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SoraSakai 23-11-20 20:36

Oh wow! Ghost was right!
Boy do I feel silly.

Portugalraider 23-11-20 20:47


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 8255047)
You guys realize there is no "Lara Croft" associated on the title? Becausa AFAIR, Tomb Raider was preserved for the main games and LC to smaller productions, like Go or Relic Run. Hmmm...

I was thinking about this as well. Personally I think it could mean one of a few things:
  • The LC brand wasn't as strong as SE hoped, so they now want everything under the stronger "Tomb Raider" brand (SE did merge the social media pages of the two);
  • Despite being a mobile F2P game, this might have more substancial gameplay than what it might seem;
  • Now that the origin story is over, the plan is indeed to bring the classic elements to the reboot continuity. This can also explain the merging of TR and LC brands, since there won't be a need to seperate both iconographies again. It can also explain why TRReloaded's Lara has the more athletic, less exagerated build that is more charactheristic of reboot Lara, outside of the differences in art style (the WETA artwork also makes TRA Lara look surprisingly like reboot Lara as well, for example).
  • Tomb Raider is now a F2P mobile-exclusive. Joking here :P

Whatever is the case, I am okay with the decision. Except if it's the last one, obviously. :p

SoraSakai 23-11-20 20:48

I think there will be another big announcement in like a week. This is just one of the things they’re doing to tie in with the upcoming anniversary.

Jamise_Croft 23-11-20 20:50


Originally Posted by SoraSakai (Post 8255066)
I think there will be another big announcement in like a week. This is just one of the things they’re doing to tie in with the upcoming anniversary.

Maybe in the game awards

SoraSakai 23-11-20 20:57


Originally Posted by Jamise_Croft (Post 8255067)
Maybe in the game awards

Mmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnahhhh. I don’t think that haha

Maybe? But I doubt it.

Tombraider95 23-11-20 20:57


TombRager 23-11-20 21:04


Originally Posted by Tombraider95 (Post 8255071)


Hahaha the stuff they make with this meme is gold. Reminds me the one they made with Avengers Endgame. The cinemas were like a soccer stadium hahahaha.

amiro1989 23-11-20 21:06


Originally Posted by SoraSakai (Post 8255059)
Oh wow! Ghost was right!
Boy do I feel silly.


charmedangelin 23-11-20 21:07


Originally Posted by SoraSakai (Post 8255059)
Oh wow! Ghost was right!
Boy do I feel silly.

As you should :pi:

AimlessThunder 23-11-20 21:11


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 8254731)
Bratz Croft. Don't know what to think.

I hope that they have other goodies in store for us.

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