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BinRaider 15-06-12 15:37


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6257344)
I doubt it somehow. Although, I'm confused on how they can possibly stop maybe, but I'm sceptical.

Were only allowed to explore hubs so we probably wont be able to explore a lot of the island tbh

leglion 15-06-12 15:39


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6257351)
Were only allowed to explore hubs so we probably wont be able to explore a lot of the island tbh

There are also hunting areas also and that forest fits the bill.

larafan25 15-06-12 15:39


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6257344)
I doubt it somehow. Although, I'm confused on how they can possibly stop maybe, but I'm sceptical.

That's the only reason I even considered it. Because there's a giant forest and she falls in it, and then limps out and we take control. Maybe there a little bit...

But if there is just a wall behind us (of some sort) than how would we travel between hubs to revisit without fast travel? :/

Linoshi Croft 15-06-12 15:42


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6257359)
That's the only reason I even considered it. Because there's a giant forest and she falls in it, and then limps out and we take control. Maybe there a little bit...

But if there is just a wall behind us (of some sort) than how would we travel between hubs to revisit without fast travel? :/

I don't see us being able to..:/
Especially, after she fell down from an entire mountain.

larafan25 15-06-12 15:42


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6257371)
I don't see us being able to..:/ know what...there may be a giant forest behind us we just can't explore...but look on the bright side, we're sandwiched between another giant space which we can explore (I think).

Linoshi Croft 15-06-12 15:45


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6257374) know what...there may be a giant forest behind us we just can't explore...but look on the bright side, we're sandwiched between another giant space which we can explore (I think).

The area looked heavily inhabited. It'll probably be another combat section, I think you'll have to get through the area using stealth. Maybe, that's where Sam is?

lcroft_lc 15-06-12 15:52


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6257327)
Do you guise think we can explore some of that forest Lara parachutes through?
Because she lands in the forest and then walks out a bit, and we take control of her. Maybe we can go backwards and explore?

I am more interested about the place seen where the demo ends. Its a tease of a HUB. Can't wait to see it. I hope they will show the Hub at Gamescom. :)

tampi 15-06-12 16:40

I had not had time to look at the photos from E3 so far.
They are excellent! The atmosphere of E3 is impressive. Thanks for these photos and to have the opportunity to feel the whole event. :tmb:

LNSNHGTDS 15-06-12 16:41

To be honest I think that the area shown in the end of the demo is way too complex to be a hub, it can be a place similar to the one on top of the mountain? Or, better yet, the scavengers' "headquarters" !

I'm really curious to see how places will be when we return to them after Lara has passed through...

Weemanply109 15-06-12 16:46

No, it was mentioned in an interview that the area at the end of the E3 demo was a hub.

klona 15-06-12 16:56


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6257490)
No, it was mentioned in an interview that the area at the end of the E3 demo was a hub.

I think I understand how everything works now! :eek:

Weemanply109 15-06-12 16:58


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6257518)
I think I understand how everything works now! :eek:


Kelly Craftman 15-06-12 17:06


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6257490)
No, it was mentioned in an interview that the area at the end of the E3 demo was a hub.

Didnt Darrell just say that there where huds to explore. Not sure he specifically meant that area or just in general.

Weemanply109 15-06-12 17:38

Nope, I'm certain it was Karl that said it, but it was said that a hub was hinted at the end of the E3 presentation demo.

klona 15-06-12 17:41


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6257523)
Forgot to label the orange one, It's the Bridge.

Spong 15-06-12 17:42


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6257605)

That looks more exciting than the game I believe Crystal are making. My imagination of the 'map' to TR9 looks like this...

START >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FINISH

klona 15-06-12 17:44


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6257607)
That looks more exciting than the game I believe Crystal are making. My imagination of the 'map' to TR9 looks like this...

START >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FINISH

Cool Map.
Do it with colors, I'm bored. :p

Killercowz 15-06-12 17:48


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6257597)
Nope, I'm certain it was Karl that said it, but it was said that a hub was hinted at the end of the E3 presentation demo.

