![]() |
Well don't any of the other screenshots look good?
Also, what is unrealistic about Lara's position in the three? |
No, the pose is realistic imo, when you take the camera angle into consideration.
The game looks great in that shot. :tmb: But wait till you see the ultra HD version of the screen. It's so awful that I don't even want to post it here. :o |
^Oh the super big version? Yeah it must be stretched or something, it looks weird.
I'll believe anything they say over you're assumptions. :/ They're doing things they have never done before with TR or any of their other games, the development is providing challenges and they need more time. Not a big deal, not some crazy cover up. |
Yeah, that one. D:
"The game's been put back, sorry about that. And to show how sorry we are and what we think of you, have a crap quality pic..." Quote:
I cannot wait to be proven wrong though :). |
Swimming wasn't a priority, Lara is not going underwater to find some sunken ruins in the game, there was no need for her to go underwater so they decided we didn't need a full-fledged swimming mechanic. You are going to give yourself gray hairs for constantly assuming and making the worst out of everything. Quote:
It's also not about it being just a game, it's about it being a game. "Just" implies that because it's a game there is no reason to strive for realism, the opposite implies that because it's a game realism in this case (which isn't realism it's a really odd nitpick) has been overruled by fun/ art/ entertainment purposes. The purpose of the layer of realism is to ground what happens in the game, grounding it in realism. Not stifling the game's ability to be fun and entertaining and exaggerated for the purpose of realism, but taking what has been chosen from an artistic and entertainment standpoint and making it seem believable. But regardless of all this stuff (which I seem to be the only person to think about), this doesn't even seem to be an issue. Who climbs a tree like that? Who cares? :/ Every time I place a lever switch in one of my levels to find out I can't reach the action point, I ask myself "who pushed a lever switch instead of pulling?". Anyways, who in their right mind would get on a ship after watching the Titanic? Etc... edit: and I'm not trying to prove you wrong, it just seems like such a non-issue to me. How is the way she climbs a tree an issue? Especially when it's one frame of an animation? |
And if swimming isn't a priority, why give priority to stuff like hunting pointless animals? That never even existed before, yet it seems to have jumped to near the top of the list of things Crystal want to hype about the game. |
"This isn't (insert Mario, Silent Hill, Uncharted, Sims, Elder Scrolls, etccc)" When one action is more prevalent and important in the game than another, and you can't make th other, which do you cut? The one which is the most prevalent so that the gaming community loves you and doesn't get to play the game for why they truly love it. <3 Nope, of course you cut the other one. It seems clear to me that CD are doing something quite different with this game which changes the depths of the combat and physics mechanics, and maybe even platforming. We've seen Lara enter water, we know that if there is water for her to wade in our exploration will not be restricted. All we don't know about is what happens when Lara meets deep water or if she will meet deep water. Quote:
Why put hunting animals near the top of the priorities list? IDK. Would you rather hunt animals or swim? Hunting animals seems to be a more....a larger part of the game's theme and story than swimming. Though, drowning might be a different story. If we're to argue that because the island is surrounded by water Lara she swim because water is so prevalent, etc... then we could argue that it's what happens on the island which matters. |
Hmm, maybe the delay has something to do with swimming. Not that likely but I never really considered it an option until I remembered that CD was having troubles with it before :confused:
TBH I think they could have out it in if they wanted to but they're too lazy/can't work out their own engine. "Swimming doesn't fit this game" is a scrotum-load of old ****. It's a ****ing island, of course there's going to be water. |
Just because there's water around the island doesn't make it a priority, as the game is about what happens on the island. We can wade the **** into water, seamlessness, believability, immersion doesn't seem to have been broken yet. We just can't swim. edit: Also I think CD are lazy for not making a game which was a long as the entire series up to this point with every action I can do as a featured game mechanic. Lazy buggers. Quote:
Perhaps people would be more forgiving if the setting was a desert. |
I could care less about swimming. It wasn't a huge issue in previous CD games. It makes sense they would cut it out or not even develop it to focus on other aspects that will be new. It was barely used in their games anyways. I'd rather them take a risk and pull it off, then implement the same old thing and not have it change.
So do I. :pi:
She's Lara Croft, she's supposed to explore tombs and swimming has always been a part of that. She's not the female Crocodile Dundee. I personally couldn't care less for 'surviving', I just want to climb ledges, jump across spike traps, raid tombs and find secrets. |
Hunting as opposed to frolicking about enemy heads is supposedly more exploration-based as you actually have to hunt the animal. Just think of it like finding secrets that you have to kill. |
Again, it doesn't need to be a priority to feature. They're lazy for not doing something which has been done in games, INCLUDING TOMB RAIDER, since like, the 1980's. |
Did we enter those combat scenarios based on a necessity? Maybe there was the odd scripted encounter to gain an item, but we never had to go chasing pigs to eat. Quote:
That's how the hunting comes across to me at the moment. I can't say that's what it is until I play the game. Until then, everything about it screams rubbish. |
I can see why people would want swimming...and I can totally understand the sentiment that exploring takes priority over anything combat-oriented.
Buttt... Swimming in the past three games, I'd argue much like platforming has simply been a means of getting around. I would rather hunt a rabbit through a hub in the new game the way it looks to be, than swim in a hub the way swimming has been in the past three games. Of course people would argue that more than swimming was broken in the past games, so given that idea, why not assume that everything else is being fixed (especially land exploration which I truly have faith in) while swimming waits on the sidelines for at least one game. If we're getting a hub system which provides better and more exploration than the past TR level structure, might that not make up for a little bit of missing and possibly linear swimming? I think an issue with the TR series has been that so many features come to be tradition and expected, that there is less room for quality when it comes to stacking up all that quantity from past installments. Scrape it all off and start adding in quality mechanics instead of just throwing everything back into the game and adding some good new stuff. |
Both are combat, though one type of combat includes exploration. Quote:
If our draining health proves not to be draining at a pace which is urgent, then do you find it to be an issue that we should hunt animals which run from us as opposed to attack us? You seem to be looking at this from the perspective of it being a mandatory drag, but if it weren't mandatory then would a gamer enjoy the possible challenge of hunting the prey? In fact why not just think of it as a mandatory boss in the sense that it has something you need to progress, so you must kill it? We know there are other ways of getting food. |
Wow, I ****ing hate this forum right now.
Some of you are being cocky bigots who seem to think your assumptions are facts. Please grow up a little bit. |
Even if hunting is mandatory, so was a lot of things in previous games. Swimming, running, jumping, killing some of the animals.... All these things were mandatory and no one whined about it. Get over it and enjoy the abilities that the game has. |
Every time I enter this thread and see you guys discussing I'm like
http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m139ytFbYm1r2kwel.gif :o |
Wouldn't part of growing up be accepting different opinions even if you don't like them? :/
Alrighty, time for a positive remark, I do love her muscle definition in the new screenshot :).
Her hair seems lighter, is that because it's daytime? Is it daytime? I wonder.
There is a river, that seems nice. We can't swi- nevermind. :pi: |
------------------------------- Anyway, I like her hands. |
^Don't I accept others opinions?
Hmm...then I wonder which day it is. Day four is the wolf's den ...I think, so this must be day 2 or 3...I think it's day 3. I think it's the day she escapes the scavenger den. |
She looks very clean...
Were you talking about this picture?
http://driber.net/os/tr9/The%20Reach_lanscape.jpg I don't see any HD in it! The Quality sucks!... http://driber.net/os/tr9/Lara-Injured_HQ.jpg That's what I call HD... |
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