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tlr online 08-10-22 18:58


Studio Onoma, formerly Square Enix Montreal, has launched an official web site for Tomb Raider Reloaded. Tomb Raider Reloaded is a free to play action arcade game developed by Emerald City Games.

"Tomb Raider Reloaded features roguelike gameplay for the first time in the series, supported by a deep upgrade & progression system that includes run-specific and permanent weapons, abilities, upgrades and collectables." The game features "an original orchestral soundtrack and voice acting that pays homage to the series' iconic legacy."

Tomb Raider Reloaded is scheduled to release in 2022 and has soft launched in a number of countries.

UroshUchiha 08-10-22 20:49

Calling it now, that release date of 2022 is gonna get pushed into 2023. But I'd like to be proven wrong.

charmedangelin 09-10-22 01:27

The game is going to flop right out the gate. Too many archero clones that exist for Reloaded to stand out. Other games offer so many other features that keep people playing that Reloaded does not. Besides which I don't think the market is really interested in Tomb Raider as much as they used to be. I honestly think the market has finally moved on from Lara Croft.

UroshUchiha 10-10-22 13:31

According to their Discord server, they are adding a new chapter (The Cistern) later today. Been a while since a new level was added so I might check this one out when it becomes available.

Xenomrph 10-10-22 19:11

I wish they would spend less time adding more levels and more time, you know, releasing it to the rest of the planet. :mad:

charmedangelin 10-10-22 19:56

Looks like the latest update introduced more gacha mechanics.

Also the newest level is extremely difficult and people are struggling even with legendary gear.

How in the hell are they going to release this game soon with the game being this ridiculously difficult. :vlol:

UroshUchiha 10-10-22 20:21

At least they are consistent when it comes to game updates.
Every update brings bugs and every new chapter is difficult even for people who have been grinding this game for months.

charmedangelin 10-10-22 21:38


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8377611)
At least they are consistent when it comes to game updates.
Every update brings bugs and every new chapter is difficult even for people who have been grinding this game for months.

Indeed, someone said they had like 15,000 attack points and still struggled. Meanwhile I only have around 3,000 attack points.

I decided to delete the app after that and I'm just going to emulate the classic games instead.

Ellioft 11-10-22 09:59

I have reach Qualopec's Tomb and I only have downloaded the app last Friday so it's not so bad, I appreciate the new levels between the main ones.

Lost Valley didn't changed a lot (thankfully I still remember the levels)

I finally figured out how to craft my equipment wich is much more easy for me now :D

I'm still blocked at Qualopec's Tomb but because the head boss is hard to defeat (with the wolfs).

Other than that It's not that horrible but not great either, it's a game you play when you are on a break or when you have nothing to do (wich is the point).

With my new smartphone I think the graphisms are way better than with my old one even the fluidity is much more pleasent.

For now I didn't encounter a lot of bugs except Winston who didn't show (up) everytime.

jackali 14-10-22 06:41

Have they been told to kill the game before release? Because that's exactly what these Tomb Expeditions will do. I hope people are being appropriately scathing about this change in the Discord, as they don't seem to pay attention elsewhere.

No one wants to play the same stage 10 times over. Slight variations in rooms and enemies don't make it feel any different. It's just a slog. 10 lots of 50 stages... 500 stages. Did anyone actually think about the number before they did this?

Edit: I was wrong in this. Looks like 25 lots of 10? 250 stages. Still absurd if that's the case.
New bugs. Not sure what's caused them. Can't scroll through stages sometimes, and can't use fully charged ultimate.

The cistern has a really nice design, and it's nice to see some new enemies too. But the bosses are just absurd, once again. I get that it's designed to try to make you pay for gear and currency, but there's a sweet spot where people feel that something is worth paying for, and this doesn't hit that spot for me.

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