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_Awestruck_ 20-03-12 18:58


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6051161)
Meagan finished editing the podcast last night. So why not uploading it on the first hour of this day? Isn't it about 2PM in California? :confused:

No, it's only noon there.

And for the record I much prefer these being uploaded on Fridays. I'm not nearly as busy. :p

Tonyrobinson 20-03-12 18:59

Did anyone actually say she was releasing it today or are people just assuming? :o

Lukass 20-03-12 19:00

She was online on the Eidos Official Forums 30mins ago or so and she just announced who won the contest and went off-line.

Doubt we're getting the podcast today.

_Awestruck_ 20-03-12 19:01


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6051170)
Did anyone actually say she was releasing it today or are people just assuming? :o

She said "hopefully" today.!/MeaganMarie/st...03343964983296

Maybe she's holding off till the end of the week. :p

lcroft_lc 20-03-12 19:04


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6051173)
She was online on the Eidos Official Forums 30mins ago or so and she just announced who won the contest and went off-line.

Doubt we're getting the podcast today.

I believe she went to take lunch. After all she is human too. :p

Good night. Will see the "loads of info contained" Podcast tomorrow. :wve:

Tonyrobinson 20-03-12 19:04

Ahh, cool. I think I have her already added on Twitter but I can't recall how many times I've misspelled her name when trying to ask something. :vlol:

JsotoTRSaga 20-03-12 19:10

Good Night lcroft_lc

If she is in Lunch then we might get the podcast in one hour or so when she finishes eating whatever it is she is eating. Karl must be getting lunch too A.K.A a Beer.

lcroft_lc 20-03-12 19:13


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6051214)
Good Night lcroft_lc

If she is in Launch then we might get the podcast in one hour or so when she finishes eating whatever it is she is eating. Karl must be getting lunch too A.K.A a Beer.

I believe she is not going to LAUNCH anything SOON, but taking a LUNCH instead. :p
Good night, now for real. :wve:

Tonyrobinson 20-03-12 19:14

We are all setting ourselves up for impending disappointment. :o

JsotoTRSaga 20-03-12 19:14

LOL srry my 1st language isn't English :p i'l edit Good Night :wve:

Adrenaline 20-03-12 19:19

What!!!? No podcast today? fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

What the?
Tomb Raider reboot,
Soul reaver reboot?,
Wth is next?...


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6051001)
Soon is the new Epic :p

OMFG :vlol: Lara looks hilarious.

larafan25 20-03-12 19:20


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6051223)
We are all setting ourselves up for impending disappointment. :o

over and over again.

jhs270694 20-03-12 19:20

Lol what is this video supposed to demonstrate? :confused:

larafan25 20-03-12 19:21


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 6051248)
Lol what is this video supposed to demonstrate? :confused:

Very little for a very long amount of time. :/

**LARA LOVER** 20-03-12 19:24

Apparently the podcast is ready to go but it just hasn't been uploaded yet! So there's still hope! :p

Here's what Meagan said on twitter, "Just finished editing the podcast.Off to sleepy time now."

Don't get your hopes up to high though! :o

Linoshi Croft 20-03-12 19:26

She's going to I doubt it :p

**LARA LOVER** 20-03-12 19:27


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6051269)
She's going to I doubt it :p

Haha no I'm pretty sure that was from last night! :p

jhs270694 20-03-12 19:28

Ah, i can wait till tomorrow if they don't release it today. i wouldn't put too much faith in there being anything special. But i hope im wrong. My enthusiasm for the game is gone for now but it will eventually return at E3.

Edit: ^

Oh OK lol

Linoshi Croft 20-03-12 19:35


Originally Posted by **LARA LOVER** (Post 6051270)
Haha no I'm pretty sure that was from last night! :p

Oh, I thought you meant from just now...silly me >.< I should of considered the timezones but my brain didn't click.

slavo120 20-03-12 19:38

Maybe nothing new will be in podcast but maybe they say something like "New word for soon is now april" :jmp: ...I still hope that they say us something what coming :hug:

larafan25 20-03-12 19:40

^They said they won't be telling us when the next media drop is. :/

jhs270694 20-03-12 19:40

CD is really good at using antonyms aren't they?

Lukass 20-03-12 19:44

Um, ok, it's not coming today I guess.

Tonyrobinson 20-03-12 19:47

Yeah, It's kinda late now isn't it. :o

Lukass 20-03-12 19:48

Yeah, well at least we had hope that was broken again :vlol: I don't know what's the problem to upload an audio on the internet if it's finished as Meagan said. Oh well...probably they're not ready yet.

Mikky 20-03-12 19:48

So, like, where's the podcast and that?

Rai 20-03-12 19:50

Will people relax, it's not even 1pm yet over there.

Lukass 20-03-12 19:51


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6051320)
So, like, where's the podcast and that?

tampi 20-03-12 19:52


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6050995)

slavo120 20-03-12 19:53


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6051319)
I don't know what's the problem to upload an audio on the internet if it's finished as Meagan said. Oh well...probablythey're not ready yet.

CD trolling again
We have nothing promised for today but if is podcast completed where is problem CD ? :tea:


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6051299)
^They said they won't be telling us when the next media drop is. :/

I didn't know this

jhs270694 20-03-12 19:54

where are these pics coming from?
this is our reaction when we receive no special info in the podcast.

Lukass 20-03-12 19:55

I guess it's some gaming journalist who asked Crystal Dynamics when they're going to reveal something and they replied "Soon".

PS: I googled it.

tampi 20-03-12 19:57

OMG! That face with that signature.

I always have think that they were doing things very diligently.:o

Tonyrobinson 20-03-12 20:00

Meagan tweeted me!


@dewyouth Finishing it up! Once I'm done editing there's a whole upload/RSS process that takes a few hours, hence the wait from last night.

larafan25 20-03-12 20:01

Meagan is uh huro. <3

I love hours, it's such a timeframe.

NRO. 20-03-12 20:02

Oh just use YouTube. Tumblr's uploading sucks.

Lukass 20-03-12 20:02

Few hours means what? Two? Three? April?

Linoshi Croft 20-03-12 20:03

Few tends to mean like 3 hours.

Mikky 20-03-12 20:10

Don't you guys ever learn? This is a "few hours" in CD's eyes. "Soon" means a year, so hours must mean tomorrow. :pi:

[Xmas] 20-03-12 20:16

CD can shake their hands with DerpGa. They are exactly the same.

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