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Spong 22-05-12 22:50


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6183106)
I will never understand the point of Press Start screens. What the hell purpose do they serve? :rolleyes:

It's the point where games 'tick over', when they're ready to go but are waiting on the player to say so. It's a crossover from arcade games with their 'Insert Coin' screens.

Phlip 22-05-12 22:53


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6183146)
It's the point where games 'tick over', when they're ready to go but are waiting on the player to say so. It's a crossover from arcade games with their 'Insert Coin' screens.

99.9% of the time you're gonna be ready to immediately play. For those rare times you might go for a drink or something before the game starts, who cares if the main menu is already on? :confused:

If they get someone to sponsor the game, the "Insert Coin" might be replaced with "Please scan the bar code of your ice cold can of Coco-Cola ;) Sit back, relax, and remember, absolutely, no smoking ;)".

Stevo505 22-05-12 23:17

Maybe so retailers can play demos of the game when they leave it idle.

larafan25 23-05-12 01:27

I remember there was a thread a while back about songs for trailer, I would pick this song for a trailer of this game if it really had lots of creepy ritualistic stuff in it.

The begining would be the endurance sailing across the ocean, shots of it moving, and finally reaching shore of the island. Then Lara being introduced or entering the ship followed by a scene of her in her cabin in a scene like that in the Turning Point trailer, where she pins the map to her locker. Then a short video log of Lara's and long shots of above the island during the part without lyrics.

When the song picks up have shots of Lara apporaching a tomb or something dangerous, a stronger looking Lara.


edit: AHHH WLF? It keeps going to my survive the rapture video!

This is the video...

_Awestruck_ 23-05-12 01:29

Just put in "Intro" by M83 and call it a day, or anything my M83 :p

larafan25 23-05-12 01:32

Listening, this is creepy, is this sires? :pi:

_Awestruck_ 23-05-12 01:33

:vlol: Who knows, but whatever it is it's pretty great. Towards the end.

larafan25 23-05-12 01:35

Oh I see. I can sort of see this in a TR trailer. :cool:

_Awestruck_ 23-05-12 01:45

See? I'm brilliant.

Larua croft 23-05-12 01:50

this song would be great in a trailer.

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