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I actually enjoy listening to the podcasts and look forward to them. :/
I was excited, until you said it was a guess. :/
^Meagan recorded the podcast today, so I'd say it's a fairly good guess it will be posted tomorrow. :pi;
I didn't know that, now my hopes are up again.
I believe this was the case with the last podcast, but then it was delayed by a day. No big, I just can't wait to hear something. |
I actually look forward to the podcasts as well. I was beginning to think I was the only one...
The only time I ever really disliked the podcasts or turned my back on them, was when Meagan introduced the topic of talking about other games...
It just annoyed me because I was extremely media starved about TR, and hear I was listening to a Crystal Dynamics podcast about other games. :/ But I feel like listening to the voices of the people who are close to the game, sort of gives me an impression of how the game's going. |
:/ |
I'd be more excited for the podcasts if they were video podcasts instead of audio only.
TR 2012 aside (there's nothing left to discuss with the lack of information we were given..). What places hasn't lara traversed yet? i would love to see her in countries she hasn't been in before with diverse culture, imagine her going ruins in Pakistan or the vast amount of tombs in Iran or something. then see her go to Jordan. places in the middle east and south Asia have always fascinated me especially the persians, but they tend to leave the smaller countries out for some reason. heck even Syria would be nice to explore.
i just thought of the countries above at the top of my head. any other countries that are interesting u think? i cant believe europe is so dull, asia is soo interesting its almost not fair lol. europe does have quite a history but its never interesting. i cant explain it |
If CD do this whole hub thing well, I'd love to see Lara return to Egypt.
Give us a desert sandbox, a huge underground complex of claustrophobic, hot, sandy tombs, and pyramids to explore. Would be awesome. If not that, then let's go back to China and get down, because I need more China. As for places we haven't gone yet, Australia is one I wouldn't mind seeing, or the Amazonian jungle, wherever that is. |
OMG the australia one is nice, dat wud be awsum, the wildlife, everything
^we have specific threads for discussing locations :whi:
:p and yesh I realise this is the general TR thread...just sayin' :pi: |
I'd love to see those locations in Australia, a hub with a camping truck, some story related folk, and then some other hubs. I'm more excited about the prospect of CD sitting down at a table to discuss a location for TR10 than I am for TR9. I just hope they chose one location for TR10, and really flesh it out. |
Something like the the Nile river would be cool (if there are any tombs there).
i watch national geographic a lot. austrialia is really somethin else, it has deserts AND jungles. it's awesome, the wildlife is diverse and everything. one thing i want to see in TR though is a mix of mythologies coming from various cultures and not just those from Buddhism. Buddhism has A LOT of mythology behind thus it's easier to base on but i never really seen others elaborated as much. south asia has great mythologies behind it. south asia has deserts, jungles/forests, wildlife, tombs etc. imagine breaking in to the taj mahal LMAO. jokes aside i want more third world country exploring rather than the odd island hear and there (excluding TR 2012 of course) or the fully developed countries.
I wouldn't mind if it was spread out all over Australia. Maybe they could even fit in some "city" levels like the Sydney Opera House. Now that would be cool.
I just thought it would be reminiscent to the older TRs because most of them had city levels. |
forgive me, i havnt played the old TR's for A LONG time.
I smell podcast coming today :pi:
BTW, why did you put Spong's old avatar? :confused: |
Spong didn't create that avatar. In fact, it's a rather popular avi on forums.
^ Thanks.
The community media thread said that the new podcast is now live. :jmp:
Thanks a lot! |
She has no birthday :vlol:
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