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ian2006 01-03-13 22:21


Originally Posted by Indynatelara27 (Post 6679441)
Yeah mine has also been dispatched. Just checked the photo and it was taken at 11.44am this morning. So hopefully I might get it tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Sorry for the confusion in my previous posts as the shopto customer services must have give me false information as having just read my dispatch email it states that they do not dispatch on weekends. I am assuming that they might have got many phone calls about tomb raider and were giving out generic response. Hope yours comes tomorrow as well.

My photo was taken yesterday at 16.43, they must have had quite a few orders to get dispatched then. Hope yours comes tomorrow too :)

MyRaider4Life 01-03-13 22:23

10 minutes until I get my copy, wooooo!

Lio123 01-03-13 22:23

NCFirebolt21 01-03-13 22:24

Is Tomb Raider take up only 10GB of space? Geez, I thought it was gonna be 25GB like Hitman or 35GB like Max Payne 3... Grabbing mine later today so I'm attempting to beat the main game over the weekend...

Indynatelara27 01-03-13 22:24


Originally Posted by ian2006 (Post 6679458)
My photo was taken yesterday at 16.43, they must have had quite a few orders to get dispatched then. Hope yours comes tomorrow too :)


ian2006 01-03-13 22:29

Does the ps3 version have an install to hard drive option for faster load times?

LARA_geek 01-03-13 22:31

OMG Karl you LIAR! there are supernatural elements in the game. I just woke up in a very disturbing room. AMAZING :jmp:

Love2Raid 01-03-13 22:37


Originally Posted by VixenFromHell (Post 6679233)
Yeah, losing all that content wouldn't really be worth it...
Just so frustrating to see all these people already playing it :X

Exactly. Yeah, it is pretty awful. D: First world problems. :p

italibabee 01-03-13 22:41

I want the game now.

zackfarron 01-03-13 22:43

hey guys they added avatar gear on xbox!! you can get laras costume if your a girl, and shirts for guys, her bow, and axe!

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