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larafan25 20-05-12 20:56


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6179185)
Did Underworld really have all that many QTEs? I don't remember a lot in TRU to be honest.

Underworld had no traditional QTE. Just some slow motion moments.

Weemanply109 20-05-12 20:57


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6179189)
Underworld had no traditional QTE. Just some slow motion moments.

I liked that, tbh. It wasn't bad.

I kinda want no slow motion, tho. I want something dangerous to happen that gives us a fright and we have to quickly react without slow motion or the camera guiding us. :/

Khaled 20-05-12 20:57


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6179163)
Of course I was talking about Camilla. :D

I really love it , when you're very confident about something .:D her voice is very similar to young Lara .

Stevo505 20-05-12 20:59

I am kinda going to miss jumping off someone and shooting them in the head in slow-mo. That was fun :D

Khaled 20-05-12 21:04


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6179199)
I am kinda going to miss jumping off someone and shooting them in the head in slow-mo. That was fun :D

Like TRU . :D

just*raidin*tomb 20-05-12 21:05


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6178459)
What Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo Must Show to "Win" E3 2012 - Unscripted Access Episode #8

Thanks man. Listening to the podcast now. The girl in the podcast is kind of obnoxious. :p

"Absolutely blown away [by Tomb Raider]" <--- cool :)

Stevo505 20-05-12 21:07


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6179221)
Thanks man. Listening to the podcast now. The girl in the podcast is kind of obnoxious. :p

"Absolutely blown away [by Tomb Raider]" <--- cool :)

I find it amazing how so many developers and gamers were blown away by TR. I can't wait to see how they react at E3 this year.

just*raidin*tomb 20-05-12 21:09


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6179229)
I find it amazing how so many developers and gamers were blown away by TR. I can't wait to see how they react at E3 this year.

What's weird is that most gamers/people seemed more blown away than I was...I wonder why that is. I guess because it was just really cinematic which is popular right now.

Actually this podcast is pretty good. They have some very fair points about delays and how everyone clusters releases in the Fall just because of Christmas, while summer would be a huge window for the gaming market and not many take advantages of it.

So yeah they appreciate the delay of Tomb Raider and Bioshock, and I definitely do from that standpoint. I already have so many games on my list that I can't afford.

Oh gosh and how some gamers seem so entitled to...yes. This podcast. lol

Stevo505 20-05-12 21:18

The guy with the southern accent... -cringe-

Weemanply109 20-05-12 21:19


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6179229)
I find it amazing how so many developers and gamers were blown away by TR. I can't wait to see how they react at E3 this year.

I honestly wonder if TR has any developers shaking in their boots. :pi:

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