Yeah,he said it was the smallest hub or something along those lines.

tampi 15-06-12 17:53


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6257518)
I think I understand how everything works now! :eek:


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6257605)
Forgot to label the orange one, It's the Bridge.


:vlol: Explain me please!
I don't understand anything now! :D

klona 15-06-12 17:58


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6257634)

:vlol: Explain me please!
I don't understand anything now! :D

Yes you do. :p

Weemanply109 15-06-12 18:05


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6257605)
Forgot to label the orange one, It's the Bridge.

Oh. Good work. That's pretty much how I had visualized it too besides the pink area.

larafan25 16-06-12 01:56

Yall what is the second icon on this super cool card?

leglion 16-06-12 01:58

Reminds me of a bullet or a maybe it's a really small.... I better not say. :pi:

Tomb_of_Darkns 16-06-12 01:59


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6258592)
Yall what is the second icon on this super cool card?

It kinda looks like an exploding bullet :confused: Its definitely not a grenade. So maybe it just means there will be a gun? thats all i got :p

Weemanply109 16-06-12 02:00

Incendiary bullets?

larafan25 16-06-12 02:01

^Wut is that ?

Makes me think of a flash grenade.

Weemanply109 16-06-12 02:01

Gurl, no.

larafan25 16-06-12 02:03

Oh it's an incendiary grenade.

Weemanply109 16-06-12 02:04


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6258606)
Oh it's an incendiary grenade.

Oh my god.


Tomb_of_Darkns 16-06-12 02:04


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6258599)
Incendiary bullets?

Ooh i just looked it up, thas nice ya. trail of blue. ya ya. But its short range :/

larafan25 16-06-12 02:08

Everyone should be forced to watch this again to remember how awesome the combat is.

Dat flaming arrow

Dat crouch an arms

Dat arrow aiming

Dat arrow to le leg

Dat shotgun run

Dat shotgun shooting barrels

Dat flaming arrow lighting oil

Dat arrow shooting lamp causing fire like in Skyrim thing

Dat powerful gunz

Dat gurl is gud

Tomb_of_Darkns 16-06-12 02:10

Dat arrow to da throat.

Lesbihonest, dis combat is da shizniz

EDIT: did anyone else notice the way that guy fell after being shot in the head? Me likey

leglion 16-06-12 02:10

Ooo the rock cover even crumbles when he shoots at them!

Stevo505 16-06-12 02:10

She can take bullets to the head like a champ.

leglion 16-06-12 02:11


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6258624)
She can take bullets to the head like a champ.

Thy were playing on god mode.

larafan25 16-06-12 02:13

God...I just love that it's actually probably going to be difficult. Obviously they were using a bullet-proof Lara for the demo, but the part where she jumps onto the top level and shoots at the guys below, it's actually going to be a challenge to get this without getting hurt.

I also can't wait to fend off wolves in real time with the manual aiming, and to avoid them with the roll and not let them grab my leg.

Everything about this game minus the QTE - Cinematic - aspect is sooogoood.

_Awestruck_ 16-06-12 02:14


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6258618)
Everyone should be forced to watch this again to remember how awesome the combat is.

Dat flaming arrow

Dat crouch an arms

Dat arrow aiming

Dat arrow to le leg

Dat shotgun run

Dat shotgun shooting barrels

Dat flaming arrow lighting oil

Dat arrow shooting lamp causing fire like in Skyrim thing

Dat powerful gunz

Dat gurl is gud

When she first draws the shotgun to shoot the wall, there's something to her left that looks like a pickup.


Linoshi Croft 16-06-12 02:14

I hope the wolf AI is brutal. Heck, I hope all the AI is.

MyRaider4Life 16-06-12 02:16


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6258623)
Ooo the rock cover even crumbles when he shoots at them!

That's what I loved most about the demo. :p The enemies weapons reacted with the environment. <3

Stevo505 16-06-12 02:16


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6258626)
Thy were playing on god mode.

I know I was just making a joke :p

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