, I mean it's a forum about TR, mainly, there are other stuff to discuss too, you could just stay out of the TR section :) . Unless, of course, if you don't discuss about anything non-TR-related on TRF.

tampi 05-12-12 20:53


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6551512)
I know, but this game is special, and there's someone who can ruin a big part of the experience for using a revealing tittle or use spoilers without any warning, so I would rather use regular sources to know some minimal stuff than revealing everything for accident.

Yes it is terrible. It's like the thread on cakes, sweets and desserts in GC. :(

Evan C. 05-12-12 20:53

Yeah but of course, I will always be tempted to share my toughts on certain things, and that's how things happen. But of course, that's if the trailer reveals what I want to see. If don't, I will wait until next week, but I'll do it anyway.

The1andOnlyTR 05-12-12 20:54


Originally Posted by _Tomb_Raider (Post 6551505)
A dangerous place indeed. :p But I could never as for IP block untill the game is out.

I asked Justin for an IP block until launch, but I guess he hates me cause I'm still here! :p

CrisSioux 05-12-12 21:01

a friend tweeted me the spoiler fml :(:(:(:(:(:( but i read the threads but it seems more like they're predicting it

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 21:03


Originally Posted by CrisSioux (Post 6551558)
a friend tweeted me the spoiler fml :(:(:(:(:(:( but i read the threads but it seems more like they're predicting it

Yes, it's pretty much what I said as well. So, now that you eventually know you can make your own theory about how this story aspect is gonna be implemented further in the game if you like.

I'm really sorry that you had to lear it that way :( .

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