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I'm sure we'll see all the content we want when the game is released in March. :p
Like they don't remember what they said and promised.
If there are still moves and items we haven't seen when the game comes out, I will literally have TRF on as I play for the first time, and freak out about everything.
edit: OMG I can't wait to see this place when the game comes out, we'll know the ending and talk about it (in spoilers tags)! |
I don't know if I'm ready because that will mean waiting a few years until the next game.
:vlol:!! |
Look at that. It looks like she's hanging on a rock. Could be the climbing. But she's weirdly hanging, using just one hand, almost looks like she's about to fall down...
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8455/8...42847c2a_z.jpg I also see a big pagoda in the distance... http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8038/8...12333892c4.jpg |
She's falling or floating, as her other arm is up too.
I like that she's way up in a mountain, but I feel like we won't actually be able to go up in the mountains. |
^ Hmm...I can imagine some tomb/cave entrance up a mountain face, and in order to get there Lara needs to complete a "climbing" level - like a very vertical level on the edge of the mountain with a lot of climbing involved. :o
I also guess some of the hub 'connections' will take us through the mountains, like a super-cool and exotic mountain trail. That kind of thing has so much potential IMO! Just imagine, meandering through caves, old temple ruins, natural arches...that would be, like, SOOOOOO epic. But yeah, I don't think we'll be able to walk away in any direction we want. :( But who knows, if they put more effort into a smaller area of the island, that would be better in some ways... |
Guys, is there a date for an official release of a demo?
So that means we won't get a public demo until next year?
I've known most demos to come out a month or a few weeks before the games release. |
Thank you Evan.C! I hope we get a public demo soon! Can't really wait to play it!!
I'D PLAY a demo forever.
I'd love one. ._. |
Indeed. It looks like those videos we've been seeing so far, are from a longer public demo, maybe they release it someday soon. Our country is unable to afford events like these. :(
ಠ_ಠ |
In the podCAAAst.
They estimated it could be out about a week after the podcast, so sooon .SUNE. |
I so knew it. :( |
Does anyone know how many Episodes are in total?
you mean final hours?
Possibly four, a maximum of five in my guess. :)
Sorry for posting few off-topics in this post. :o
Since Far Cry 3 is being set on an island and it has some similar stuffs like Tomb Raider, here is some screens from Far Cry 3 Eurogamer 2012 stage demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=gW2NlUmNbqc http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/a...ookIslands.jpg The island of Far Cry 3 is called Rook Islands. http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/a...s/StartMap.jpg That's how the map starts off above - Blank. Far Cry 3 has territory control stuffs. http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/a...ostilearea.jpg The red area is populated with the enemy - dangerous areas (uncleared) http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/a...etakenarea.jpg Green is safe areas that have already been taken http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/a...ingmedical.jpg There is CRAFTING in Far Cry 3, and it has the following topics.
I hope some bigger images of these pics below filter through. http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/a.../newimage2.jpg http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/a.../newimage4.jpg http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/a.../newimage3.jpg http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/a.../newimages.jpg The last one looks like a Tomb. |
I'm pretty sure we're just getting a casual action adventure games with the context of an island, hunting, scavenging, etc...
Context. :/ |
There's a lot of tombs to explore on Far Cry 3, and there's an excluside DLC from Assassin's Creed 3 that's about a tomb in Mexico, and looks amazing. You can clearly see the graphical difference between FC3 and TR *_*
TR seriously needs to go open world in the next game.
It doesn't need to be Far Cry, but it needs to ditch the cinematic Uncharted stuff and go open world. |
Looks like fun. And IMO, the next TR is going to be an Open World, with day/night cycle, weather system and bigger than the island of Just Cause 2. That would be a MEGA-BOMB. |
^They didn't because they couldn't make it Uncharted and open world at the same time, apparently. ._.
They cared too much about story. Quote:
What I want from all these other games like AC, is how they play. TR feels like a mashed up bunch of cutscenes and cinematic moments. I just want to do stuff, with the mechanics, on my own. |
http://www.tombraiderforums.com/show...&postcount=150 Its very high. I doubt TR graphics will reach near it, even though its still 5 months away. |
I keep getting this feeling of "blue" and "caves" for the next game.
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