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Peep Show 07-02-13 12:15


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6639581)
I don't get the whole deal about swimming, I remember some guy saying he wasn't buying the reboot (on a gaming site) because of it. Why add it if it isn't really a prominent feature? If we don't need it, CD are better working on features that are more fitting. I'm fine with the absence of swimming this time around. It's not like she can swim away from the island anyway.

I couldn't agree more and LOL that's one of the dumbest reasons to not buy the game, bless him.

Underhoe 07-02-13 12:16

Surely it's not the end of the world, but if it adds more to the gameplay then why take it away?

LNSNHGTDS 07-02-13 12:22


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6639577)
Read the first gameinformer-article and you'll find loads of other stuff, where they did. Game development is called "development" for a reason. Ideas come and go and so I'd never see a change to the better (and you were just one of a few people aka "the minority", who was against realism) as a bad thing or as something to blame Crystal for.

Well I don't think they would answer a question about something they would change a bit later, in other words, if they weren't sure they wanted it that way they wouldn't confirm that there will be only one outfit (for example) and then procede to release a ton others! This might be a far-fetched example since there was a large time space between the time they said they weren't gonna have other outfits and the Pre-order/DLC crysis that started at the end of 2012 but still :/ .

I'm not accusing CD of anything I just find really funyy how they cause mini (or larger at some occasions) rages and then take everything back :p .


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6639581)
I don't get the whole deal about swimming, I remember some guy saying he wasn't buying the reboot (on a gaming site) because of it. Why add it if it isn't really a prominent feature? If we don't need it, CD are better working on features that are more fitting. I'm fine with the absence of swimming this time around. It's not like she can swim away from the island anyway.

Some just really like it I guess, I like it too, and it was always a way of cleaning Lara after rolling around in the dirt in the TRilogy, imagine how much more beautiful Lara whould look after a swim :cln: ! I won't go to such an extent and say that I won't buy the game because it's not it (it was even said here on TRF by the way :p ... ) but I just hope it returns.

Linoshi Croft 07-02-13 12:56


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6639589)
Some just really like it I guess, I like it too, and it was always a way of cleaning Lara after rolling around in the dirt in the TRilogy, imagine how much more beautiful Lara whould look after a swim :cln: ! I won't go to such an extent and say that I won't buy the game because it's not it (it was even said here on TRF by the way :p ... ) but I just hope it returns.

Lara cleans off in the rain and within waterfalls and some water. :p

LNSNHGTDS 07-02-13 12:58


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6639608)
Lara cleans off in the rain and within waterfalls and some water. :p

But she passed through many waterfalls in the cave demo and she was still dirty D: .

I don't expect her to be automatically clean though and I guess that they didn't really care about whether she would be clean or not at the time :p .

ItIsOkBro 07-02-13 13:06

If water was enough to clean off dirt and blood and grass stains then wth is soap for :confused:

LNSNHGTDS 07-02-13 13:07


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6639618)
If water was enough to clean off dirt and blood and grass stains then wth is soap for :confused:

That has been my question ever since Legend :p !

Linoshi Croft 07-02-13 13:07


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6639610)
But she passed through many waterfalls in the cave demo and she was still dirty D: .

I don't expect her to be automatically clean though and I guess that they didn't really care about whether she would be clean or not at the time :p .

The cave demo is really outdated at this point though.

Mm, I think they must do as throughout the footage it does keep changing..if it's scripted, I don't know.

Gamd1011 07-02-13 13:09

This track screams Tomb Raider. Especially from 1:19 onwards.

The feels. <3 *wipes away tear*

davidmeyer000 07-02-13 13:16

I can't remember if this was confirmed or not, but was the auto-save function confirmed to be returning?

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