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Kelly Craftman 11-06-12 19:28


Originally Posted by Nemo_91 (Post 6249268)
I wouldn't be surprised.


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6249273)
OMG! She sent me one too! :jmp:

Err what about me :(

Weemanply109 11-06-12 19:28

I doubt she sent NRO one.

The reason she sent me it was in reply to an inquiry I sent her a few days ago. She just replied today.

Alexander990 11-06-12 19:29


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6249274)

I'm not that innocent. Okay?

Also, I'm not that evil either.

Gurl, bye.

Gurl, tell us.:mis:

Nemo_91 11-06-12 19:29

I know what it is.

NRO. 11-06-12 19:29


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6249277)
I doubt she sent NRO one.

The reason she sent me it was in reply to an inquiry I sent her a few days ago. She just replied today.

You could've played along and we could have fooled people. D:

Kelly Craftman 11-06-12 19:30

Im wearing hoop earrings so I don't like to be out of the loop guies.

Alexander990 11-06-12 19:30


Originally Posted by Nemo_91 (Post 6249279)
I know what it is.

Me too, we're all banned.

King.Louie 11-06-12 19:30

Y'all spit it out!! :smk:

Kelly Craftman 11-06-12 19:30


Originally Posted by Alexander990 (Post 6249285)
Me too, we're all banned.

Err Gabi loves me. Speak for yourself :p

Nemo_91 11-06-12 19:34

It's probably that we're allowed to post videos that has explicit language. :mis:

Kelly Craftman 11-06-12 19:35


Originally Posted by Nemo_91 (Post 6249298)
It's probably that we're allowed to post videos that has explicit language. :mis:

Or not for that matter :p

Alexander990 11-06-12 19:35


Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 6249290)
Err Gabi loves me. Speak for yourself :p

What an honor! :p

Weemanply109 11-06-12 19:41

Ok, since Justin called the shots. I'm gonna just spit it out like a chewed cabbage.

Posting gameplay videos of TR containing swearing is now permitted, however, the rule only applies to the new Tomb Raider game and is no exception for other media.

And that doesn't mean you can post the leaked gameplay footage, btw. xoxo

Don't blame me for getting your hopes up, I never said it was a huge revelation. :mis:

@ Nemo_91: You're wrong, atleast in the way you worded it. It only applies to Tomb Raider content. :mis:

I think a thread should be created warning this to everyone, tbh.

NRO. 11-06-12 19:44

w000t! :jmp:

Kelly Craftman 11-06-12 19:45


Originally Posted by Alexander990 (Post 6249304)
What an honor! :p

It is. ;)

Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6249319)
Ok, since Justin called the shots. I'm gonna just spit it out like a chewed cabbage.

Posting gameplay videos of TR containing swearing is now permitted, however, the rule only applies to the new Tomb Raider game and is no exception for other media.

And that doesn't mean you can post the leaked gameplay footage, btw. xoxo

Don't blame me for getting your hopes up, I never said it was a huge revelation. :mis:

@ Nemo_91: You're wrong, atleast in the way you worded it. It only applies to Tomb Raider content. :mis:

I think a thread should be created warning this to everyone, tbh.

There is a god. /LaraCroftLegend.

Nemo_91 11-06-12 19:45

But there aren't any other TR videos that has swearing in them lmao

There will be tho, probably.

Kelly Craftman 11-06-12 19:47


Originally Posted by Nemo_91 (Post 6249329)
But there aren't any other TR videos that has swearing in them lmao

There will be tho, probably.

Wasn't there swearing in the leaked Gameplay that I may or may not have seen?

Nemo_91 11-06-12 19:47


Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 6249331)
Wasn't there swearing in the leaked Gameplay that I may or may not have seen?

Yeah, I mean besides that video. But we can't even post it... yet :p

Kelly Craftman 11-06-12 19:49


Originally Posted by Nemo_91 (Post 6249333)
Yeah, I mean besides that video. But we can't even post it... yet :p

How about someone swearing in a video they posted about Tomb Raider, Would that still count? :whi:

Weemanply109 11-06-12 19:52


Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 6249337)
How about someone swearing in a video they posted about Tomb Raider, Would that still count? :whi:

Oh, what a dilemma.

Kelly Craftman 11-06-12 19:56


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6249347)
Oh, what a dilemma.

Im such a Femme Fatale.

Tommy123 11-06-12 19:57

What if Lara has a nip slip? Can we post that video?

Weemanply109 11-06-12 19:58



Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 6249362)
Im such a Femme Fatale.


When will Britney ever?

klona 12-06-12 12:48

I found this on Twitter.
French PlayStation Magazine?

lcroft_lc 12-06-12 13:25

:jmp: More coverage. :D
This was posted before though, somewhere in this bunch of ****load of posts. :p

Only TR lover 12-06-12 20:57

Anybody noticed how in the trailer in 1st scene Lara doesn't have a gun and than immediately after that she has a gun in her holster? :)


TippingWater 12-06-12 21:09


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6251457)
Anybody noticed how in the trailer in 1st scene Lara doesn't have a gun and than immediately after that she has a gun in her holster? :)


Oh it seems like the gun bugs from previous games are back :o.

Weemanply109 12-06-12 21:14


That bitch could've wiped them out without all that drama.

Linoshi Croft 12-06-12 22:03


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6251480)
Oh it seems like the gun bugs from previous games are back :o.

The gun was never in her holster though. It was taken off the guy wasn't it :confused:

larafan25 12-06-12 23:23


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6251580)
The gun was never in her holster though. It was taken off the guy wasn't it :confused:

Yeya, but during that struggle she should be holding it at his face.

Tomb_of_Darkns 13-06-12 00:52

GUYS i was able to slow down that video in the leaked demo (all the fire and stuff) and i was able to get the pic where his head gets blown off! SO this game isn't blacking it out as i thought they were. Look.
Edit: nevermind :p Still it was gory haha
I thought it was interesting and yay for gory deaths that will traumatize us! :p

Spong 13-06-12 01:09

^If that's an image from the leaked vid, I'd take it down before you get in trouble. You're not allowed to post any content from it ;)

Tear 13-06-12 01:12


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6250598)

They should have showed Sam at the end going, "Oh hai Lara!" XD

Stevo505 13-06-12 01:15


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6250598)
:jmp: More coverage. :D
This was posted before though, somewhere in this bunch of ****load of posts. :p

This should have been the gameplay trailer... :vlol:

TRexbait 13-06-12 01:59

For some reason, I find the tiny stumble she makes in the den -the one on her way to Stef- the funniest. It's the only legitimate "klutzy" moment in the vid. :p

TippingWater 13-06-12 02:02


Originally Posted by Tomb_of_Darkns (Post 6251817)
GUYS i was able to slow down that video in the leaked demo (all the fire and stuff) and i was able to get the pic where his head gets blown off! SO this game isn't blacking it out as i thought they were. Look.
Edit: nevermind :p Still it was gory haha
I thought it was interesting and yay for gory deaths that will traumatize us! :p

So there is a version that actually shows that? :o

tomee 13-06-12 18:04


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6250598)
:jmp: More coverage. :D
This was posted before though, somewhere in this bunch of ****load of posts. :p

enchanting. :hug:

lcroft_lc 13-06-12 18:34


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6251845)
This should have been the gameplay trailer... :vlol:

This should be titled as Tomb Raider: The Fall of Lara Croft. :D

NRO. 13-06-12 19:22

I just hope that Eidos/Squeenix won't pull an Underworld again. ._.

just*raidin*tomb 13-06-12 19:24


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6253431)
I just hope that Eidos/Squeenix won't pull an Underworld again. ._.

Oh god why.

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