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Lukass 22-05-12 18:36

I can't (kind of) continue too. I was replaying Underworld last week and I found out one really weird thing. The game has autosaves, right? When I entered Xibalba the game stopped saving. Yeah, all of a sudden the game won't save anymore even if there already was a lot of checkpoints. I was playing the game like 4 times and everything was fine before. ://

just*raidin*tomb 22-05-12 18:39

That sucks. But seriously, I just wish that they released a patch or something to fix it. So unprofessional of them. I'm sorry, but I'm glad a lot of them are no longer working there. >_>

Also I looked it up and the ramp thing happens if you die between getting the jaguar and skull statue heads or something and I did exactly that... smh.

Mikky 22-05-12 19:44


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6182511)
Operation Revive This thread has commenced. :cool:

Since this is general tomb raider discussion, let me just express my hatred for Underworld right now.

I was doing a replay after like 3 years and I was actually really enjoying it. Much more so than the first time around. But dammit, that stupid glitch where the first ramp is down for whatever reason in Xibalba happened to me and now I can't continue.

So ****ity ****. Thanks for ruining a rather fun playthrough, Underworld. :mad:

What platform are you playing it on? PS3?

just*raidin*tomb 22-05-12 19:48


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6182673)
What platform are you playing it on? PS3?

Yes, but the bug is on all platforms from what I read.

Mikky 22-05-12 19:52


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6182682)
Yes, but the bug is on all platforms from what I read.

There was a patch for the PC version that fixed it, though. There was also a PS3 trophy patch that apparently fixed some minor bugs but I don't know if it fixes the bug that you encountered.

just*raidin*tomb 22-05-12 19:54


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6182695)
There was a patch for the PC version that fixed it, though. There was also a PS3 trophy patch that apparently fixed some minor bugs but I don't know if it fixes the bug that you encountered.

Lol obviously it didn't because it would be fixed. :p

Oh well I'm over it. :pi:

If one of these types of bugs are in Tomb Raider, I be very upset, CD.

Mikky 22-05-12 20:01


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6182704)
Lol obviously it didn't because it would be fixed. :p

Oh well I'm over it. :pi:

If one of these types of bugs are in Tomb Raider, I be very upset, CD.

I wouldn't be too surprised if there was, tbh, especially on the PC version. I can already imagine PC players impatiently waiting for a patch. :p

skylark1121 22-05-12 20:33

Ugh, I won't even replay TRU because you have to play through the whole game to get to replay the later levels.

I can practically speedrun Med sea, Thailand, and Croft Manor, but when I get to Mexico onward, I'm always lie, "Wait... what do I do here?"

Annoying that's there's only "revisit location" not "replay level".

But, anyway, I'm pretty sure this thread is only for new TR discussion, but whatev. :p

Lukass 22-05-12 20:36

^ You can discuss here whatever you want :D

I was bored today so I decided to play Legend. I've put the disc in the console and started to play from the beginning. I can tell you it took 5 minutes until I switched the console off. It was just meh :/ I find Legend soooo boring now. I think I'm going to give it a rest. 10 years maybe, then I'll try it again...if only :p

skylark1121 22-05-12 20:38



Originally Posted by TRexbait (Post 5903467)
For those thoughts and posts that don't really fit into any one of the threads we already have and don't truly deserve a thread all their very own. Kind of like a General Chat, but only for the new game.

But I don't care really, I'm no Mod.


I have played Legend so many times; I know what's around every corner.
I might go mad if I play it again. o.o

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