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We spotted in a screenshot above Lara's head what looked to be a shape similar to the top of the giant Buddha statue, but a second... http://i663.photobucket.com/albums/u...fan25/rund.png There's something round up there. |
http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5279/7...edb13749_m.jpg Anyways....the Buddha is connected somehow to the wires, I dare to think, so Rai's theory may be pretty accurate. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7255/7...566d7a9976.jpg |
Remember I showed you that small detail in the screenshot with a wire connecting to a building? http://i663.photobucket.com/albums/u...afan25/stf.png edit: Plus we thought in the screenshot it was a bug from TRU Thailand, but the longer wire can be seen in multiple shots from different angles. |
^ Yes. And isn't that thingy attached to the mountain the Buddha is on?
I hope the story isn't ruined now...:(
There is another wire closer to the area where the radio tower is on... http://i663.photobucket.com/albums/u...arafan25/1.jpg http://i663.photobucket.com/albums/u...arafan25/2.jpg |
We are survivors!! <3
j/k Edit: We should really stop this speculating now. I don't want to ruin the game for myself and the others. We may be wrong, but still...:/ |
LF, I thought that was just a graphical glitch like TRU Thailand?
^So did I but it appears from multiple angles, there is another wire connected to a building, and the concept art shows wires everywhere...soo...
I wonder if we'll see Lara's reaction to that giant statue...I mean...her and Roth meet at that camp, wouldn't she see that giant statue and be like "da fuque"? |
I think that's how they would erect the statue...
This is what happens when CD goes mute for a year. :vlol:
^Yeah, but it seems to be a different material in the concept art.
I want to dive off of that thing into the water below. |
This just in, I think there are at least 3 flags on the spokes of the Buddha's head, but maybe 5...
http://i663.photobucket.com/albums/u...arafan25/5.png It makes sense that you can't see two of them that well because of the direction the wind is blowing in. Quote:
Or at least she'll drown, we like killing her anyways. |
what I was trying to say, that TR is supposed to be realistic, whereas Ezio jumps from 30 metres high tower to a bundle of straw :p |
As for the water being deep, the main waterfall in the hub flows out in that direction, and so do the waterfalls by the Buddha statue, fall down that way. In fact it looks like that is the ocean behind the base camp, so I'm sure it's deep. edit: I think she's going to have to float on water, she must. Why have we not asked this yet? ._. |
Why would she just float in water? That is really lame. ._.
We know she can wade in water up to her neck, but we don't know what happens after that, all we know is there is no systemic swimming. So I'm curious, like in TRL England, can Lara float across the surface of the water but not go under? Or will she just hit a wall? |
Oh so you mean swim only on the surface? Doubt it... no swimming means no swimming.
I'm assuming they wouldn't put situations in which water was over her head for this reason. |
In this shot... http://driber.net/os/tr9/Village_2.jpg What could be at the base of those giant mountains? Below that drop beside the base camp? Water right? So she must just die then, if she goes into that water? I know this is theoretical water though, but if there was water there, then the result of falling into that water would be death...I assume... |
It's probably a cliff which results in death. Like much of the first Uncharted.
I just want the entire world to be reachable, even if I die from jumping off that Buddha. IDK. I'm confused. edit: Wait, why couldn't you just see her head bounce around in the water? She did that in the E3 demo, so couldn't we do that? |
We'll know when we get the game I guess. |
I wish today was June 6th...
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