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_Awestruck_ 18-05-12 17:42

Gamescom, Comic-Con, TGS, tbh, tbh, tbh.

Weemanply109 18-05-12 17:43


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6174448)
tbh, tbh, tbh.

Too much honesty in one post, tbh.

just*raidin*tomb 18-05-12 17:43

Think about it's only being delayed 2 to 4 months. That's not really a big deal. Especially considering you have The Holidays and New Years in between and they're not going to release anything then.

I imagine in 2013 they'll probably just going to release a few trailers to promote the game. And look at Bioshock Infinite...tons of good media and it's coming out at at about the same time.

Get on the hype train, Tomb Raider.

_Awestruck_ 18-05-12 17:43

^ Yeah, but who knows.

Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6174450)
Too much honesty in one post, tbh.


Weemanply109 18-05-12 17:46


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6174451)
Get on the hype train, Tomb Raider.

The hype train will have a slow start at E3 and then I'd imagine they'd up their game after September/October.

Well, I'm guessing they would.

Rai 18-05-12 17:59

The CD gang at E3:
Damn too slow...again.

Spong 18-05-12 18:00

^Was posted in the Tweets thread a few minutes ago ;)
So which one's Lara then? :confused:

Lukass 18-05-12 18:01

Karl <3
Darrell <3 <3
Meagan <3 <3 <3

Phlip 18-05-12 18:05

Karl's shirt is very similar to the one I was planning to wear tomorrow...

Anyway, is there any word on when we're getting this fabled podcast?

NRO. 18-05-12 18:06

Meagan said Friday or Monday.

*gets open .doc files online ready*

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