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Sekhraider 11-06-08 01:43

You guys are hilarious with these "underpus" images lol

In all honesty when i first saw the Xbox 360 screenshot...i didnt even notice the underpus dude...i thought i was looking at some random room. LOL But when i saw that poeple were talking about some underpus thing...i was like whoa! Theres a gigantic octopus in that pic. lol Wow. It looks so dull and silent to me. Where's its crazyness at? Sheesh. Hes not very photogenic, is he...?:)

thevman 11-06-08 02:12

Underpi are very shy, very easily insulted and have short tempers... :mis::whi:

rowanlim 11-06-08 02:48

Hahaha what a funny thread! :vlol: :D

Feather Duster 11-06-08 02:54

FINALLY! THANK YOU PHOTOBUCKET! Anyway, sorry if it's too big.

Ward Dragon 11-06-08 04:05


Originally Posted by Sekhraider (Post 2768335)
In all honesty when i first saw the Xbox 360 screenshot...i didnt even notice the underpus dude...

That was what he intended...


Where's its crazyness at?
He's biding his time until you get closer :mis:

ChingKong 11-06-08 04:40

whaddya guys think underpus will do to lara if she gets too close.....kinda like wut the torso does in TRA.....I think he'll insult her and lara will die of embarrasment

Feather Duster 11-06-08 04:57

I think he'll take a swipe at her. Whadda you think of my pic!?

ChingKong 11-06-08 05:12

:vlol: :vlol: the HAIR and painted spikes is whut really gets me! Theyre like Underpus toenails! I LUV IT!
:the water is like soooo nasty" :vlol: parispus

Feather Duster 11-06-08 05:23

I was going for toenails, I wanted to put lipstick, but yeah.....

ChingKong 11-06-08 05:25

how about earrings on those wierd steamy things....

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