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Ward Dragon 08-06-08 19:55


Originally Posted by jeffrey van oort (Post 2762927)
There is steam coming out of it's openings:D I reckon it would be alive.
If it were a statue they sure made it very organic:D lovely

It was mentioned in a magazine article which was posted yesterday. It's alive :)

n00b raider 08-06-08 21:02

I can't Photoshop stuff so yeah...

EDIT: KC Mraz has the picture I did bellow. Just a quick thing.

daventry 08-06-08 21:04

These Screens are getting better and better :vlol:

KC Mraz 08-06-08 21:16


Originally Posted by n00b raider (Post 2763091)
I can't Photoshop stuff so I just used icanhascheezeburger.

Fixed :) and LOL.

Feather Duster 08-06-08 21:24

You know, Underpus won't seem so scary when the game comes out!:tea:

Cog 08-06-08 21:26


Originally Posted by Feather Duster (Post 2763142)
You know, Underpus won't seem so scary when the game comes out!:tea:

Ja, we've hijacked their attempts to frighten us.

b0bb13 08-06-08 21:30


Originally Posted by Feather Duster (Post 2763142)
You know, Underpus won't seem so scary when the game comes out!:tea:


But we haven't seen the Underpus move or attack yet!:jmp:
Can't wait to see how it will squish Lara!:yah:

Feather Duster 08-06-08 21:34

Maybe he uses his tentacles and sucksion (sp?!?!?) cups to suck Lara in.

b0bb13 08-06-08 21:38


Originally Posted by Feather Duster (Post 2763164)
Maybe he uses his tentacles and sucksion (sp?!?!?) cups to suck Lara in.

*imagines if the Underpus would use his suction cups to grab Lara's bottom and throw her into the celling*

n00b raider 08-06-08 22:41

Thank you KC Mraz! :hug:
First attempt at posting an image. :o
As you can see it didn't go so well.

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